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INFINITIVE - 2009-2010 - new.doc
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The infinitive as subject

1. The infinitive as the subject can either:

  1. precede the predicate, that is in the initial position, e.g. To hesitate means to lose. = Колебаться – значит проиграть. / Коливатися - значить програти.

  2. or follow the predicate. If it follows the predicate, it is introduced by the introductory or dummy subject “it”, e.g.

  • It is useless to cry over the spilt milk. = После драки кулаками не машут. / Після бійки кулаками не махають

  • It’s kind of you to let me come. = Как это было мило с вашей стороны позволить мне прийти. / Як це було мило з вашого боку дозволити мені прийти.

  • It’s nice to see you again.

Note: Some grammarians regard the infinitive in this function as an object.

2. The infinitive of any voice, correlation or aspect can be used as a subject, e.g.

  • To expect too much is a dangerous thing. (non-perfect active) = Ожидать слишком много – опасная вещь. / Очікувати занадто багато - небезпечна річ.

  • Even to be talking to Gerald was a real pleasure for her. (non-perfect continuous active) = Даже разговаривать с Джералдом ей было приятно. / Навіть розмовляти з Джералдом їй було приємно.

  • To have seen Marge, so lively and beautiful, was even a more painful experience than he thought. (perfect active) = Увидеть Марж, такую оживленную и красивую, было даже тяжелее, чем он думал. / Побачити Марж, так жваву й гарну, було навіть важче, ніж він гадав.

  • To have been spoken to in such a way was a real shock for Mr. Fitsgerald. (perfect passive) = То, что с ним разговаривали в таком тоне, было настоящим шоком для мистера Фицджеральда. / Те, що з ним розмовляли в такому тоні, було справжнім шоком для містера Фіцджеральда.

  • To have been working for the whole day and all in vain was really frustrating. (perfect continuous active) = Проработать целый день и все напрасно – было действительно обидно. / Проробити цілій день і все марно - було дійсно прикро.

3. The use of the infinitive as the subject in the initial position is mainly found in literary English.

TASK 4. Paraphrase the statements using the introductory it and the words suggested. Follow the example.

Examples. He didn't go to the concert yesterday. (stupid) - It was stupid of him not to have gone there.

  1. Henry gave a talk on pop music at the last lesson. (clever)

  2. Sheila didn't accept the offer for a job last week. (foolish)

3. I regret that I didn't join the trip to London. (stupid)

  1. Susan offered me her ticket to the concert. (kind)

  2. The school leavers visited their old school teacher. (nice)

  3. They told her the sad news. (wrong)

  4. Mary took some medicine with her on the trip. (wise)

  5. Teresa bought a pair of warm gloves for her mother-in-law. (good)

  6. The Greens invited their old neighbour to their house-warming party. (thoughtful)

  7. The housekeeper locked all the doors before going to bed. (clever)

  8. The boy stole some money from the cloakroom. (stupid)

  9. Paula gave up smoking at last. (wise)

  10. George passed his driving test without any difficulty. (clever)

TASK 5. In the sentences given below the infinitive is used as the subject. Put the words in order and read the sentences. Translate the sentences into your mother tongue.

  1. is - cry - it - useless; never – helps - to.

  2. to - it’s - good - knock - a – then – man - not - down - and - ask - lives - him – why- he - dirt - in - the.

  3. to – human - is, to – divine – err – forgive - is. (A proverb)

  4. late - it - never - up - to - give - too - is - prejudice.

  5. everything - to - know – know – is - nothing - to. (A proverb)

  6. hard - not - it’s - to – decisions – you – make – when – your – what – values - know - are.

  7. to - or - not – compromise - not - to - a - be – is - be – question - of - a.

  8. be – than - it’s - to - occasionally – suspicious – better – cheated - perpetually.

  9. wear - to – bought - not - all – these – have – nice – things - where – and – to – have – to - them - shame – was - a.

TASK 6. Translate into English using different forms of infinitives as the subject of the sentence.

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