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Chapter 3

to relay news from Europe

передавать новости из Европы

to dub (smth) as smth

Окрестить (назвать)

a lapdog

Послушный во всём человек

to launch the paper

Начать выпускать газету

the power of the cartel

власть картелей (синдикатов)



to be pilloried for smth

выставить на поругание, осмеяние

to be ejected on the whim of smb

быть уволенным по чьей-либо прихоти

to be jailed for seditious libel

попасть в тюрьму за грязную клевету

to widen the rift

ширить раскол

to step up one’s attacks on the government

усилить нападки на правительство

to whet one’s appetite

разжечь аппетит

a handsome income

приличный доход

a redress of grievances

заглаживать обиду

to leave a lasting legacy

оставить длительное наследие

to be cowed by smth

быть запуганным

to tinker with media regulation and censorship

попытка исправить наскоро законы о СМИ и цензуре

to arrest smb on a charge of insurrection

арестовать по обвинению в мятеже

people from all walks of life

люди всех слоёв общества

to incur the wrath

повлечь чей-то гнев


безнравственный, распущенный, вольный


семейственность, кумовство

to service the debt

обслуживать долг

in receivership

управление имуществом несостоятельного должника

financially insolvent

неплатежеспособный, финансово несостоятельный


слабый, необоснованный, постыдный

to be at odds with smth

расходиться во мнениях

to forsake one’s citizenship

отказаться от гражданства

to circumvent laws

обойти законы

to be touted as heir apparent

объявлять во всеуслышание бесспорным наследником


фиаско, неудача, разгром

to forfeit a distinction

потерять право на, лишиться знака отличия

to curtail one’s political power

ограничить чью-л политическую власть

to stifle the variety of opinion

задушить разнообразие мнений

to accept the ramifications

принимать последствия

to be in lockstep

шагать в ногу

the newspaper folded

газета закрылась

in irreversible trend

необратимая тенденция

a guarantee against retrenchments

гарантия от сокращений

a short term palliative

болеутоляющее, полумеры

Ex. 2 Question 6 The Prosecution of the Press





Daniel Defoe

John Gwyn

George Howe






Libel (written defamation)

Criticizing the government and the magistrates



Pilloried, jailed twice

Cut down, castrated, disembowelled, head cut off

Newspaper suspended

Ex. 3. Supply one word (from Exercise I) that corresponds to the given definition

  1. auspicious favourable or propitious

  2. fulsome excessive or insincere, esp. in an offensive or distasteful way

  3. penury extreme poverty

  4. purported alleged; supposed; rumoured

  5. sedition an incitement to public disorder

  6. cartel a collusive international association of independent enterprises formed to monopolize production and distribution of a product or service, control prices

  7. portent a sign or indication of a future event, esp. a momentous or calamitous one; omen

  8. ploy a manoeuvre or tactic in a game, conversation, etc.; stratagem; gambit

  9. affront a feeling of resentment or injustice at having been unfairly treated

  10. stringer a journalist retained by a newspaper or news service on a part-time basis to cover a particular town or area

  11. wrath angry, violent, or stern indignation

  12. nepotism favoritism shown to relatives or close friends by those with power or influence

  13. debacle a sudden disastrous collapse or defeat, esp. one involving a disorderly retreat; rout

  14. licentious sordid; disreputable

  15. doldrums a depressed or bored state of mind, a state of inactivity or stagnation

