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CONTRACTS students.doc
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In witness whereof, the parties by their duly authorised representatives have executed this agreement on the day first above written

Exercise 67. Read the above text and find the equivalents of the following expressions and word-combinations.

Прочие условия; заключить соглашение; сообщение; главный юрисконсульт; составить соглашение; экземпляр; единый документ; иметь преимущественную силу; полнота соглашения; полное согласие; заменять; заявления о намерениях; письмо о намерениях; переуступка прав; создавать выгоды; предоставлять права; не может быть переуступлено; переуступать свои права и обязательства; отказ; поправка; таковой; обвиняться в отказе; делимость; признаваться недействительным; снабженный исковой силой; продолжать действовать в полную силу; экономический или правовой смысл; негативно затронутый; в подтверждение вышеизложенного; обеспечить юридическое оформление соглашения; должным образом уполномоченные представители; дата, указанная в начале текста.

Exercise 68. Find synonyms of the following expression in the above Contract.

One and the same instrument.

Exercise 69. Substitute Russian expressions for those in English.

  1. Except as specifically предусмотрено or referred to herein, nothing herein expressed or implied is intended or shall be толковаться to создавать выгоды, or предоставлять права in favor of, any Person, other than the Parties and their respective suc­cessors.

  2. No изменение or отказ of any положение of this Agree­ment nor consent to any departure by any Party therefrom shall in any event вступают в силу until таковые shall be in writing.

  3. This Agreement may be составлять by the Parties in separate экземплярах, each of which when so составленный and delivered shall be an original, but all such экземплярах shall together constitute единый документ.

  4. Neither this Agreement nor any права и обязательства hereunder may be переуступать by either Party without the письменного согласия of each of the Parties.

  5. This Agreement may be дополнен or modified only by письменное согласие of both parties.

  6. This Agreement may be составлен in two or more копии, each of which shall be считаться an original, but all of which together shall составлять единый документ.

  7. This Agreement, including any Exhibits hereto, constitute the полное соглашение between the parties with respect to the предмет hereof and заменять all prior agreements, whether oral or written, between the parties with respect to such предмет.

  8. All уведомления and другие сообщения under this Agreement shall be sent in writing by registered mail or delivered in person to the юридический адрес of the Party to whom it is addressed.

  9. в подтверждение вышеизложенного, Seller and Purchase have обеспечили юридическое оформление this Agreement on its behalf by its duly authorized officer на дату, указанную выше.

  10. Any term or condition of this agreement may be отказаться at any time by the party that is entitled to the выгоды thereof, but no such отказ shall вступать в действие unless set forth in a письменный документ должным образом составленный by or on the behalf of the party waiving such term or condition.

Exercise 70. Choose the correct word:

  1. The Parties confirm that it is their wish that this Agreement, as well as any other docu­ments relating hereto including notices, have been and shall be executed/made in English only.

  2. This Agreement shall substitute/supersedeany previous oral or written agreements orunderstandings/agreementsbetween the Parties.

  3. Any amendments/changes to the present Contract shall be made in writing as a singular/single document signed by the authorized representatives of the Parties and stamped.

  4. In case of contradictions/disagreements and inconsistency/discrepancies between the English and Russian variants of the Contract the English text shall prevail/dominate.

  5. This Agreement may be carried out/executed in two or more duplicates/counterparts, each of which shall be considered/deemed as original and all of which together shall constitute/compose one and the same instrument/deed.

  6. Neither Party has the right to appoint/assign its obligations and rights under the present Contract to any third Party without written consent/assent of the other Party.

  7. AS WITNESSED WHEREOF/THEREOF the parties have made/caused this Agreement to be exhibited/executed by their duly/respectively authorized parties as of the date first above written/stated.

Exercise 71. Fill in the blanks with the necessary prepositions.

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