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Exercise 92. Translate into English or Russian. Контракт № г.Москва «___» _______ 200__ именуемая в дальнейшем Продавец, с одной стороны, и г.Москва, рф, именуемое в дальнейшем Покупатель, с другой

стороны, заключили настоящий Контракт о нижеследующем:

  1. Subject of the Contract

1.1. The Sellers have sold and the Buyers have bought on conditions f.o.b. ______________ franco-railway car-border ______________________

in full conformity with the technical characteristics and in complete scope of supply specified in Appendix # ___

1.2. The Sellers have sold and the Buyer have bought the equipment hereinafter referred to as the Goods on terms FOB-stowed port ______

1.3. The Sellers will deliver the Buyers f.o.b. port __________ or free on rail __________ frontier or f.o.b. airport __________ or will send by post to the address __________________________________________________________

(description of equipment, instruments, etc., their technical specification


or reference to quotation or to Catalogue No.)

complete with standard spare parts, required technical documentation or corresponding accessories.

  1. Цены и общая стоимость

2.1. Общая стоимость оборудования запасных частей, инструмента, технической документации и услуг в объеме настоящего контракта составляет _______________________________________________________

2.2. Цены по позициям указаны в Приложениях № ________________

2.3. Цены твердые и не подлежат изменению.

2.4. Цены понимаются ________________________ со штивкой, франко-вагон ________________________________ или в соответствии с другими базисными условиями поставки, включая стоимость морской упаковки, маркировки и другие расходы по поставке.

2.5. Общая сумма Контракта составляет ___________. Цены остаются твердыми на весь срок действия Контракта, не подлежат никаким изменениям и понимаются ФОБ ________________ включая стоимость морской экспортной упаковки, маркировки, погрузки на борт судна, укладки и крепления оборудования в трюме и/или на палубе судна и стоимость необходимого для этого материала, а также доковые, портовые, крановые и таможенные сборы, взимаемые в связи с выполнением настоящего Контракта.

  1. Terms of Payment

3.1. Payments at the rate of _______ per cent of the value of the delivered equipment are to be effected in ___________________________ within 30 days


of the date of receipt by the Buyers of the following documents for collection:

3.2. Seller’s specified invoice – one Original and 2 copies (where Contract number and Trans are to be indicated);

Complete set of “clean-on-board” Bills of Lading issued destination RF port: _________________________ in the name of _______________________

a duplicate of the international railway bill issued destination railway station _________________ in the name of the chief of this station for further transportation by means of railways through the railway stations _____________________ to the railway station _____________________ for __________________________

3.3. _____ % per cent of value of the delivered equipment are to be paid upon expiration of the guarantee period provided the equipment corresponds to quantitative and qualitative indices stipulated in the Contract. Payment of this amount is to be effected upon expiration of the guarantee period within 30 days of receipt by the Buyers of the Seller’s invoice and provided there are no grounded claims from the Buyers.

All Bank expenses for collection are to be paid as follows:

  • all expenses of the Bank of the Sellers’ country to be borne by the Sellers;

  • all expenses of the Bank for Foreign Trade of the RF to be borne by the Buyers.

3.4. Payment for the delivered equipment is to be effected in __________

by collection in the following way: _______ per cent of the value of the completely delivered equipment to be paid within ________ days upon receipt by the Buyers of the following documents:

  1. Original and 2 copies of the detailed invoice.

  2. Packing list in triplicate.

  3. Two original “clean-on-board” Bills of Lading issued in the name of ____________________

  4. Copy of export licence, if required.

  5. Work’s certificates in triplicate.

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