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тесты по грамматике.doc
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I. Translate into Russian; decide what type of questions is used, say it in Active.

  1. Why are your transactions concluded on FOB terms?

  2. I wonder if their consignment will be dispatched in time?

  3. Weren’t the particulars attached to the letter?

  4. Has the Object of Order been discussed or reconsidered?

  5. The latest issue of your journal is being distributed only on our market, isn’t it?

  6. What invoice will have been sent by the end of the quarter?

II.Translate into Russian, say it in Active and ask questions to the given variant.

  1. The prompt reply from their constant clients is being waited for. (alternative)

  2. The goods are to be packed separately in 3 cases with 2 boxes in each. (general negative)

  3. As soon as the agreement is achieved, the business points of new negotiations will be got down to. (disjunctive)

  4. The guarantee period was expired 3 days ago. (reported)

  5. Their representatives had been authorized to lead the talks on behalf of the firm before he was informed of the changes in the itinerary of his business trip because of some force majeuer. (special to the attribute)

  6. The tender of the grinding machines was still being considered when the sales manager came in. (special)

III.Translate into English, paying attention to the usage of either Passives or Actives.

  1. Мощность турбобуров снова увеличили на столько же, как и в прошлом году.

  2. Выпуск журнала о новейших разработках в области офисной техники печатается прямо сейчас.

  3. Чем больше заказано сменных частей, тем меньше вероятности простоев в непрерывном производстве.

  4. Сборку оборудования на территории вашего завода проведут значительно быстрее, качественнее и профессиональнее, чем это проходило в прошлый раз.

  5. Павильоны с меньшим количеством экспонатов, брошюр, рекламных щитов вчера с 2 до 5 посещали больше, чем это наблюдалось до пятницы.

  6. Станки, идентичные предыдущей партии, будут отгружены до 2 февраля.

  7. Самую низкую цену назначат только в том случае, если вами будет заказано в 3 раза больше станков.

  8. До следующей выставки вся документация будет тщательно отобрана, что позволит представить новейшую модель на этом рынке.

Test 9

  1. Say it in Active and then translate it into Russian.

  1. The correspondence is being gone through by our social relation department now.

  2. The capacity of our grinding machines is always considered to be the biggest of the ones of our competitors on this market.

  3. The consignment of grey cloth has just been shipped according to the schedule of the delivery.

  4. All working characteristics of the drilling rigs were compared with the ones similar to our model at last exhibition.

  5. At the request of your Buyers the price for these machines were being revised at our last talks and by the evening the lowest possible ones had been quoted.

  6. We hope the letter will be sent tomorrow that the damages will have been studied by your chief engineer carefully.

  1. Say it in Passive and then translate into Russian, ask questions.

  1. We will be able to extend the guarantee period by 3 months then. (alternative)

  2. They are acquainting with the operation and maintenance instructions at the moment. (general negative)

  3. The Sellers included original Bill of Lading into the full set of trade documents only the other day. (disjunctive)

  4. They had agreed on replacing the defective packing sheet by the arrival of our representative there. (special)

  5. During last negotiations the Board of Directors was handling the forthcoming join of the two great companies. (special to the attribute)

  6. The producer seldom sell on CIF terms. (special to the subject)

  1. Choose between Active and Passive.

At the last glow of sunset, they (to board) the aeroplane in inverse order of seniority beginning with the sergeant and ending with General Spitz. The plane they (to provide) with was luxurious for the wartime. It (to fit) with seats. Little lights (to glow) along the roof. Soon the doors (to shut). The lights (to go) out. It (to be) now completely dark. What once (to be) windows (to paint) out. The roar of the engine (to impose) silence on the party. Dan, who (to put) himself next to the cockpit, (to long) for a forbidden cigarette and (to try) to compose himself for sleep, though it (to be) far from his normal bedtime. He (to wear) the same shirt all day without a chance of changing. In the afternoon it (to be) damp with sweat. Now in the chill upper it (to cling) to him and (to set) him shivering. It (not to occur) to him to bring his greatcoat. It (to be) an unsatisfactory day. He (to wander) about the streets of the old town with the Lieutenant. They (to lunch) at the club and (to order) to report at the airfield two hours before they (to need). He (not to dine) and (to see) no hope of doing so. He (to sit) in black boredom and discomfort until, after an hour, sleep (to come).

