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COLLINS Birmingham University International Language Database




COLLINS London and Glasgow

Collins ELT

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COBUILD is a trademark of William Collins Sons & Co Ltd

©William Collins Sons & Co Ltd 1990

First published 1990

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Alt rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission in writing of the Publisher.

ISBN 0 00 370257 X Paperback

ISBN 0 00 375025 6 Cased

Printed and bound in Great Britain by Richard Clay Ltd, Bungay, Suffolk

NOTE Entered words that we have reason to believe constitute trademarks have been designated as such. However, neither the presence nor absence of such designation should be lrAfyed as affecting the legal status of any trademark.


Contents 1

Editorial team 6

Introduction 6

Note on Examples 10

Guide to the Use of the Grammar 11

Glossary of grammatical terms 13

Cobuild Grammar Chart 21

Contents of Chapter 1 22

1 Referring to people and things 22

Introduction to the noun group 22

Identifying people and things: nouns 24

Things which can be counted: count nouns 25

Things not usually counted: uncount nouns 27

When there is only one of something: singular nouns 29

Referring to more than one thing: plural nouns 30

Referring to groups: collective nouns 32

Referring to people and things by name: proper nouns 33

Nouns which are rarely used alone 34

Sharing the same quality: adjectives as headwords 35

Nouns referring to males or females 36

Referring to activities and processes: '-ing' nouns 37

Specifying more exactly: compound nouns 37

Referring to people and things without naming them: pronouns 40

Referring to people and things: personal pronouns 40

Mentioning possession: possessive pronouns 42

Referring back to the subject: reflexive pronouns 43

Referring to a particular person or thing: demonstrative pronouns 44

Referring to people and things in a general way: indefinite pronouns 45

Showing that two people do the same thing: reciprocal pronouns 47

Joining clauses together: relative pronouns 47

Asking questions: interrogative pronouns 48

Other pronouns 48

Identifying what you are talking about: determiners 50

The specific way: using 'the' 50

The specific way: using 'this', 'that', 'these', and 'those' 53

The specific way: using possessive determiners 54

The general way 56

The general way: using 'a' and 'an' 57

The general way: other determiners 58

Contents of Chapter 2 61

2 Giving information about people and things 62

Introduction 62

Describing things: adjectives 62

Information focusing: adjective structures 64

Identifying qualities: qualitative adjectives 64

Identifying the class that something belongs to: classifying adjectives 65

Identifying colours: colour adjectives 66

Showing strong feelings: emphasizing adjectives 67

Making the reference more precise: postdeterminers 67

Special classes of adjectives 68

Position of adjectives in noun groups 70

Special forms: '-ing' adjectives 71

Special forms: '-ed' adjectives 73

Compound adjectives 76

Comparing things: comparatives 77

Comparing things: superlatives 79

Other ways of comparing things: saying that things are similar 80

Indicating different amounts of a quality: submodifiers 83

Indicating the degree of difference: submodifiers in comparison 86

Modifying using nouns: noun modifiers 88

Indicating possession or association: possessive structures 89

Indicating close connection: apostrophe s ('s) 90

Other structures with apostrophe s ('s) 90

Talking about quantities and amounts 91

Talking about amounts of things: quantifiers 91

Talking about amounts of things: partitives 94

Referring to an exact number of things: numbers 97

Referring to the number of things: cardinal numbers 97

Referring to things in a sequence: ordinal numbers 100

Referring to an exact part of something: fractions 101

Talking about measurements 102

Talking about age 104

Approximate amounts and measurements 105

Expanding the noun group: qualifiers 106

Nouns with prepositional phrases 106

Nouns with adjectives 109

Nouns with non-finite clauses 110

Contents of Chapter 3 111

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