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Иностранный язык (анг) Пособие по экономике для...doc
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24.2 Answer the following questions:

1) Name three reasons for international trade.

2) What is a tariff?

3) What is an import quota?

4) Can a country’s natural resources give it an absolute advantage over other countries?

5) Can a small economy have a comparative advantage over a larger economy?

24.3 Translate the sentences into English:

1) Все страны могут иметь относительные и абсолютные преимущества.

2) Если экономическая система может производить товары с меньшими издержками, чем другие страны, или имеет ресурсы, которые не имеют другие страны, тогда эта страна имеет абсолютное преимущество.

3) Экономика имеет сравнительное преимущество, когда она может производить что-то с меньшими издержками упущенных возможностей, чем другие страны.

4) В некоторых случаях одни страны должны ограничивать торговлю с другими странами.

5) Страна может ограничить торговлю с другой страной, если ее правительство увеличивает тарифы на ввозимые вещи или налагает квоты на импорт.

25 Economic Growth

Many millions of people enjoy a quality of life today that previous generations could not have dreamed of. Home ownership, private cars and holidays are now standard for most families in industrialized countries. And yet at the same time, billions of people in other countries live without even clean drinking water. How can this be? He answer is that the fortunate few live in countries with sustained economic growth.

An economy is growing when the gross national product is increasing year after year. When economists calculate economic growth, though, they must take into account the effects of inflation. For example, imagine that the gross national product of a country increased from $ 500 billion to $ 510 billion from one year to another. That’s an increase of two per cent in output. Very impressive! However, if the rate of inflation was two per cent, then there has been no real growth at all.

The other thing to remember about economic growth is that not all growth is good. Governments want steady, sustainable growth. Sudden, sharp increases in growth – a boom – can cause the economy to overheat and fall into recession. For many economies, the long run growth over many years is steady, but the short run is a roller-coaster ride of boom and depression. For instance, the long run growth of the UK economy since 1950 has been a steady 2.5 % per year. However, if you look closely at any decade you’ll see that there is a cycle of growth, recession and recovery. The truth is, steady growth in the short term is very hard to achieve.

Nevertheless, many countries are still struggling to achieve any kind of growth at all. Why is this? What is necessary for growth to happen? Many economists have tried to find the answer to this question, and there are plenty of theories to choose from. However, most economists agree that three things are essential for economic growth to occur: capital growth, savings and technological progress.

Capital refers to the factories and machinery that the labour force uses to turn raw materials into products. More workers and more raw materials will only lead to a certain amount of growth. Eventually, the economy needs more capital for the labour to use. Capital growth can also include training and education for the labour force. This makes the workforce more efficient, creative and productive.

Of course, someone has to pay for the new machines and training. In other words, capital growth needs investment. Money for investment needs to be borrowed from banks. Banks can only lend if customers are making savings. This is why savings are more important for growth. However, the economy will not grow if everyone is saving and no one is spending. Getting the right balance between consumption and saving is another part of the challenge of economic growth.

But above all, technology is the real miracle worker of economic growth. An advance in technology can increase productivity from the same amount of capital and resources: just what the chancellor ordered.


25.1 Find in the text the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations: наслаждаться качеством жизни, предыдущие поколения, владение домом, в то же самое время, питьевая вода, счастливое меньшинство, устойчивы экономический рост, валовый национальный продукт, принять во внимание, объем выпускаемой продукции, темп инфляции, очень быстрый подъем, сильный спад, долговременный рост, головокружительная череда подъемов и спадов, превратить сырье в продукцию, определенное количество роста, творческая и продуктивная рабочая сила, другими словами, давать кредит, делать накопления, потребление, проблема экономического роста, действительный творец чуда