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Lexica - grammatical exercises

III. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words.

- розпад Радянського Союзу

- діяльність міліції

- розшукова діяльність

- захищати права і свободи громадян


- громадська безпека

- виконавча влада

- штат міліції

- стан здоров’я

- спеціальне звання

- кримiнально- процесуальний.

IV. Explain the meanings of the following words. Make up sentences with them.

to serve




V. Translate into English.

1) Діяльність міліції основана на принципах законності, гуманізму, поваги до особи, соціальної справедливості.

2) Міліція виконує свої задачі неупереджено, з точним дотриманням закону.

3) Працівник міліції є представником державного органу виконавчої влади.

4) Працівник міліції знаходиться під захистом закону.

VI. Answer the questions.

1) When was militia of Ukraine created?

2) What laws are regulated the activity of militia?

3) What is ‘militia’?

4) What functions does Militia perform?

5) What is it composed of?

6) Who serves in militia?

VII. Work in groups. Discuss:

1) The activity of different militia departments.

VIII. Translate the words. Insert the right word into the sentence.

- Union [ju:njen]

- Unite [ju:naite]

- Unit [ju:nit]

- Unity [ju:nity]

1) What country are you from?

- I’m from the former….

2) The festivals of songs and films…youth.

3) Is pound still used as…of weight in Britain?

4) Sometimes the…of opinion is not the best thing.

IX. Narrate the text.

X. Put the following into the plural.

Model: The student goes to the university,- The students go to the university.

1. The girl learns English. 2. My friend gets up early. 3. The worker comes home at six. 4. My brother works in the office. 5. His uncle lives in Odessa. 6. The bus runs quickly. 7. He knows all about engines. 8. She loves her parents. 9. His sister knows Spanish. 10. The taxi goes through the town.

XI. Put the following into the singular.

Model: The students work hard,- The student works hard.

1. The engineers go to the plant. 2. The students do their homework. 3. The trees grow well. 4. The cadets go in for sports. 5. My friends study English. 6. The girls sing very well. 7. My friends call me Vic. 8. The pupils look straight into my face. 9. The old women talk about the weather. 10. The schoolgirls here wear striped jackets and blue skirts.

XII Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.

1. The children drink coffee in the evening. 2. Her sister dances very well. 3. Our grandmother grows potatoes. 4. The students remember this rule. 5. Nick goes to bed at ten. 6. They listen to the radio in the morning. 7. You meet him every day. 8. It often snows in November. 9. You want to play chess with him. 10. His mother teaches geography at school. 11. My cousin wants to become a doctor. 12. She takes a bus.