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Иностранный язык (анг) Пособие по экономике для...doc
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    1. Find answers to these questions in the text:

  1. What do forces of supply and demand decide in a market economy?

  2. What can a government in a planned economy decide about goods that are not good for health?

  3. Why does a government in a planned economy set prices?

  4. What do workers’ wages depend on in a planned economy?

  5. What are the drawbacks of a planned economy?

  6. Give some other examples of planned economies besides China and the former USSR.

    1. Translate these sentences using the new words of the text:

  1. Плановая экономика контролируется государством.

  2. При плановой экономике правительство решает что и сколько производить.

  3. У плановой экономики есть свои сильные стороны и недостатки.

  4. При плановой экономике правительство устанавливает цены, чтобы поделить товары поровну между людьми.

  5. При плановой экономике правительство не знало сколько производить товаров, чтобы удовлетворить спрос на эти товары.

  6. Закон спроса и предложения не действует в условиях плановой экономики.

  7. В государствах с плановой экономикой материальные ресурсы являются государственной собственностью.

4 The Mixed Economy

There are no examples in the world today of a completely free or a completely controlled economy. Every country operates a mixture of two systems: in the free economy of the USA there is some government control, and in the strictest planned economy there is some free enterprise.

Economies mix government control and free market values in different ways. One way is to let privately owned businesses exist alongside state run businesses. The economy becomes divided between the state sector and the private sector. The state sector often includes industries that the government thinks are important and need protection from the risks of the free market. These industries could include public transport, hospitals, schools and the postal service. The state sector can also include large industries that are important for a country’s economic health, such as oil, steel or agriculture. These are sometimes called primary industries because they provide basic materials to manufacturers.

These state sector industries use money that the government collects in taxes. Often they do not need to compete with other companies because no other company is allowed to provide the same product or service. However, many countries have recently started a process called deregulation, which means freeing up the economy to allow private businesses to compete with state-run industries. Deregulation of services like telecommunications, transport and banking has happened in many countries in recent years. The state sector should then run more efficiently in order to compete in the free market and because it now has less government protection.

Another way in which economies today are mixed is that governments put limits on free enterprise. For example, governments may decide to ban trade in certain goods if they are dangerous. Governments may also create laws to make companies trade honestly or to prevent monopolies. Governments may also regulate methods of production. They do this to guarantee that products are safe for consumers and to protect the environment. (1755)

4.1Find in the text the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations: смесь двух систем, свободное предпринимательство, ценности свободного рынка, частные предприятия, государственные предприятия, нуждаться в защите от, экономическое здоровье страны, отрасли промышленности первостепенной важности, производители, собирать налоги, сокращение объема вмешательства государства в экономику, освободить экономику, защита правительства, установить ограничения, запретить торговлю, создать законы, не допустить появления монополий, безопасный для потребителей, окружающая среда.