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Английский Язык БиТ 4 курс.doc
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3. Find the answers to the questions.

  1. What are telecommunications?

  2. How can computers be linked up over a long distance? How can a PC be connected to another computer?

  3. What are the advantages of optical-fibres over telephone lines?

  4. What is the function of communications satellites?

  5. What do you need to telecommunicate?

  6. What can you do with modem?

  7. What is BBS?

  8. What do you need to make for fist time BBS connection? What are you required for your fist time BBS connection?

  9. How do we call the BBS administers?

  10. How can one gain access to the Internet? Who provides it?

4. Complete the sentences.

1. But in modern world telecommunications mainly means ... .

2. ... by transmitting light pulses at high frequencies along the glass fibre

3. …, you can communicate with people through bulletin boards and online services.

4. We can use a BBS to ... .

5. Internet service provide usually offer access to ... .

5. Match the following English words with their definitions.

1. electronic mail (e-mail)


to access massive database containing all kind of information or to be connected with airline reservations services

2. local bulletin board system


system operator

3. commercial on line service


the range of frequencies used in a specific telecommunications signal

4. modem


is an abbreviation of modulator/demodulator

5. sysop


easily operated and understood by means of a straightforward guide in jargon-free language

6. current affair


interesting or important information not previously known or realized

7. easy-to-use


to receive shareware and public domain programs from a user group

8. bandwidth


to send a personal message to a friend who is at a different workstation

6. True or false statements.

  1. Modern telecommunications use only TV cable because data can be transmitted at a very high speed through the extremely wide bandwidths of glass fibres.

  2. A telephone is your computer’s link to the external work.

  3. To gain access to the Internet one must first open a bank account.

  4. Bulletin board systems (BBS) are frequently free because they are run by enthusiasts and sponsored by user groups or small businesses.

7. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

  1. A modem is simply a device that takes a stream of data and turns it into sound.

  2. The first small computer modems were built from diagrams in Popular Electronics and other related magazines.

  3. Mobile phones and the Internet have changed the way we communicate. However, we still need to use the keyboard and the mouse to communicate with computers.

  4. Newsgroups and discussion groups are essentially bulletin boards focused on specific topics. Under this collaboration framework, the shared artifact is simply the topic under discussion.

  5. Some service provides require you to have a static IP number in order to use FTP (File Transfer Protocol) software for uploading and downloading files.

  6. Internet TV is the concept of using a TV set as an Internet device. It allows you to surf the Web and have e-mail while you are watching television, or vice versa. Imagine watching a film on TV and simultaneously accessing a Website where you get information on the actors in the film.

  7. Internet TV is very easy to use and ideal for people who are reluctant to use PCs but are interested in the Internet.

  8. Digital transmission sends data as distinct pulses, either on or off, in much the same way that data travels through the computer.

  9. Connecting to the Internet via DSL lines, cable, satellite and wireless networks increases bandwidth dramatically, making the Web much more useful.