Test 10

  1. Put the verbs into the correct tense and translate it into Russian.

  1. Their assistance…(to require) by us lately.

  2. All the replacements…(to attach) to the set of the equipment as soon as the payment…(to affect) by you.

  3. The drawings of the new model…(to examine) carefully by the design department now.

  4. Till the notification of readiness…(to dispatch), the Letter of Credit…(to correct) by the manager last Friday.

  5. While the tender…(to consider) by our manager, a new project of the forthcoming transaction…(to design) by our lawyer.

  6. By the time vice-president…(to inform0 of all the changes in the agenda of stockholders meeting, the chairman…(to authorised) to apply in his speech to the business points of their new agreement.

  1. Say the same in Active and ask questions to the Passives.

  1. The tests are going to be waived as you know. (disjunctive)

  2. A license on publishing had been obtained by the previous week. (alternative)

  3. The capacity and the efficiency of our new model is to be increased to meet our Buyers requirements. (general negative) (translate the question into Russian and disagree)

  4. A pro-forma invoice will have been sent to you by the time your representative makes an appointment with our sales manager. (special to the attribute)

  5. This point of view was taken into consideration when discussing the plans for summer holidays. (reported)

  6. The correspondence was being looked through while the cable from the firm Smith and co was got yesterday. (special to the subject, answer the question)

  1. Use the required active or passive forms in the following text.

Walker’s ambition (to be) to make a road right round the island and a great part of it already (to build). His roads (to be) the joy of his heart and he (to make) excursions constantly to see that they (to keep) in order.

The roads (to be) wide tracks which (to cut) through the jungle. When they (to lay), trees (to root) out and rocks (to dig) up. It (to be) hard work, and all of it (to do) by the natives who (to pay) almost nominal wages for it.

Then the day (to come) when the natives (to learn) that larger sums (to pay) for such work in other places and they (to stop) the work. Now the wages (to discuss) in the village. The natives (to hold) together and (to say) they (not to return) to the work unless Walker (to agree) to accept their terms. The administrator only (to promise) to give them a feast when the road (to finish0.

But when Walker (to find) that no attempt (to make) to start work, he (to go) to the village and ( to ask) the men what silly game (to play). The natives (to be) calm and only ( to say) they (to do) it if he (to give) them a hundred pounds. Walker (to fly) into a rage and (to say): “If you (not to start) in a week, take care.” Then he (to turn) round and (to walk) away.

That same night when Walker (to stroll) along the road that (to run) past his house, he (to hear) something whiz past him and strike a tree. He (to understand) that something (to throw) at him. He (to know) it (to be) hopeless to pursue in the darkness. Instead (to go) quickly back to the house for a lantern. Then he (to return) to the place and after a long search (to see) a long knife sticking into the trunk of a tree. It (to throw) with such a force that it (to require) quite an effort to pull it out.

Finish the story using both active and passive forms.

Test 11

  1. Put into the PASSIVE.

  1. Karen is going to prepare the refreshments.

  2. They have finished the new product design.

  3. They were cooking dinner when I arrived.

  4. Smithers painted 'Red Sunset' in 1986.

  5. Did the plan interest you?

  6. You should take care when working on electrical equipment. (Care …)

  7. They are going to perform Beethoven's Fifth Symphony next weekend.

  8. Someone will speak Japanese at the meeting.

  9. She will have to teach us.

  10. The teacher will give us a test at five o'clock this afternoon.

  1. Put into the ACTIVE.

1. The instructions have been changed.

2. This car was manufactured in Japan by Toyota.

3. Why haven't the exercises been finished on time?

4. Last year 2,000 new units had been produced by the time we introduced the new design.

5. $400,000 in profit has been reported this year.

6. Students are required to wear uniforms at all times.

7. All work will have been completed by five o'clock this evening.

8. We were told to wait here.

9. Lunch was being served when we arrived.

10. Lectures are recorded and posted on the Internet.