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2. They can all serve as a metaphor for the media


tertiary study

дальнейшее образование

to operate a video handicam

уметь пользоваться портативной видеокамерой

to have the chutzpah to do smth.

иметь нахальство, наглость (смелость) сделать что-л

to refuse to divulge sources to court

отказаться назвать источник в суде

to be attuned to what is happening

подготовлен, настроен на новости, последние события

to give smb. an extra edge

дать кому-то преимущество, ставить в выгодную позицию

to predict the twists and turns of smth.

предсказывать тонкости, подробности, детали, углы и закоулки

specialist knowledge

специальные, профессиональные знания

an indispensible asset

необходимое ценное полезное качество

an unassailable fact

неоспоримый факт

to write a platitude

банальость, пошлость, тривиальность

to have a remarkable gift of foresight

иметь редкий дар предвидения

to verify the provenance of information

проверить источник информации


to forge an impressive career in journalism

построить впечатляющую карьеру в журналистике


to meticulously coalesce information

тщательно, педантично, дотошно собирать информацию

to provide a crisp story with fissures the size of Sierra Leone

написать яркую историю с трещинами, в которые может провалиться Сьерра-Леоне

Ex. 3

Major - более важный, насущный, острый, главный, высший

Big - важный, значительный

Key - основной, ключевой, ведущий, командный, главный

Fundamental - основной, коренной, базисный, существенный

Significant - значительный, важный, существенный, знаменательный

Pertinent - уместный, подходящий, имеющий отношение, относящийся к делу,

Salient - заметный, яркий, бросающийся в глаза

Cricial - переломный, решающий, критический, насущный, необходимый

Historic - исторический, имеющий историческое значение

Overriding - важнейший, доминирующий

Vital - (жизненно) важный, насущный, существенный, необходимый

Indispensable - обязательный, важный, необходимый

Pivotal - кардинальный, основной, базисный, главнейший, центральный

Landmark - поворотный пункт, веха

Critical - переломный, решающий, критический, насущный, необходимый

Momеntous - имеющий большое значение, весомый, влиятельный, важный

Ex. 4.

  1. All the world's major sporting events can be seen on HHS TV.

  2. In his book, Churchill describes that historic first meeting with Roosevelt.

  3. At this point William made a momentous decision -- he resigned from his job and joined the army.

  4. This is a big decision - you'll have to give me time to think.

  5. Graduation Day is one of those big occasions which everyone remembers.

  6. The key person in this project will be the design manager.

  7. Smoking is a major cause of heart disease.

  8. He held a key position in the Bush administration.

  9. There has been a significant change in people's attitude to the environment.

  10. It's the chief executive who makes all the major decisions.

  11. The revolution taking place in eastern Europe must be counted as one of the most momentous events of this century.

  12. Winning the award was a significant achievement.

  13. This is a significant new discovery, which will improve our understanding of the AIDS virus

  14. The next few months could be critical for the whole mining industry.

  15. Getting my first part in a movie was a major landmark in my life.

  16. He witnessed the historic moment when Nelson Mandela was released from prison

  17. I hear you're getting married - when's the big day?

  18. Education is likely to be a key issue in the forthcoming election.

  19. The new secretary made herself indispensable to the boss.

  20. The lawyer succinctly covered all the salient points in the case.

  21. The tape was not considered pertinent to the investigation.

  22. These accusations came at a critical phase in the negotiations.

  23. This new drug is a landmark in the treatment of cancer.

  24. The battles of Somme, Ypres and Verdun were great pivotal points on the Western front.

  25. The government's overriding concern is to reduce inflation.

Ex. 7

foster - 1) воспитывать, обучать, растить 2) затаить, питать (чувство), лелеять (надежду) 3) поощрять, побуждать, стимулировать, одобрять

facilitate - облегчать, содействовать, способствовать, помогать, продвигать

further - продвигать, поддерживать, содействовать, способствовать

advance - 1) продвигать вперёд 2) содействовать, способствовать 3) делать успехи, развиваться 4) вносить, выдвигать (предложение) 5) переносить на более ранний срок, убыстрять, ускорять 6) платить авансом 7) повышать (в звании, должности) 8) повышаться в цене

Ex. 8.

