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2. Make up a plan in the form of questions.

3. Give the summary of the text according to your plan in a written form.

IV. Comprehensive skills

1. Read and remember.

to reside

- постійно знаходитися (at, in)


- розширення

to be stored

- зберігатися

2. Listen to the text “Understanding Filenames” and try to understand it.

3. True or false statements.

1. For information to be organized on a disk, every file must have a name.

2. DOS names for file consist of two parts.

3. Filenames may contain from one to eighteen characters.

4. Data files contain executable instructions. Program files contain information used by program files.

4. Listen to the text once again and answer the following questions.

1. What does the extension identify in DOS?

2. What kind of characters may be used in a filename?

V Communicative skills

1. Read and translate some descriptions of different operating systems.

Operating systems


Most of the Mac OS code is the ROM chips. These contain hundred routines (sequences of instructions) which perform such tasks as starting up the computer, transferring data from disks to peripheries and controlling the RAM space.

Large parts of the Mac OS are also inside the System file and the Finder kept in the System folder. The content of the System file is loaded automatically at start-up and contains information which modifies the routines of the OS in the ROM chips. The Finder displays the Macintosh desktop and enables the users to work with disk programs and files. It allows multitasking. It has an Internet set up assistant, an e-mail program and a Web browser.


The operating system designed by Bell Laboratories in the USA for minicomputers, has been widely adopted by many corporate installations. From the very first, it was designed to be a multitasking system. It is written by C language.

It has become an operating environment for software development, available for any type of machine from IBM PS/2s to Macs to Cray supercomputers. UNIX is the most commonly used system for advanced CAD programs.


Java refers to a number of computer software products and specifications from Sun Microsystems. Together they provide a system for developing application software and deploying it in a cross-platform environment. It is used in a wide variety of computing platforms from embedded devices and mobile phones on the low end, to enterprise servers and supercomputers on the high end. Its applets are often used to provide improved and secure functionalities while browsing the World Wide Web.

Writing in the allied name of programming language is the primary way to produce code that will be deployed as Java bytecode.

On November 13, 2006, Sun Microsystems made the bulk of its implementation of Java available under the GNU General Public License.

2. Write your own one description for Vista, Windows, or Linux. Mention its main tasks and characteristics, what for it was worked out, by whom and where and express your own attitude about its benefits.

3. Present your home research in class and be ready for discussions.

Unit 3

Topic: Electronic communications

I Reading skills

1. Read and remember the following words and word combinations used in their specialized meanings.


- пропускна здатність

dish aerial

- антена супутникового зв’язку

to amplify

- підсилювати

current affairs

- сучасні новини


- ефективний

bulletin boards

- електронна дошка об’яв


- досягати, оволодівати


- спеціалізуватися


- рівний

easy-to-use interface

- легкий у використанні пристрій

2. Read and translate the following text into Ukrainian

Channels of communication

Telecommunication refers to the transmission of information over long distances using the telephone system, radio, TV satellite or computer links. But in modern world telecommunications mainly means transferring information from one PC to another via modem and phone lines or fibre-optic cables.

Modern telecommunications use fibre-optic cable because data can be transmitted at a very high speed through the extremely wide bandwidths of glass fibres. The fibre system operates by transmitting light pulses at high frequencies along the glass fibre. This offers considerable advantages: the cables require little physical space, they are safe because they don’t carry electricity and they avoid electromagnetic interface.

Network on different continents can also be connected via satellite. Computers are connected by a modem either to ordinary telephone wires of fibre-optic cables, which are linked to a dish aerial. This aerial has a large concave reflector for a reception and sending of signals. Then, when signals are received by the satellite, they are amplified and sent on workstation in another part of the world.

A modem is your computer’s link to the external world. With a modem, you can exchange e-mail and files with friends and colleagues; access the Web and search for information about the current affairs, entertainment, participate in newsgroups and live conversations, make bank transactions and buy things from the comfort of your home. You can also access your office from your computer at home or your laptop in a hotel room. Today a lot of companies find it more efficient to have some employees doing their work at home. Using a modem, they transfer their work into the office where it is printed and distributed. The list of applications is endless.

To implement such work you need PC or a terminal, a modem connected to the computer and the telephone line, and communication software. Once you have installed and configured your modem, you can communicate with people through bulletin boards and online services.

Bulletin board systems (BBS) are frequently free because they are run by enthusiasts and sponsored by user groups or small businesses. The first time you make a BBS connection you are required to register your name, address, phone number and other information such as the kind of computer and modem you are using. The person who administers the BBS is called sysop (system operator). We can use a BBS to download artwork, games and programs, or participate in ongoing discussions. You can also upload (send) programs, but make sure they are shareware or public domain programs.

To gain access to the Internet one must first open an account with an Internet service provider (ISP) or a commercial online service provider. Internet service providers usually offer access to the Web and newsgroups, an e-mail address, a program to download files from FTP sites, and IRC software so that one can have live charts with other users. Most ISPs charge a flat monthly or annual fee that gives you unlimited access to the Internet.

Commercial online services differ from dedicated ISPs in two ways: they use a smooth, easy-to-use interface, and they have extra services for members only.