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leakage - витік, просочування littering - засмічення

emitter - випромінювач encompasses - включає в себе sonar - гідролокатор

trespass – правопорушення, зловживання interference – втручання.,інтерференція ,перешкода visual – візуальний, зоровий, оптичний

overhead - підвісний billboards - рекламні щити scarred - покритий рубцями trash - сміття

coolant - холодоагент

Post-text exercises

I.Answer the questions:

What are the major forms of pollution ?

What is air pollution?

What do you know about water pollution?

What is soil contamination?

What do you know about radioactive contamination?

What problems can pollution bring?

2. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1.Air pollution occurs when chemicals are released by spill or underground leakage.

2.Water pollution includes light trespass, over-illumination.

3.Thermal pollution, is a temperature change in natural water bodies caused by human influence.

4.Pollutant is a particular chemical or form of energy that can adversely affect the health, survival, or activities of humans or other living organisms.

5.Noise pollution, which encompasses roadway noise, aircraft noise, industrial noise as well as high-intensity sonar.

6.Noise can not cause temporary stress reactions such as increasing heart rate, increases in blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, digestive and respiratory ailments.

7.Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies (e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans, groundwater).

8.Radioactive contamination is the controlled distribution of radioactive material in a given environment.

9.Litter is waste that people unlawfully dispose of outdoors.


3. Translate the following word combinations in written form: particulate matter

waste products liquid spills underground leakage

nuclear weapons research municipal solid waste human influence

scarred landforms natural water bodies

4.Give definitions of the following word combinations:

1.Air pollution ….

2.Water pollution ….

3.Thermal pollution

4.Light pollution ….

5.Soil contamination ….

6.Noise pollution ….

5. Fill in the blanks the proper words, using the text.

1.Air pollution, the release of chemicals and …… into the atmosphere.

2.Photochemical ozone and smog are created as nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons …… to sunlight.

3.Among the most significant soil …… are hydrocarbons, heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides and chlorinated hydrocarbons.

4.Thermal pollution, is a temperature …… in natural water bodies caused by human influence.

5.Light pollution, includes light trespass, …….. and astronomical interference.

6.Give a brief summary of the text.

Grammar Issues to Be Revised

1.Past Continuous Tense. 2.Future Continuous Tense.

1. Read and translate the dialogue. Explain using Past Continuous Tense.

Dialogue A

·Were you at home at 6 o’clock?

·Yes, I was working in the garden.


Dialogue B

·I went to see Mary and Nick last night.

·What were they doing when you came?

·They were listening to compact disks. Their children were playing football while they were listening to music.

Dialogue C

·Do you know what Mike was doing yesterday noon?

·He was speaking to the manager in his office.


2. Make up the sentences .


-I don’t know what Peter was doing yesterday at 3.

-He was speaking to the rector.

(to watch a comedy on TV; to look through the mail; to wait for the British students delegation; to read an urgent telegram from Smith and Company; to have important talks; to take one’s friends from International Airport)

3.Translate into Ukranian.

1.It was snowing at noon.

2.She was reading a historical novel at the moment he came back.

3.It was raining when I left the house.

4.What was he doing when you called on him?

5.He hurt his arm when he was playing tennis.

6.As I was coming here I met your friend.

7.I was translating a scientific paper when you phoned me.

8.It was raining at midnight.

9.She was helping her children to do their homework when I came.

10.Mr. Smith was looking through the catalogue at two yesterday. 11.It was raining, so we didn’t go out.

12.When Julia was travelling about Germany she visited a lot of museums.

13.When I woke up yesterday, the sun was shining and the birds were singing.

14.Today she is wearing a skirt, but yesterday she was wearing trousers.

15.We were looking at the kittens while they were eating.


4.Fill in the blanks with am,is,are,were,will be

1.Hydrogen as a source of energy … becoming increasing and important. 2.We ... discussing new labor-saving and environmental technologies at that moment.

3.I ... posting the letter in the morning tomorrow.

4.The student ... retelling the text about the recycling of materials while the others listened to him attentively.

5.Factories … polluting our rivers and lakes with dangerous chemicals. 6. Oil tankers …. releasing thick, black oil into our oceans.

5 Write questions. Use was/were +ing.

Model: What/you/watch/'when I rang you up yesterday? What were you watching when I rang you up yesterday?

1.What/Tim/do/when you saw him?

2.It/rain/when you went out?

3.What/you/do/at 11 o'clock?

4.She/sign/this report/at that moment?

5.Where/they/save/their money?

6.Who/you/talk to/over the phone when I came in?

6.Open the brackets and put the proper form of verbs: Past Continuous or Past Indefinite.

1. George (fall) off the ladder while he (paint) the ceiling. 2. While Tom (cook) the dinner, the phone (ring). 3. Last night I (read) in bed when suddenly I (hear) a scream. 4. Ann (wait) for me when I (arrive). 5. I (see) Carol at the party. She (wear) a really beautiful dress. 6. I (not/drive) very fast when the accident (happen). 7. My wife (break) a plate last night when she (do) the washing-up. 8. The man (read) a magazine when somebody (knock) at the door. 9. Mr.Forest (write) a book while he (live) in Scotland. 10. Yesterday as I (walk) down Cherry Lane, I (meet) Thomas, an old friend of mine.

7. Replace the infinitive verbs in the brackets with appropriate Present, Past or Future Continuous Tense forms:

1.Our scientists ( to work ) with industry, regulators and the community to combat air, land and water pollution.

2. Global warming (to change) of the climate on the Earth that made life on the Earth possible.


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