Ex. 6

  1. Maps and guides can be _________ at the tourist office. obtained

  2. Schiller _________ funds for the special education project. secured

  3. He therefore persuaded a friend to _______ him a ticket without disclosing his identity. procure

  4. AC Transit recently ________ 70 new buses equipped with wheelchair lifts. acquired

  5. In 1998 the business was _________ by a Dutch company. acquired

  6. Can you ______ the bags out of the car? get

  7. The Boston Museum of Fine Arts has recently _______ several paintings by Salvador Dali. acquired

  8. The statue was ________ at great expense by the City Corporation. acquired

  9. A new-born baby will _______ weight at around one ounce per day. gain

  10. Detroit ________ a spot in the finals with a 4-0 victory over Toronto. gained

  11. Could you _____ me my keys from the kitchen? get

  12. Scientists in Brazil are _________ medicines from plants. obtaining

  13. Visitors must _________ a wilderness hiking permit to enter the park. obtain

  14. The four men told the inquiry they did not know why the plane failed to _____ height after it took off. gain

  15. Weisner is hoping to ________ funding for a follow-up study of the children. obtain

  16. Did you _____ the job? get

  17. Research helps us ________ new insight on the causes of diseases. acquire

  18. Robinson spent $20 million to ________ the symphony hall. acquire

  19. Hawaii _______ statehood in 1959. gained

  20. Did you hear? Stuart _____ a new job. got

  21. His ideas are _______ a lot of support. gaining

  22. Try vinegar, which can be tricky to________, but complements many of the dumplings. procure

  23. It took him a long time to _________ the skills he needed to become a professional artist. acquire

  24. Many inner cities have ________ reputations for violent crime. acquired

  25. NTN ________ the rights to broadcast game data from football games in 1987. acquired

  26. Did you _____ my message? get

  27. They had been ________ in the early years of the century through a carefully orchestrated city campaign. procured

  28. The latest model is capable of ________ speeds in excess of 300 kph. attaining

  29. When migrating, birds may _________ a height of three thousand metres or more. attain

  30. It took her a long time to _______ enough confidence to speak in public. gain

  31. France was able to _________ the release of two of its hostages. secure

  32. Troops were brought in to ________ the area. secure

  33. The train rolled forward, _______ speed rapidly. gaining

  34. Alice offered pamphlets and books, which she would _____ for him. procure

  35. He returned briefly to the Commonwealth's service, but retired when the Restoration became inevitable and _______ a royal pardon. procured

  36. India ________ independence in 1947. attained

  37. Jean Arthur worked for a decade before ______ stardom. attaining

  38. Did you remember to _____ the bread? get

  39. The balloonists _______ an altitude of 33,000 feet. attained

  40. Oregon _________ a place in the NCAA basketball tournament. secured

  41. She stayed in the job for give years, ______ valuable experience. gaining

  42. If the borrowing member does not produce a basic valuation, then the building society must ______ one itself. procure

  43. Fox had used company money to ________ a personal loan. secure

Ex. 8

  1. Where can I obtain a copy of Pravda dated May 9, 1945?

  2. The gallery has recently acquired a Renoir for the latast exhibition.

  3. He secured the boat at a pole and hid the oars in the bushes.

  4. I can't procure spare parts for my old Zaporozhets anywhere.

  5. Soon he acquired the pertinent skills for his job as a sales manager.

  6. Formerly Australian journalists relied on the telegraph to get news from Europe.

  7. After the demise of the Soviet Union many of its republics gained independence.

  8. The rocket gained a height of 3000 meters and caught fire.

  9. The train was gaining speed fast, leaving the station far behind.

  10. Due to doubtful deals in the realty market Michael acquired the reputation of a dishonest man.

  11. When you are on your way home remember to get the letters from the mailbox.

  12. The blue helmets secured the area, forcing foreign mercenaries to withdraw.

  13. A detailed plan of the tour can be obtained at the information desk.

  14. In order to acquire this car you will have to secure a credit of $ 3000.

  15. She procured clients for him and he returned her 10 per cent on any deal.

  16. The Congress of Vienna secured peace for Europe after the Napoleonic wars.

Ex. 9

1. In the 19th century it took several days to relay the news from Europe to Australia and now it takes about 30 minutes. 2. The modern age of computer technologies if often dubbed 'information age'. 3. The launch of a new newspaper or publishing house is not necessarily accompaned by favourable events. 4. In England Daniel Defoe is often considered the founder of journalism. He was a prolific writer who was literally pilloried and jailed twice for seditious libel. 5. An attack on the government and sedition are serious charges for imposing a criminal charge on the journalist. 6. A journalist who disregards the editorial policy and tries to circumvent the regulations on mass media, and who above all tries to invoke the readrs' attention by licentious articles, ofthen incurs the wrath of the government. 7. An insolvent paper often has to go in receivership. 8. The director has been touting his heir apparent for several months already. 9. After a few journalists had stepped up their attacks on several dishonest members of the governmentin order to curtail their power, the newspaper folded. 10. Some readers consider to be well within their rights to know the details of the private lives of polititians and if the latter had gone off the rails, they should be able to face the dire consequences of such behaviour. 11. The governor can be displaced on the President's whim, forfeiting his state-owned summer house and car. 12. The dictator treated the partymembers as lapdogs, forcing them to be in lockstep with his policy and stifling the variety of opinion. 13. People of all walks of life, undaunted by the power of the cartel, fiddling with the law, demanded guarantees against welfare retrenchments inspead of preposed short-term pallatives.

