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тесты по грамматике.doc
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4. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of adjectives.

1. Two men were sitting in the bar. The one man... (near) to me was... (big)

and ... (strong) man I have ever seen.

2. Of four dresses, I like the red one ...(good).

3. This poster is ... (colorful) than that in the hall.

4. The colder weather gets ... (sick) I fill.

5. A mink coat costs... (twice more than/twice as much as) a sable coat.

6. The museum is... (far) of three buildings.

7. No animal is so ...(big) as King Kong.

8. A new house is much ... (expensive) than the old one.

9. Peggy is 13. And she feels sad. She thinks most of other girls in school

are far ...(popular) than she is.

10.She sat there quietly. But during all that time she was getting ...

...(angry). Finally she explored.

11. There are many advantages to be young, but the ...(old)you are the...

(much) you understand.

12. Margaret is one of ... (lazy) person I have ever seen.

13. Ed is not lazy, but he's certainly one of ...(ambitious) people.

14. At first I thought I'd understood what she'd said, but the ... (I thought

about it. I become confused).

15.As the ambulance came closer to us, the siren became ... ... (loud).

5. Fill in blanks with other(s), another, the other(s).

1. I got three letters. One was from my father, ... was from my sister and ...

was from my girlfriend.

2. Alex's bicycle is destroyed. He needs to bye ....

3. Look at your hands. One is your right hand, and ... is your left.

4. Some ships are fueled by petroleum, ... are propelled by atomic power.

5. I invited five people to my party. Out of those five people, only John and

Mary can come,... people can not come.

6. Some suits have two buttons, ... suits have three buttons.

7. Would you like ... cup of coffee.

8. Alice reads The New York Times every day. She doesn't read any ...


9. I've already read this book. Can you give me ... one?

10. Two countries border the USA. One is Canada. ... is Mexico.

6. Add articles if necessary.

1. Yesterday I saw ... man and ... woman. They were having ... argument. ...

man was ... yelling at ... woman, and ... woman was shouting at... man.

2., pass me ... butter, please.

3. We usually have... meat for dinner.

4. On the table there was ... vase full of ... flowers.

5. This was ... quiet little village thirty years ago.

6. Harris said he knew ... place I meant.

7. ... sunshine is necessary for ... good health.

8. Ann was talking to ... Browns. Mr. Brown was ... very talkative person.

9. ... mother and ...uncle Elliot approve of what I have done.

10. He read ...Daily Mirror all ... way.