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Temperature 2.5


A thermometer will indicate short-term changes when used below 100°C, and it will recover an error of 0.01 to 0.02 degrees in several days. Admittedly, these are small amounts of error. Greater amounts of temporary error can be exhibited when a thermometer is used for relatively high temperature readings and then is immediately used for relatively low temperature readings. Thus, it may be advisable to separate thermometers not only by their temperature ranges, but also by the temperature ranges for which they are used. This practice is especially important if your work requires accurate thermometric readings.

Long-term changes are generally caused when a thermometer is maintained at high temperatures for extended periods of time (> several hundred hours).16 Such conditions can cause errors as great as 12°C. It is also possible to cause permanent changes from repeated cycling at lower temperatures between -30°C and room temperature.

It is uncommon to observe an alteration due to a temperature-induced change in the readings along selective parts of the thermometer scale. Typically they are more of a dropping of the entire scale reading. Thus, periodically checking the zero point with an ice bath, or checking the water boiling point with a steam bath, can ensure the accuracy of your thermometer. It is not necessary to recalibrate the entire stem of the thermometer.

2.5.7 Thermometer Calibration

Steam bath calibration for the liquid-steam point of H2O is not easy for many labs to use because of its expense, and the equipment is difficult to use. In addition, the user needs to account for atmospheric pressure variations and the effects of local variations of gravity on the barometer. Fortunately, the ice-point calibration is easy to set up and use.

Any thermometer with 0.0°C on either its main or auxiliary scale can be calibrated with an ice-bath calibration apparatus that can be assembled with the following material:

1.A 1- to 1.5-liter Dewar flask, cleaned and rinsed with distilled water

2.Crushed ice made from distilled water

3.A (clean) siphon to remove excess melted ice

Fill the Dewar approximately one-third full with distilled water. Place the end of the siphon tube to this level, and then fill the Dewar to the top with crushed ice.

The thermometer should be inserted so that the thermometer is immersed to the 0.0°C level (if calibrating a complete-immersion thermometer) or inserted to the immersion line (if calibrating a partial-immersion thermometer). The thermometer is likely to require support to maintain its proper position. Let the entire apparatus sit for 15 to 30 minutes, to reach equilibrium. Periodically add more ice, as needed, and remove any excess water with the siphon. If the ice is kept clean and

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tightly packed around the thermometer bulb and stem, it is possible to achieve accuracy to within 0.01°C.

If you are concerned about accurately calibrating the entire scale of aparticular thermometer, it maybe sent to theNIST for calibration for a fee. You will need to contact theNIST for more information on that service. Once calibrated, any variations in the zero point should not significantly alter the corrected calibrations along thescale.

NIST-calibrated thermometers are expensive, but very accurate tools. Unfortunately, they require special use and maintenance to maintain their integrity.Not only can abuse alter their calibration, but general use can as well. Forexample,if you are using an NIST-calibrated liquid-in-glass thermometer on a regular basis, an ice-point recalibration should be taken after each measurement. These variations should be added to the adjustments made to the corrected scale temperatures.

2.5.8 Thermometer Lag

Liquid-in-glass thermometers require a finite amount of time to achieve a final, equilibrium temperature. The time required can vary for individual thermometer types depending on the diameter of the thermometer, the size and volume of the bulb, the heat conductivity of the material into which the thermometer is placed, and the circulation rate of that material.

For taking the temperature of a material that maintains a constant-temperature, thermometer lag is only a nuisance. Most laboratory thermometers placed in a 75°C bath will come within 0.01°C of the final temperature within 19 to 35seconds of first contact. The time range is dependent on the type and design of the thermometer.

When attempting to measure a changing temperature, the problem is more critical because you are limited to knowing what the temperature was,not is. Because of the thermometer's lag time, you will be unable to know any specific temperature instantaneously. Thus, the greater the rate of temperature increase, the less a thermometer is able to keep up with the temperature change. Interestingly enough, if the temperature change varies uniformly, White found that any thermometer lag is likely to be canceled because any rate of change will not have been altered.

2.5.9 Air Bubbles in Liquid Columns

Sometimes, because of shipping, general use, or sloppy handling, the liquid column of a thermometer will separate, leaving trapped air bubbles. Because of the capillary size, it is difficult for the liquid to pass by the air space and rejoin. Sometimes such separations are glaringly obvious. Other times, the amount of liquid separation is small and is difficult tosee.

One technique for monitoring the quality of a thermometer is to use a second thermometer for all measurements. Any disagreement between the temperatures from the twothermometers may be caused by a problem as air breaks in the liquid

Temperature 2.5


columns. If both thermometers have breaks in their liquid columns, it is almost impossible for them to agree across a range of temperatures. Detection of liquid breaks is virtually guaranteed. Unfortunately, this technique will not identify which thermometer is at fault.

