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Иностранный язык (анг) Пособие по экономике для...doc
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    1. Find a word in the text to match the definition:

1)You don’t think there is a danger of losing your job, you feel … .

2)How much money a company spends and earns each year is its … .

3)If a company cannot pay back the money it owes and must close down, the company goes … .

4)An economy is growing rapidly, unemployment is low, this process is

called … .

5)There is no growth in economy, it shrinks, companies reduce costs, some companies go bankrupt, so economy is in … .

6)The opposite of taking on staff is … .

22.3 Translate into the English language:

  1. Когда подсчитывают экономический рост, берут во внимание инфляцию.

  2. Резкий, внезапный экономический рост может привести к перегреву экономики. Такой рост называется бумом.

  3. За долговременным экономическим ростом следует спад. Такой цикл называют экономическим циклом.

  4. Экономический цикл имеет четыре стадии: бум, спад, кризис, оживление.

  5. Когда спрос на товары и услуги устойчиво возрастает, компании должны нанимать больше работников, уверенность потребителей возрастает, т.к. их доходы также растут.

  6. Когда наступает спад, экономика продолжает расти, но медленными темпами. Инфляция начинает расти, уверенность падает.

23 The Open Economy

All through history, people from one society have been trading with people from another. When an economy is open, this basically means that it imports and exports goods and services. What are the benefits of doing this? First of all, if you trade with other economies, you can import goods that do not exist in your economy. These may be products that your economy cannot manufacture, but they may also be raw materials. With a wider range of raw materials, an economy is able to use its capital and labour to produce a wider range of products. In this way, importing can actually help an economy grow. What’s more, if you allow imports from other countries, then you will have trading partnerships. This means that you can export to countries. If you have customers all over the world, your economy will grow faster.

Open economies are good for consumers too. If the economy allows imports from abroad, there will be a greater variety of goods available locally. When products are available locally, imports of the same products should help to keep prices down and quality high. This because local companies will have to compete with foreign companies, and more competition will mean better quality and greater value for money.

Economists describe imports and exports of material products as visible – because you can really see and touch them. Examples of visible exports and imports are food stuffs, furniture and electronic equipment. However, there are also invisible imports and exports. These are mainly services, but can include all sorts of things. Examples of invisible exports and imports include banking services, insurance products, educational courses and tourism.

Opening up economies, however, does bring problems. One of the main difficulties is keeping a good balance of trade. Every time a country manages to sell a product or service abroad, this means money will flow into the economy. On the other hand, every time someone buys from abroad, money flows out of the country. Over time, if the flow of money out of the economy is greater than the flow of money into the economy, then there is a trade deficit. This is not a good situation to be in. The challenge for governments is to keep the flow of trade equal in both directions, or to achieve a trade surplus. This is when total exports are greater than total imports. (1962)

23.1 Find in the text the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations: ввозить и вывозить, во-первых, существовать, производить, сырье, большое разнообразие сырьевых материалов, более того, торговое партнерство, во всем мире, разрешить ввоз товаров из-за границы, разнообразие товаров, удерживать цены низкими, зримый, продукты питания, невидимый, страхование, образовательные курсы, баланс торговли, означать, дефицит торгового баланса, проблема, поток торговли, равный, положительное сальдо торгового баланса