A.collide B. clash C. conflict

Ex. 9

  1. Two trains collided head-on

  2. Troops clashed near the border.

  3. The President has again clashing with Congress over his budget plans.

  4. Istanbul, where east and west collide

  5. Democrats clashed with Republicans in a heated debate.

  6. The two men have clashed over the report's conclusions.

  7. The new evidence conflicts with previous findings

  8. I can't wear red - it clashes with my hair.

  9. The announcement has been delayed to avoid clashing with the Prime Minister's speech.

  10. Police have clashed with demonstrators again today.

  11. I ran around the corner, and almost colleded with Mrs Laurence.

  12. I cannot accept his advice - it conflicts with my convictions.

  13. Our boat nearly collided with another vessel that was in front of us.

  14. The meteorite may collide with the Earth whining days.

  15. The planes are said to have collided in mid-air.

  16. Here, morality and good sentiments collide headlong.

  17. The detective changed his holiday dates when his flights was brought forward and it now conflicts with the trial.

  18. The red door clashes with the soft, natural tones of the stone walls.

  19. He held firm opinions which usually conflicted with my own.

Ex. 11

  1. 2

  2. 4

  3. 4

  4. 2

  5. 3

  6. 1

  7. 3

  8. 2

  9. 1

  10. 1

  11. 2

Ex. 12

  1. Beautiful scenery does not make up for the flaws of this film.

  2. Pride is a terrible failing.

  3. A design flaw caused the engine to explode.

  4. Lack of railing on slides is a serious deficiency of safe play areas for children.

  5. I love him, despite his failings.

  6. Jealousy is Othello's major flaw.

  7. She suffers from iron deficiency.

  8. Some elderly people suffer from iron deficiency in their diet.

  9. A flaw in the software caues the program to shut down unexpectedly.

  10. There are deep deficiencies in this law.

  11. A slight flaw in the glass explains the discount.

  12. There is a fundamental flaw in Walton's argument.

  13. The President's character flaws

Ex. 13

1. b 2. c 3. a

Ex. 14

In this company decisions are made on an ad hoc basis.

The band gave an impromptu concert.

This afternoon the Palestinians held an impromptu press conference.

Mr Baker was speaking off the cuff when he made those suggestions. ‘I would accept opportunities on TV on an ad hoc basis’, he said.

Almost no one can speak impromptuwith such care for the language.

During the supposedly impromptuvisit, Lady Thatcher was accompanied by Sky TV crews, which broadcast the proceedings live.

If his off-the-cuff remarks do reveal his true feelings, that doesn't make me hopeful.

And on Wednesday, he called Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown to smooth over an off-the-cuff remark he had made earlier in the day that could be interpreted as an insult to the upstate city.

An ad hoc meeting was organized an hour after the explosions in the city centre.

By 2009, after a deal in which he revealed his country's nuclear program, his relations with the West had thawed far enough to allow him to visit New York, where he camped in a Bedouin tent and delivered an off-the-cuff, 94-minute harangue against imperialism to the United Nations General Assembly.

Ex. 16.

  1. slant

  2. bias

  3. angle

Ex. 17















Whole new





Slight downward




Ex. 18

The opinion that a journalist's profession consists in writing platitudes and providing crisp stories with fissures the size of Sierra Leone is deceptively simple. Journalism is a multifaceted profession, the principal goal of which is to serve as a powerful counterforce to corruption, to promote and foster democracy. The journalist must meticulously coalesce information, verify its provenance, predict the twists and turns of events. An indispensible asset of a journalist is the ability to be attuned to what is happening, and go gauge popular opinion, which sometimes demands a remarkable gift of foresight. The skills in operating a handicam and specialist knowledge in some fields of science give the yournalist an extra edge. The editors are cognizant of it and choose such journalists who have the chutzpah to ask a politician an uncomfortabe question or even to accelerate the demise of a tyranny. This profession is full of perils - every year journalists are killed in the line of duty in hot spots, and in enlightened countries may be jailed for refusing to fivulge sources to court. Sometimes journalists can prophesy unexpected and perilous events and forge an impressive carreer in this field.

Unit 1

Ex. 1

to shoot the messenger

убить гонца

an insatiable craving for information

неутолимая жажда информации

to be in one’s infancy

быть в зачаточном состоянии

a new-fangled fad

новомодное веяние

an incongruous concept

нелепая мысль

to be cheeky and brash

дерзкий, нахальный

to take a swipe at those in authority

нападать, критиковать находящихся у власти

to come to grips with the web

освоить интернет

to become ubiquitous

стать вездесущим

to embrace the new technology

приветствовать новые технологии

to risk becoming superfluous

рискуют остаться не у дел

to be delivered with rapidity

доставлять с большой скоростью

to cite deteriorating readerships

говорить о сокращении числа читателей

a relic


to be in the realm of science fiction

относиться к области научной фантастики

to wade through daily stacks of government reports

перелопачивать горы правительственных сообщений

to maintain one’s poise

сохранять самообладание

graded journalists

журналисты с высшим образованием

to be immersed in the discourse of popular culture

быть погружённым в современную (массовую) культуру

a prerequisite for smth.

