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Use the following phrases:

When you agree

When you disagree

When you only partially

I totally agree

Of course not

To a certain extent

I quite agree

On the contrary

I am not certain

No doubt

I don't really think so

Yes, in a way

I suppose so

Far fron it

I agree to some extent


Nothing of the kind

Maybe that's true, but...

1.Abroad the word Ukraine is often associated with Chornobyl. 2.Our chemical enterprises are not properly controlled.

3.All the soil in Ukraine is contaminated with radioactive substances. 4.Thousands of people were subjected to massive doses of radiation following the Chornobyl catastrophe.

4.Special training in environmental protection is vital for engineers in any field.

5.The people of any country should influence their government's environmental decisions.

6.There are many alternatives to nuclear power stations in Ukraine. 7.Atomic power stations should be closed down.

8.Electricity might become more expensive if atomic power stations were closed down.

9.Fuels like coal are bad for the environment.

10.We can do without chemical fertilizers and pesticides which pollute the water supply.

11.Sewage should not be discharged into seas and rivers.

12.Acid rain is an inevitable consequence of human industrial activity. 13.People should be responsible for every environmental decision they make.

14.Nuclear energy, should it get out of control, could have a disastrous effect on people and wild-life.

7. Read and translate the following text:


Many scientists call hydrogen the fuel of the future. It is the lightest of all gases and contains two times as many thermal calories as the same amount of gasoline. It is an excellent, ecologically clean fuel. But unlike the conventional fuels — firewood, coal, oil and natural gas — it is practically non-existent in its pure forms on Earth.


Scientists have developed a highly-effective technological method of, obtaining hydrogen from gas. Before gas reaches the burners in the boilers of power stations, valuable components such as acetylene, carbon black, graphit and hydrogen are extracted from it.

Hydrogen can also be obtained from water. For this water has to be


Hydrogen can very effectively be used as a fuel by power stations. It is widely used in the petrochemical and metallurgical industries. Extensive tests have been made with motor vehicle using hydrogen as fuel. The engines worked perfectly, more efficiently than on petrol, and they did not heat up as much. Drivers in the Arctic were very enthusiastic, because liquid hydrogen is not affected by harsh frost, and so engines start easily. Hydrogen also seems very promising as a fuel in aviation. All the engines furnaces, heating systems, as well as a mass of other devices, now operating on oil, oil products, natural gas or coal can be adapted to hydrogen fuel.

Hydrogen as a source of energy is becoming increasing and important. It offers advantages not only in terms of ecological cleanliness and high-heating power, but also in terms of ease of transportation. Even if hydrogen were the only component extracted from natural gas, it would still be economically worthwhile to process gas. The advantages are twofold — economic and environmental.

Experts say that in the 21st century hydrogen will be obtained by thermochemical decomposition of water.

At present, here there are such problems as how to obtain cheap, commercially profitable hydrogen from water, or how to store hydrogen in a frozen, i. e. liquid state. But present-day technology, and even more so, the technology of the future, are capable of coping with these problems.

8.Fill in the gaps in the following sentences choosing the right words:

1.Hydrogen is the lightest of all ..... .



c)organic compounds


2.Hydrogen can be obtained from ...... .



c)water and gas

d)thermochemical decomposition of water

3.Hydrogen can very effectively be used as a fuel by ....... .

a)power stations

b)nuclear reactor


c)nuclear power plant


4.Where is hydrogen widely and effectively used?

a)It is widely used in the petrochemical industries.

b)It is widely used in the metallurgical industries.

c)It is widely used in the petrochemical and metallurgical industries.

d)It is widely used in farming.

5.Hydrogen also seems very promising as a fuel in ..... .





6.Hydrogen offers advantages in ...... .

a)terms of ease of transportation

b)terms of ecological cleanliness

c)economic and environmental problems

d)obtaining hydrogen from gas

7.In the 21st century hydrogen will be obtained by ...... .

a)burning of natural gas

b)present-day technology

c)thermochemical decomposition of water

d)ecological cleanliness

8.There are such problems as how ..... .

a)to obtain cheap hydrogen from water

b)how to store hydrogen in a frozen

c)to obtain cheap hydrogen from gas

d) to obtain cheap hydrogen from water, or how to store hydrogen in a frozen.

Grammar Issues to Be Revised


1. Give the infinitive forms of the following verbs: Example: restored - to restore

began, repaired, are dying ,will be, introduces, has affected, are giving, is done, could, will have applied, were replaced.


2. Write sentences beginning I (don't) want you to .../ Do you want me to...?

Example: (you must come with me) I want you to come with me.

1.(listen carefully)

2.(please don't be angry)

3.(shall I wait for you?)

4.(don't phone me tonight)

5.(leave nature alone)

6.( shall I make some coffee?)

7.(don't damage ecosystems)

8.(answer my question)

3 . Report the sentences using the

words in

the box and + to






Example: "Can I get you a drink? " he said to us. He

offered to get us a drink.








1."Would you like to go to a concert?" she asked her friend. 2."You should take more exercise" the doctor said to me. 3."I won't drive too fast," I said.

4."I could prepare the report for you" he said to her.

5."You should not deal with this bank" the manager said to him. 6."The purpose of restoration ecology is to repair ecosystem damaged

human actions" he said to students.

4.Translate the sentences into Ukranian.

a)1. To explore that small island was the chief aim of our expedition. 2. The expedition is to explore that island in summer. 3. The chief aim of the expedition was to explore that island. 4. The expedition began to explore this island in spring. 5. These plants are to be found only in the south of our country. 6. They decided to discuss this question at the next meeting. 7. Here is the article to be discussed today.

b)1. Everyone had a wish to say something. 2. He decided to go alone. 3. We must work hard to live. 4. The question must be answered. 5. It was difficult to believe. 6. This is my bench, and you have no right to take it away from me. 7. Nothing could be done before morning.

5.Make up sentences.






to know this language.





to be interested in chemistry.





to have entered the University.





to have arrived in Kyiv.





to have been teaching for five years.








to understand spoken English.




to have recognized me.




to play volley-ball very well.




to know the city very well.




to meet them at the exhibition.

6. Make sentences with seem and appear according to the model Example: Are they discussing the advances in ecological understanding?

They seem to be discussing the advances in ecological understanding.

1.Have they received their wages? They seem ...

2.Has he lost his job recently? He appears...

3.Do people practice land management? People appear…

4.Is he learning new methods of ecological restoration? He seems ...

5.Have we got enough money for the new equipment? We seem ...

6.Has an American entomologist worked with local residents to rebuild a dry tropical forest? She appears ...

7.Open brackets using infinitive with to or without to.

1.I am writing ______ (invite) you to my birthday party next Sunday.

2.Could I ______ (ask) you ______ (help) me with the preparations? 3.Please write back soon and let me ______ (know) if you can make it. 4.We had better

______ (hurry up) if we want to get there before dark. 5.I expect ______ (pass) the test. 6.I was advised ______ (buy) a flat. 7.We’re going out for dinner. Would you like ______ (join) us? 8.Fred didn’t have any money, so he decided

______(find) a job. 9.We want him ______(speak) about his experiments at the conference. 10.They don’t let me ______ (play) music loud. 11.My parents make me ______ (study) hard. 12. She advised me ______ (wait) a little.

8.Translate the sentences into Ukranian.


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