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Upstream booklet.doc
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1) Ways to enjoy life.

  • Introduction – speak about everyday stressful situations that undermine our well-being (health).

  • Speak about the things that promote well-being.

  • Comment on the following: “If someone wants to be happy he or she can do it”.

  • Conclusion – speak about the ways to improve our well-being. Think of a slogan, famous quotation to end your speech with.

2) The primary aim of Art.

  • Introduction – speak about the mystery of Art. What is it akin to?

  • Why do people create Art?

  • How can Art help people to escape from daily routine, stresses?

  • Conclusion – speak about the immortal nature of Art. Think of a slogan, famous quotation to end your speech with.

3) Escape artists.

  • Introduction – comment on the notion escapism. What is it? How do you understand it?

  • Why do people sometimes want to escape from the boredom of reality/daily routine?

  • Conclusion – speak about the ways to escape. Think of a slogan, famous quotation to end your speech with.

4) Books in our life.

  • Introduction – speak about the role of books in your/a person’s life.

  • Why do people read books?

  • Speak about your favorite literary genre.

  • Conclusion – tell the class about the most interesting book you have recently read. Think of a slogan, famous quotation to end your speech with.

6) Escapist Movies.

  • Introduction – speak about the role and power of television in our life.

  • Why do most people regard television as an escape?

  • Speak about your favourite programmes. Why do you find them useful?

  • Conclusion – tell the class about the most interesting film you have recently watched. Think of a slogan, famous quotation to end your speech with.

6) Sport in my life.

  • Introduction – speak about the role of sport in your/a person’s life.

  • Speak about the most popular and fashionable kinds of sport nowadays.

  • Speak about the reasons that urge people to go in for sports.

  • Conclusion – make a clear statement (depending on your personal opinion) as to how to learn to love exercise, think of a slogan, famous quotation to end your speech with.

7) How to get the balance right in life?

  • Introduction – what, in your opinion, are the best ways to improve both physical state and morale?

  • Speak about the role of a healthy lifestyle.

  • Speak about the importance of being at one with the nature.

  • Conclusion – what advice would you give to those who want to live a balanced life? Think of a slogan, famous quotation to end your speech with.



Методическая записка……………………………………....4

Unit 1. Shop Around……………………………………….....6

Unit 2. The Image Business………………………………....24

Unit 3. Live and Learn…………………………………..…..44

Unit 4. Our Changing World………………………………...64

Unit 5. Growing Concerns……………………...……………....87

Unit 6. Escape Artists………………………………………108

Учебное издание

Гаспарян Екатерина Борисовна

Чертовских Ольга Олеговна



коммуникативной компетенции

Учебное пособие

к курсу “Upstream”

Уровни А2―В1

Редактор В.М. Титов

Компьютерный набор Е.Б. Гаспарян, О.О. Чертовских

Подписано в печать 25.12.08.

Формат 60х841/16.

Усл. печ. л. 2,44. Уч.-изд. л. ,.

Тираж 150 экз. Заказ № ________

Издательство «МГИМО-Университет»

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