необходимое для чего-л.

to go through a rigorous selection process

подвергаться строгому отбору

the odds are…

вероятность того, что


выбор, отбраковка

to be meticulous in the workplace

тщательно выполнять работу

to keep abreast of current affairs

быть в курсе происходящего

to attain a shorthand speed of 120 words a minute

печатать со скоростью 120 слов/мин

to give smb. the jitters

напугать до полусмерти

would-be journalists

будущие журналисты

to value work-experience over academic record

Ценить опыт работы выше успеваемости

a certain amount of drudgery in newspaper work

в работе журналиста есть определённое количество тяжёлой, монотонной работы

the profession’s insignia

характерные особенности профессии


распространение лжи

to deal with garrulous people

иметь дело с общительными людьми

to be socially gregarious


to communicate succinctly

говорить кратко, сжато

the skills are highly regarded

их навыки высоко ценятся

to be tenacious about finding the truth

упорно искать правду

to read voraciously

ненасытно читать

to have a good grip of the English language

великолепно владеть английским

to have an inquisitive mind

иметь пытливый ум

to be omnipresent, if not omnipotent

быть вездесущим, если не всесильным

enormous pressures of time and other constraints

чудовищный цейтнот

Ex. 2.

an insatiable craving for information

неутолимая жажда информации

to take a swipe at those in authority

нападать, критиковать находящихся у власти

to embrace the new technology

приветствовать новые технологии

to wade through daily stacks of government reports

перелопачивать горы правительственных сообщений

to maintain one’s poise

сохранять самообладание

to be immersed in the discourse of popular culture

быть погружённым в современную культуру

To communicate succinctly

Говорить кратко и сжато

to be meticulous in the workplace

тщательно выполнять работу

to keep abreast of current affairs

быть в курсе происходящего


тяжёлая монотонная работа


распространение лжи

to deal with garrulous people

иметь дело с общительными людьми

to be socially gregarious

Быть общительным

the skills are highly regarded

их навыки высоко ценятся

to be tenacious about finding the truth

упорно искать правду

to read voraciously

ненасытно читать

to have a good grip of the English language

великолепно владеть английским

to have an inquisitive mind

иметь пытливый ум

enormous pressures of time

чудовищный цейтнот

a prerequisite for smth.

необходимое для чего-л.

The process of becoming a journalist

students who gain entry

поступившие студенты

The role of new technologies

to be in one’s infancy

быть в зачаточном состоянии

a new-fangled fad

новомодное веяние

an incongruous concept

нелепая мысль

to come to grips with the web

освоить интернет

to become ubiquitous

стать вездесущим

to risk becoming superfluous

рисковать остаться не у дел

to have a broadband connection

иметь широкополосный доступ

to shrink the globe

превратить мир в большую деревню

to be delivered with rapidity

доставлять с большой скоростью

to cite deteriorating readerships

говорить о сокращении числа читателей

a relic


to shoot the messenger

убить гонца

to be cheeky and brash

дерзкий, нахальный

to be in the realm of science fiction

относиться к области научной фантастики

graded journalists

журналисты с высшим образованием

to go through a rigorous selection process

подвергаться строгому отбору

the odds are…

вероятность того, что


выбор, отбраковка

to attain a shorthand speed of 120 words a minute

печатать со скоростью 120 слов/мин

to give smb. the jitters

напугать до полусмерти

would-be journalists

будущие журналисты

to value work-experience over academic record

Ценить опыт работы выше успеваемости

the profession’s insignia

характерные особенности профессии

to communicate succinctly

говорить кратко, сжато

to be omnipresent, if not omnipotent

быть вездесущим, если не всесильным

to underpin the social and political fabrics

сохранять структуру и мораль общества

the perils of journalism

опасности журналистики


беспокойство, тревога, суматоха



to grow by a stunning 350 percent

вырасти на целых 350 процентов

news is mushrooming

расти как на дрожжах (как грибы после дождя)

wired reporting

репортажи в электронных СМИ

to travel interstate and overseas

путешествовать внутри страны и за границей

not to be wedded to the idea of the daily “big-bang”

не зациклен на идее ежедневного "большого взрыва"

to skirt conventional regulatory process

избегать обычной процедуры проверки

the anguish over smth.