There are two techniques for rejoining separated liquid ends: heating and cooling. The option chosen will depend on the location of the break, as well as on the existence and location of contraction or expansion chambers.

Generally it is better (and safer) to cool the liquid in thermometer than it is to heat it. First, try to cool the thermometer with a (table) salt-and-ice slush bath.* This method should bring the liquid into the contraction chamber or bulb. Once the liquid is in the chamber or bulb, it should rejoin, leaving the air bubble on top. If there is not a clean separation of the air bubble, it may be necessary to softly tap the end of the thermometer. This tapping should be done on a soft surface such as a rubber mat, stopper, or even a pad of paper. Alternatively, you may try swinging the thermometer in an arc (such as a nurse does before placing it in your mouth)." Once joined, the liquid in the thermometer can slowly be reheated.

If the scale or design of the thermometer is such that these methods will not work, try touching the bulb end to some dry ice. Because dry ice is 38°C colder than the freezing point of mercury, you must pay attention and try to prevent the mercury from freezing. As a precaution, when reheating, warm from the top (of the bulb) down to help prevent a solid mercury ice plug from blocking the path of the expanding mercury into the capillary. With no path to expand into, the expanding liquid may otherwise cause the bulb to explode.

An alternate technique to rejoin broken liquid columns is to expand the liquid into the contraction or expansion chamber by heat. Be careful to avoid filling the expansion chamber more than two-thirds full, as extra pressure may cause the top of the thermometer to burst. Never use an open flame to intentionally heat any part of a thermometer as the temperature from such a source is too great and generally uncontrollable.

If the thermometer has no expansion or contraction chamber, heating the bulb should not be attempted because there is no place into which the liquid may expand to remove bubbles. Occasionally it may be possible to heat the upper region of the liquid along the stem (do not use a direct flame; use a hot air gun or steam). Observe carefully, and look for the separated portion to break into small balls on the walls of the capillary. These balls may be rejoined to the rest of the liquid by slowly warming the bulb of the thermometer so that the microdroplets

'This assumes that the location of 0°C is sufficiently close to either the bulb or the contraction chamber; otherwise a different slush bath may be required.

fMedical thermometers have a small constriction just above the bulb that serves as a gate valve. The force of the mercury expanding is great enough to force the mercury past the constriction. However, the force of contraction is not great enough to draw the mercury back into the bulb. The centrifugal force caused by shaking the thermometer is great enough to draw the mercury back into the bulb.



are gathered by the expanding mercury. Once collected, the mercury may be slowly cooled.

In addition to air bubbles in the stem, close examination of the thermometer bulb may reveal small air bubbles in the mercury. Carefully cool the mercury in the bulb until the liquid is below the capillary. While holding the thermometer horizontal, tap the end of the thermometer against your hand (you are trying to form a bubble within the bulb). Next, rotate the thermometer, allowing the large air bubble to contact the internal surface of the bulb, capturing the small air bubbles. Once the small air bubbles are "caught," the thermometer can be reheated as before.

IMPORTANT: Many states are limiting the use of mercury in the laboratory. Such laws severely limit the use of mercury-in-glass thermometers despite the fact that the mercury is isolated from the environment in normal use. Unfortunately, the laws apply because a broken thermometer can easily release its mercury into the lab. Fortunately, thermocouples (see Sec. 2.5.11) are relatively inexpensive, and the price of controllers has gone down significantly—while the accuracy of thermocouples and the ease of their use have gone up significantly. Thermocouples should be considered as an alternative even if you are not receiving pressure to reduce mercury use because of ease of use and robust design.

2.5.10 Pressure Expansion Thermometers

Gas law theory maintains that pressure, volume, and temperature have an interdependent relationship. If one of these factors is held constant and one changes, the third has to change to maintain an equilibrium. At low temperatures and pressures, gases follow the standard gas law equation much better than they do at other conditions [seeEq. (2.7)].



where P = pressure (in torr)

and V =Volume (in liters)

n = number of molecules

R = gas constant (62.4)

T = temperature (in K)

The typical pressure expansion thermometer is a volume of gas that maintains the same number of molecules throughout a test. Because the volume, number of molecules, and gas constant are all constant, any drop in temperature will subsequently cause a drop in pressure. Likewise, any rise in temperature will cause a rise in pressure.

These thermometers are difficult to use, are sensitive, and require a great deal of supporting equipment. They are typically used for the calibration of other (easier

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