Chapter 4

a re-hash of smth

подача старого под новым именем


лукавый, насмешливый, иронический

to merit a one-paragraph pointer

заслуживать вводной статьи из одного абзаца

to consign a story to page 9

сослать на 9 страницу

a nebulous crew

туманный, неопределённый

fourteen-odd years

примерно 14 лет


щекотать, приятно возбуждать

to glean a sense of community life (facts, information etc.)

собитать сведения по мелочам, обрывкам

per se

само по себе, непосредственно


трюизм, банальность

to be hounded to death

быть затравленным до смерти

to merit public attention

заслуживать общественного внимания


последствия (событий)

to inflame an issue

вдохновлять, зажигать, возбуждать

to refute

опровергать, доказывать ложность, несостоятельность

to get better footage

получить лучший видеоматериал

in a bid to elicit angry response

в попытке получить (вызвать) гневный ответ

to impugn smb’s reputation

подвергать сомнению, порочить чью-либо репутацию


свойственный (о негативном)

an inordinate amount of time

чрезмерное, несоразмерное количество времени

a use-by date

срок годности


срок годности, хранения, окончание срока действия

best before

употребить до

shelf life

срок хранения, сохранямость

to denigrate the original assertions

клеветать, наговаривать, порочить предыдущие заявления


умение превзойти других, доказать своё превосходство, добиться преимущества

claim (7) lives

повлечь гибель людей


привреженец, поборник, сторонник

to skirt the issue

уклоняться от темы, избегать темы

a nightclub brawl

пьяная драка в ночном клубе

to hardly rate a mention

едва ли заслуживать упоминания

to attain prominence

добиться (заслужить) известности

to reflect on an individual’s public position

отражать положение человека в обществе

latitude for fair comment

свобода для справедливого комментария

to look tame

выглядеть ручным, безобидным

tug at the heartstrings

растрогать до глубины души

to jar readers’ stereotypes

противоречить, вступать в конфликт со стереотипами читателей

a hermit


to become jaded

пресыщенный, измученный, избитый; приесться

to stretch credulity

быть сомнительным, вызывать сомнения

a smorgasbord of stories

масса, множество, большой выбор историй (шведский стол)

the subjects are pap

чтиво, макулатура

to fathom the idea of smth

понимать, охватить умом идею

the then president

бывший тогда президентом

to transcend values

переступать пределы, превосходить, выходить за пределы ценностей

to foist a news agenda on smb

навязать кому-то новостную повестку дня

to boo a badly targeted story

выражать неодобрение, освистывать плохо поданную историю

trenchant criticism

колкая, острая, чёткая, ясная критика


разоблачение, разоблачительный материал

Ex. 3.

1. a

2. c

3. b

4. c

5. b

6. a

7. b

8. b

9. a

10. a

11. c

Ex. 5.

have an effect

подействовать, повлиять

take effect

возыметь эффект, проявиться

(have an) impact (on)

воздействие, влияние, (сильно) воздействовать, (сильно) ударить, отразиться на


затрагивать, оказывать воздействие, влияние

Make a difference

Положительно повлиять, сделать доброе дело, принести пользу, серьёзно влиять, отразиться

Take a toll

Сказаться на, понести потери, жертвы

Leave a mark

Оставить (свой) след

Tell on

Сказываться на

Ex. 6

1. You can call and complain, but I don't think it will make any difference.

2. The government's policies have so far had little effect in reducing the level of inflation.

3. Bad working conditions eventually take a toll on staff morale.

4. The long dispute has left its mark on the mining industry.

5. How is the growth of e-commerce likely to impact the retail sector?

6. The new management team has clearly had an impact.

7. The power of the mayor's cronies began to tell as the election drew closer.

8. The dentist gave me an injection that took effect almost immediately, and I didn't feel a thing.

9. You can’t underestimate the impact of the Internet on all our lives

10. Einstein's work on relativity had an enormous impact on the way physics developed.

11. At first, the revolution had little impact on the lives of ordinary people.

12. Scientists are investigating the ways in which climate changes affect the ozone layer.

13. Just getting a new hairstyle and new outfit made a big difference to my confidence.

14.What you eat when you are pregnant can have an effect on your baby.

15. No one knows yet what effects genetically modified foods will have on the environment.

Ex. 7

1. The new defamation law comes into effect a month after it is signed.

2. It will not affect the publications printed before the 30th of June, but will affect the articles published after that date.