страдать, мучиться, испытывать тоску

a competitive free-for-all

делать что-то общедоступным и открытым для конкуренции

instant notification of major news stories

мгновенное оповещение о важнейших новостях


место проведения (мероприятия)

the proliferation of public information

распространение общественно важной информации

rumpled lecturers

помятый, взъерошенный лектор

The figures speak for themselves

цифры говорят сами за себя

applicants seeking places

кандидат, претендент, соискатель

a craft

ремесло, профессия

to vie for a job

соперничать за рабочее место

one in three are working as journalists

каждый третий работает журналистом

media monitoring and liaison

слежение и связи со СМИ

fierce competition for university places

жестокая борьба за поступление в университет

to parallel the degree of success

достичь подобного успеха

to be selected for a shortlist of 130 hopefuls

быть выбранным из окончательного списка 130 кандидатов

to be concomitant with smth.


a rabid fan

ярый фанат (сторонник)

a shire clerk

провинциальный чиновник (офисный служащий)

to be reported as saying

как сообщают, он говорил

to exhibit a degree of condescension

проявлять некоторое снисхождение

to serve stints as copypeople

работать в редакции

to be assigned a mentor

назначить наставника

an intensive induction programme

интенсивный вводный курс

lectures on all facets of the profession

лекции о всех тонкостях профессии

to be assigned mundane tasks

назначить рутинную работу

to sink or swim

оставить на произвол судьбы, погибнуть или победить

to entail apprehension

влечёт за собой задержание (арест)

to seek peer-group approval

стремиться к одобрению со стороны коллег

to have an exuberance for the profession

быть увлечённым профессией

an essential “it” factor

фактор "изюминки"

to lament the diminution of ABC training programs

жаловаться на сокращение курсов АВС

to be on a par with smth.

находиться на одном уровне с

to earn multiples of smth.

зарабатывать в разы больше

to assert smth.

утверждать, доказывать, отстаивать

the gauge of hearts and minds propelled by conflict

оценка разума и чувств участников конфликта

an apt description of a journalist

удачное описание журналиста

to be allergic to limelight

бояться сцены/общественого внимания

a median age of (32)

средний возраст

to lean to the left

симпатизировать либералам

to be middle of the road

быть центристом

to come in fifth at 44 per cent

быть пятым с сорока четырьмя процентами

to be affluent

быть богатым

women outnumber men

число женщин превышает число мужчин

to be discriminated against in promotion opportunities

подвергаться дискриминации при отборе кандидатов на повышение

to expend exponentially

расти в геометрической прогрессии

the “sleaze factor”

фактор коррупции

to hider the development of smth.

мешать развитию чего-л

Much water has flowed under the bridge.

много воды утекло

to increase eightfold

вырасти в восемь раз

academic speciality


to contend that…

спорить, утверждать

journalism is a primer for life

журналистика остаётся основным занятием на всю жизнь

an honourable calling in and of itself

само по себе благородное призвание

consummate outsider

постоянный чужак

to suspect smth. all along

подозревать что-л всё время

to shield the public from discomforting facts

защищать общество от неприятной информации

the exigencies of the news business

тяжёлое положение новостного бизнеса

to defend oneself against allegations of unethical practice

защищаться от обвинений в неэтичных поступках

to escape public opprobrium

избежать общественного позора, бесчестья

to receive public condolences

принять соболезнования со стороны общества

to clamour to get into journalism courses

стремиться попасть на курсы журналистики

flawed institutions

изначально неправильные институты

Ex. 4.

  1. F

  2. F

  3. F

  4. T

  5. F

  6. F

  7. F

  8. T

  9. F

  10. T

  11. F

  12. F

  13. T

  14. F

  15. F

Ex. 7

1. insatiable craving for information, keep abreast of current affiars

2. give smb the jitters, incongruous concept

3.come to grips with the web / embrace the new technology

4.ubiquitous, relic (of the past)

