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кр сведения по грамматике с упр для ТС(ЮС).docx
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3. Insert the correct form of the Gerund:

  • 1. He hired a room without (to mention) his own name.

  • 2. I felt guilty of (to come) to the party without (to invite).

  • 3. She caught sight of David (to walk) along the footpath.

  • 4. I hate (to call) by my surname.

  • 5. Once again he experienced the sensation of (to deceive).

  • 6. He informed me about (to recognise) the handwriting in the note.

  • 7. We were not aware of his always (to break) his promise.

4. Translate into English using the Gerund:

  • 1. Я не буду возражать против того, чтобы его послали в Москву.

  • 2. Он с нетерпением ждал приезда в наш город этого знаменитого певца.

  • 3. Она была удивлена, что он рассказал всем об этом.

  • 4. Он понимал, что вел себя неправильно.

  • 5. Когда ты собираешься бросить курить?

  • 6. Он гордится тем, что его сын получает только отличные отметки.

  • 7. Он помнил, что выключил свет, когда уходил из дома.

5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (gerund or infinitive). Translate into Russian:

1. By (to offer) enormous wages Anderson is persuading men (to leave) their present jobs and (to work) for him.

2. I am against (to make) any complaints.

3. After (to discuss) the matter for an hour the Board adjourned without (to reach) any decision.

4. If you put your money into that business you risk (to lose) every rouble.

5. I don’t feel like (to work). What about (to go) to a concert instead?

6. After (to learn) the conditions he decided (not to enter) for the competition.

7. He was accused of (to leak) secret information to the press.

8. After (to talk) for ten minutes he succeeded in (to convince) the management that there was no danger in his project.

9. He insisted on (to blackmail).

10. It’s no use (to try) (to interrupt) him. You’ll have (to wait) till he stops (to talk).

6. Open the brackets choosing between a Gerund or an Infinitive:


a) Williams did not want to go into the trouble (to inform) the Board.

Williams did not want to go into the trouble of informing the Board.

b) The Managing Director was unwilling (to raise) the matter.

The Managing Director was unwilling to raise the matter.

Smallcrown had revived the BSM-3 project with a view (to diversify) their product range. Modern Phones were also interested (to market) a digital electronic device similar to the BSM-3. Both companies were eager (to get) financial support from Eldridge’s Bank. Nick Anderson, the Managing Director of Modern Phones, had already drawn up proposals (to develop) his product and he took every opportunity (to present) his case to Mr Eldridge. John Williams, on the other hand, insisted on (to treat) Smallcrown’s project as confidential. He mantained that there was no point (to discuss) the plans until detailed information was available. Mr Eldridge was unwilling (to decide) which firm to support. His assistant, Coleman, thought there was a good case (to invest) in Modern Phones and he persisted (to draw) the Bank Director’s attention to the advantages (to support) Anderson. However, Mr Eldridge was not prepared (to commit) himself.