3. It is another attempt by the ex-governor’s proponents to make an impact on the results of the past elections.

4. The critics claim that it will not affect the quality of the articles printed in tabloids.

5. However the toughening of the law, which limits the freedom of speech is bound to tell on the civil society.

6. Several lawsuits have already had an impact on the exposés, conducted by the journalists.

7. Should the government’s attempts at stifling journalists have no effect, some newspapers may face closure.

8. This won’t impact large national newspapers, but may take its toll on the smaller regional ones.

9. It may also have an impact on TV and radio channels, which released a number of programmes, arguing that politicians should have no impact on the press.

10. The new governor has announced that he will not let the new law have an effect on honest, quality investigations.

Ex. 8.

1. suck, crap

2. awful, appalling, lousy, terrible, dreadful

3. UK rubbish US garbage

4. suck, appall

5. rubbish, garbage, crap

Ex. 10

- Recently I decided to watch the news. Such crap!

- Yeah, the programmes are dreadful, not like in the good old days.

- And the films are no better. The directors are really lousy!

- Right. The characters say a lot of old rubbish!

- Sure, and what about the Prime Minister’s recent speech? A load of old garbage, isn’t it?

- Even our café has become awful. The service is dreadful.

- And the food really sucks. The potatoes taste like soap, and the tea is like sewage.

- I told the waiter about it, and he retorted: Stop talking rubbish!

Ex. 12

expiry date, best before, shelf life, use-by date

Ex. 13

Words to be replaced:

wonderful, brand-new, impeccable, excellent, gorgeous, first-class, exceptionally fine, excellent, sweet, brilliantly-lit, magnificent, splendid, terrific, fabulous, pleasant, helpful, wonderful, magnificent, admirable, excellent, superior-quality, expensive, first-rate, lovely

Ex. 14.

1. hounded

2. skirt

3. refuted

4. titillate

5. inflame

6. merit

7. elicited

8. re-hashing

9. denigrate

10. consigned

11. claimed

12. jarred

1. trenchant

2. original

3. inordinate

4. tongue-in-cheek

5. jaded

6. nebulous

7. endemic

8. tame

9. then

1. exposé

2. truism

3. hermit

4. latitude

5. last resort

6. pap

7. adherent

8. footage

9. aftermath

10. brawl

11. heartstrings

12. smorgasboard

Ex. 15.

1. low-quality

2. inferior

3. cheap

4. shoddy

5. low-quality

6. shoddy

7. inferior

8. shoddy

9. badly

10. inferior

Ex. 16. Underline 10 ways to describe something not very good, but not too bad in the text below.

  • Did you see 'Much Ado about Nothing?' during our trip to Humdrum?

  • Yes, It was all right but not really worth the money I paid for the tickets.

  • Why? What was wrong?

  • Well, to begin with, the theatre itself is nothing special, just an ordinary modern building.

  • And the actors?

  • They are quite famous, but last night they gave just a lacklustre performance as in any amateur theatre.

  • What about the cafe you visited afterwards?

  • I have seen better service, though can't really complain. A mediocre establishment, nothing more.

  • And the hotel? Did you enjoy your stay there?

  • It is advertised as a four-star hotel, but is not really up to scratch. The rooms are bare and lacking some facilities.

  • Did you visit the art gallery as well?

  • Yes, but it was not what I expected. Some third-rate paintings by local artists. Nothing to write home about.

  • Was the tour well-organised in general?

  • I should say it's rather patchy. Good in some respects, but wanting in others.

Ex. 17

1. The reader may glean a sence of community life by perusing local newspapers and magazines. 2. When Mrs Smiths husband committed suiside she put it down on the press having hounded him to death and sued them for tongue-in-cheek treatment of their family life and the night-club brawl in which he defended her honour. 3. In a bid to elicit an angry response the journalist tried to impugn the minister's reputation, but the letter replied with a truism, forcing the journalist to spend an inordinate amount of time re-hashing the story, which was consigned to page 9 anyway. 4. Some journalists admit, that they write for themselves and the 'readersip' is just a 'nebulous crew for them'. 5. Although the story merited public attention, the editor decided it merited just a short one-paragraph pionter. 6. The trenchant criticism and the publication of numerious exposees has impugned the reputation of the then president Eltsin. 7. Many journalists dream of a latitude for fair comment, the ability to tug at the readers' heartstrings and the power to jar readers' stereotypes. 8. The readres are presented with a smorgasbord of stories in every newspaper, but the problem is, that some have become so jaded, that they stretch credulity and the newspaper is thus considered as pap.

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