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Иностранный язык (анг) Пособие по экономике для...doc
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    1. Answer the following questions:

  1. What are the factors of production?

  2. Which is the basic factor of production?

  3. What are the kinds of labour?

  4. Which of the two is labour: making a table or writing a book?

  5. What is human capital?

    1. Translate the text using a dictionary (time limit – 20 minutes):

Entrepreneurs aren’t managers. They are much more than that. They are motivators. They motivate others to get involved in the economic process. The economy would not move without entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are the people who find solutions to problems. Sometimes they do this by inventing new products that don’t exist in the market. Other times they simply find new markets for existing products. Entrepreneurs are he people who organize the other three factors of production. They do this by starting companies. However, in order to start a company they need to spend money. This is a risk because the company may fail and they may lose their money. However, taking risks is another thing that entrepreneurs do for the company. (732)

    1. Translate into English:

  1. К основным факторам производства относят труд, капитал, землю, предпринимательские способности, а также в последнее время информацию и знания.

  2. Под факторами производства понимают экономические ресурсы, количество которых относительно ограничено, и за использование которых необходимо платить.

  3. Факторы производства включают в себя материальные блага и услуги, которые используются человеком при производстве необходимых товаров и услуг.

  4. Земельный фактор включает все сырьевые материалы, которые получают из земли и с моря.

  5. Важны и качество и количество трудовой силы.

  6. Отрасль, нуждающаяся в большом количестве трудовой силы, называется трудоемкой отраслью.

  7. Склад это большое строение для хранения вещей.

  8. Обдумывание плана или проектирование здания это умственная деятельность.

  9. Образованная, квалифицированная и физически здоровая рабочая сила более производительна, поэтому образование и здравоохранение играют важную роль в экономике.

  10. В настоящее время промышленность становится менее трудоемкой.

  11. Заводы, склады, компьютеры, инструменты и оборудование используются в производственном процессе.

  1. Division of Labour

The division of labour isn’t a new idea. Even very early societies had some form of labour specialization. For example, in some societies men were hunters and gatherers of food, while women were responsible for child rearing. However, as societies became industrialized, the division of labour increased. Factories became the main means of production, and each factory worker became responsible for smaller and smaller stages in the process.

As each worker gets more and more experience at doing their particular task, they get better and better at it. This should improve the quality of their work. With smaller tasks to do, workers can do things automatically, without thinking about them. This will speed up the whole production process. Finally, small tasks are easier to learn. As the division of labour increases, the amount of time needed to train each worker decreases. All of this means a more efficient and more productive workforce.

There is, however, a human factor to consider. Workers are not machines. Their physical and emotional health has an impact on their productivity. Repeating the same simple task over and over again is very boring. Bored workers can’t concentrate easily, and their mistakes will reduce the quality of their output.

Many workers take pride in their work.. They don’t just work for wages, but also because they get satisfaction from doing a good job or from creating something useful or beautiful. If you only add buttons to a shirt, you don’t feel that the shirt is your work. You can’t take pride in a job that does not need skill to do. In this situation, workers become careless and their work becomes sloppy. Overall, this has a negative impact on productivity.

Thankfully, robots and machines can now do many of the mindless tasks that factory workers used to do. Nevertheless, the theory of the division of labour is still fundamental to all modern economies. (1609)

    1. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations: специализация труда, собиратели пищи, ответственный за воспитание ребенка, средства производства, определенное задание, ускорить производственный процесс, производительная рабочая сила, человеческий фактор, утомительный, утомленный, снижать качество, гордиться работой, получать удовлетворение, создавать, небрежный, отрицательное воздействие, к счастью, задание не требующее умственных усилий, тем не менее, основополагающий.