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учебник практический курс анг.языка.doc
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VIII. Fill in the blanks with am, is, are.

1. I ... a future lawyer. 2. This man ... a farmer. 3. My friend ... in the garden. 4. We... students. 5. My father... a judge. 6. The pupils... in the classroom. 7. She... an engineer. 8.I ... busy. 9. My investigator ... young. 10. They ... in the park. 11. I…. a law student. 12. … this good news? Yes, it … . 13. My brother …. a lawyer. He ….. at work with his clients.…… he very busy? Yes, he …. 14 ….. she a young lady? No.. she :…. not. 15. They … always absent at the lectures. …you American? Yes, I ….. 16. Whose these clothes ?

IX. Make the following interrogative and negative.

1. You are an engineer. 2. His little brother is a schoolboy. 3. Her parents are at home. 4. Our teacher is at the library. 5. The cars are in the street. 6. The theatre is in the centre of the town. 7. My cousin is at school. 8. They are good sportsmen. 9. His father is a lawyer. 10. The street is narrow. 11. I’m from Ukraine. 12. Pete is still in the Institute .13. Nell is at home. 14. Steve and Jane are secretaries. 15. Jane's Pete's girl- friend. She is at work now. 16. The students are at the lecture in Theory of State and Law.

X. Translate the following into English.

А 1. Мій батько - юрист. 2. Наш учитель зараз у Києві. 3. Твоя сестра дома? 4. Петро не хворий. 5. Де твій брат? Його нема в кімнаті. 6. Ми в школі. 7. Трактори в полі. 8. Ольга вдома? 9. Його батько зараз дуже стомлений. 10. Хто твоя сестра? Вона лікар. 11. Її дочка в Києві? Hi, вона не в Києві, вона у Львові. 12. Студенти в аудиторії? Hi, вони в кафе. 13. Де твоя ручка? Вона в кармані. 14. Де твої книжки? Вони в папці. 15. Де географічна карта? Вона на стіні. 16. Газети на столі. 17. Якого кольору твоя ручка? Моя ручка червона. 18. Якого кольору стіни? Вони білі. 19. Де ти? Я в деканаті. 20. Чому тут нема Петра? Він у начальника в кабінеті.

В 1. Я студент 1- го курсу. Мені 17 років. 2. Він адвокат. Він у конторі кожен день. 3.Стів американець? Hi, він англієць. 4. Джейн секретар у суді. Вона зараз дуже зайнята. 5. Де студенти? Вони на лекції. 6. Нелі француженка? Hi, вона англійка.7. Ви росіянин? Hi, я українець. 8. Цей викладач зараз в інституті? Так. 9. Він вдома? Ні, Він завжди на роботі у цей час. 10.Її батько поліцейський? Так. 11. Скільки їм років? Їм 18. 12. Хто твоя сестра? Вона суддя.

XI. Change the verb to be into the Past Simple.

1.I am a student. 2. They are at university. 3. His father is a lawyer. 4.She is a student. 5. You are tired.6. His parents are lecturers. 7. The cadets are at the theatre. 8. Peter is ill. 9. Is a lawyer at the office? 10. Are you ready to go there?

XII. Make the following interrogative and negative.

1.Nick was at home at that time. 2. You were angry with me. 3. The little girl was afraid of dogs. 4. We were ready to have a test in English. 5. The baby was asleep. 6. The students were at the stadium yesterday. 7. You were glad to hear this news. 8. Her parents were at the cinema last night. 9. The house was the finest in the street. 10. They were silent for a while.

XIII. Change the verb to be into the Future Simple.

1. The weather is very nice today. 2. I am not fond of music. 3. This case is very heavy. 4. These cases are very heavy. 5. The dog is asleep. 6. I am hot! Can you open the window, please? 7. The castle is one thousand years old. 8. My brother and I are good players. 9. I am a student. 10. My sister is a lawyer.

XIV. Use possessive pronouns.

1) I'm a teacher… name is Jane. 2) Ted is a cadet. ... marks are good. 3) Steve and Nell work at the college. ... work is difficult but very interesting. 4) Please give me ... note- book, Pete. 5) We're lawyers. ... friends are lawyers too. 6) Mary has got two sons. ... sons are students.

Text B

I. New words and combination of words

junior and senior complement of militia – молодший і старший

кoмандний склад міліції

to promulgate an edict – прийняти наказ

to be subordinated to – бути підпорядкованим

to provide - забезпечувати

scientific- науковий

Militia special high school – Вища школа міліції

еxperience- досвід

II. Read and translate the text.