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5. Match the following words and collocations with their synonyms from exercise 2:

  1. a hidden hazard, difficulty (pitfall)

  2. action at law (legal action)

  3. aggravate, worsen, exasperate (exacerbate)

  4. be proud of (take pride in)

  5. believable, plausible (credible)

  6. benefit, blessing (boon)

  7. channel (conduit)

  8. corrupt, fraudulent (crooked)

  9. calculate, compute (crunch numbers)

  10. deceit, trickery (fraud)

  11. disclose, reveal (expose)

  12. discourage, dissuade (deter)

  13. domesticate, suppress, discipline (tame)

  14. fake (counterfeit)

  15. falsify, deform (distort)

  16. hold back, stop, restrain, frustrate (inhibit)

  17. in advance, beforehand (up front)

  18. intelligent, knowing, astute (savvy)

  19. let loose, release, relinquish (unleash)

  20. naïve, easily duped (gullible)

  21. prone, likely (liable)

  22. qualifications, certification (credentials)

  23. repel, repulse (put off)

  24. revise sth, refresh your memory (brush up on sth)

  25. take the consequences (face the music)

  26. violation, transgression (breach)

6. In chapter 15 the author uses the expression “credible websites”. Explain the difference in the usage of the words “credible”, “creditable” and “credulous” and then fill in the gaps with the suitable option:

  1. They haven't produced any credible evidence for convicting him.

  2. The student's effort on the essay--though not outstanding--was creditable.

  3. He charmed credulous investors out of millions of dollars.

  4. Her excuse was barely credible.

  5. It scarcely seemed credible that he could be serving her from motives purely chivalrous.  (The Beasts of Tarzan by Burroughs, Edgar Rice)

  6. We feel that this is a particularly creditable achievement in view of the changes that our business has undergone over the past twelve months.

  7. Why are westerners such credulous people for alternative therapies?

  8. He was unable to give a credible explanation for his behaviour.

  9. The professional skills demonstrated by our personnel were less than awesome but perfectly creditable.

  10. Few people are credulous enough to believe such nonsense.

7. Study the meaning of phrasal collocations with the verb “put” and the following particles: across, down, off, out, forward, down to. Then fill in the gaps in the sentences:

  1. He was trying to put across a serious point.

  2. I hate the way Dave puts me down the whole time.

  3. I was having difficulty reading, which I put down to the poor light.

  4. They put forward a number of suggestions.

  5. Don't let the restaurant's decor put you off - the food is really good.

  6. The rescue services are still trying to put out the fires.

  7. Why did you have to put me down in front of everybody like that?

  8. The meeting has been put off for a week.

  9. Would you mind putting your cigarette out, please?

  10. I can't put off going to the dentist any longer.

  11. The peace plan put forward last August has been revived for the latest round of negotiations.

  12. It's an interesting idea and I thought he put it across well.

  13. I put the children's bad behaviour down to the fact that they were tired.

  14. The smell of hospitals always puts me off.

9. Translate the sentences into English in writing paying special attention to the use of vocabulary units:

  1. Если Вы решили приобрести жилье в кредит, то необходимо предусмотреть возможные подводные камни, иначе трудностей не избежать. (pitfalls)

  2. Не стоит быть таким доверчивым и судить о добродетели людей по первому впечатлению. (gullible, take sth at face value)

  3. Многие считают, что смертная казнь препятствует тому, чтобы потенциальные преступники нарушали закон. (inhibit)

  4. Мой одноклассник очень толковый парень. Ему нет равных в математических вычислениях. (savvy, number crunching)

  5. Никто не мог обуздать его крутой нрав, ничто не могло его сдержать, но в итоге ему пришлось ответить за свои поступки. (tame, deter, face the music)

  6. Финансовая помощь гуманитарных организаций оказалось настоящим благом для беженцев из зоны военных действий, развязанных западной коалицией против неугодного режима на Ближнем Востоке. (boon, unleashed)

  7. Нам лучше потребовать от партнеров предварительную оплату товара, за ними нужно следить, ведь однажды они уже нарушили условия контракта, нельзя допустить, чтобы это повторилось. (pay upfront, keep an eye on smb, breach the contract)

  8. Журналистам нашей газеты удалось разоблачить мошенничество политических жуликов, против которых теперь возбуждено уголовное дело. (expose the fraud of crooked politicians)

  9. Теперь, когда у меня достаточный опыт работы, я менее подвержен манипуляциям со стороны начальства, я уверен в правильности принимаемых мною решений. (liable to)

  10. Для написания дипломной работы необходимо использовать только самые надежные источники, среди которых должны присутствовать и периодические издания, не искажающие факты. (credible sources, distort facts)

  11. Конфликт в регионе обострился до такой степени, что пришлось привлечь иностранных миротворцев и посредников. (was exacerbated)

  12. С развитием современных технологий количество информационных каналов также неуклонно возрастает. (conduits of information)

Key 16

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