5. cite, maintain one’s poise

6. perquisites, the odds are

7. would-be journalists, drudgery

8. lie-mongering, take a swipe at authorities

Ex. 8

  1. B

  2. B

  3. B

  4. C

  5. B

  6. A

  7. C

  8. C

  9. B

  10. A

  11. A

Ex. 10

Strength gather, grow, build up

Skills grow

Prices grow, shoot up, go through the roof, take off, spiral

Unemployment mount, shoot up, (sky)rocket, spiral, soar

Debt mount (up), build up, pile up

Number grow, multiply, shoot up

Pressure build up, mount, grow

Sales grow, explode, shoot up, rocket, surge

Salary grow, rise

Water collect, accumulate

Dirt collect, accumulate

Snow collect, accumulate

Sweat collect

Oil collect, accumulate

Children collect, multiply

People collect, multiply

Ex. 15

        1. perilous

        2. high-risk

        3. treacherous

        4. hazardous

        5. poisonous

        6. risky

        7. poisonous

        8. perilous

        9. poisonous

        10. poisonous

        11. hazardous

        12. risky

        13. poisonous

        14. tracherous

Ex. 17

              1. Hatemongers

              2. Rumormongers

              3. Warmongers

              4. Sensation-mongers

              5. Gloom-mongers

              6. Doom-mongers

              7. Fishmonger’s

              8. Peace-mongers

              9. Cheesemongers

              10. Lie-monger

Ex. 18

1) shoot the breeze (or the bull)

have a casual conversation

2) shoot one's cuffs/linen

pull one's shirt cuffs out to project beyond the cuffs of one's jacket or coat especially as a gesture of self-importance or uneasiness

3) shoot from the hip

informal to say what you think in a direct way, or make a decision very quickly, without thinking about it first

4) shoot oneself in the foot

informal inadvertently make a situation worse for oneself.

5) shoot it out

informal engage in a decisive confrontation, typically a gun battle.

6) shoot a line

Brit., informal describe something in an exaggerated, untruthful, or boastful way: he never shot a line about his escapades.

7) shoot one's mouth off

informal talk boastfully or indiscreetly, to talk about something that you should not talk about or that you know nothing about:

Don't go shooting your mouth off.

8) shoot one’s way

to gain an objective by war or threat

9) shoot down

informal to say or show that someone's ideas or opinions are wrong or stupid:

I tried to help, but all my suggestions were shot down in flames, as usual.

Ex. 19

  1. shoot down in flames

  2. shoot it out

  3. shoot one's mouth off

  4. shoot the breeze

  5. shoot oneself in the boot

Ex. 20

A journalist's profession is connected with many perils - if the journalist is too cheeky and brash or allows himself to take a swipe at hose in authority, he will have to bear full responsibility for the consequences. In the modern worls news travels at lightning speed which is largely facilitated by the Internet as a result of which newpapers find themselves losing audiences and, according to some, become a relic of the past. When the Internet was just nascent, many people were sceptical about it, assuming it to be just some new-fangled fad. However it is obvious today, that computers and the Internet are omnipresent and a would me journalist can't do without them. To date the assumption that the the printed media might one day become obsolete is something ftom the realm of science fiction, though today some traditional printed sources of information are becoming relics of the past. According to statistics, only one journalism graduate in three works in his profesion, the median age of a journalist is 32 years, some people change the profession before attaining the full benefit age. Traditionally the following qualities are attributed to a journalist: stress resistance, flexibility, assiduousness, mobility, maintaining his pose in in any situation, the ability to deal with garrulous people. A journalism applicant goes through a rigorous selection process, he must have some published articles, an ability to answer unexpected questions, a shorthand speed of 120 words a minute and a readiness for the drudgery of newspaper work are just some of the prequisites for the job. As in many other professions a working experience is valued over a diploma with honours. If you are not ready to read several newspapers a day and be immersed in the popular culture, if the idea of using a camera gives you the jitters - the odds are against your becoming a journalist. An insatiabe craving for information, a good command of English, an inquisitive mind and the ability to cope with enourmous pressures of time besides being able to communicate succinctly - are just the tip of the iceberg called journalism.

Ex. 21

There is an opinion that the principal purpose of the mass media is to promote and foster an objective, unbiased dissemination of information. However this view is deceptively simple. Journalism is an unbiased phenomenon, and if you want forge an impressive career in journalism you will have to meticulously coalesce information and be able to predict the twists and turns of the socio-political life of your country. Journalists are often sued and if they refuse to divulge sources to court they may be jailed. According to statistics journalism is a perilous profession and journalists often get killed in the line of duty. Verifying the provenance of information and the absence of vested interest are the salient qualities of a present-day journalist. A journalist at the start of his career must realize at the outset that newsworthiness and the absence of platitudes are indispensible assets of a newspaper article.

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