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Иностранный язык (анг) Пособие по экономике для...doc
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9.2Insert the following words and word combinations into the gaps in this text: five, different, relative, low-income, single parents, poverty, money, depression, school, die, to have a baby, divorce:

Huge numbers of people in today’s industrial societies live in … poverty. However, this does not simply mean that these people have less … than others. The consequences of poverty are not only financial difficulties that it brings. Poverty affects people’s lives in many ways.

Health, for example, is affected by poverty. The poor are more likely to … young, and the average life expectancy – in other words how long a person will live – is … years shorter for those on low incomes. Mental illness, especially … , is also more common among the poor. Suicide rates are highest for young men who are living in relative poverty.

The behaviour or lifestyle of families is also … for the poor. For example, girls from poor families are more likely … when they are teenagers. … who bring up children on their own are more common among the poor and … rates are higher among low-income rates.

Moreover, children from … families tend to drop out of … earlier. Added to that, people in poorly paid jobs rarely get training which will help them find better work. All of this makes escaping from … very, very difficult.

    1. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

  1. Бедность существует как в развивающихся странах, так и в промышленных странах. Бедность это глобальная проблема.

  2. В современном мире более трех миллиардов человек живут в бедности, а один миллиард людей живет в чрезвычайной бедности.

  3. Относительная бедность существует большей частью в промышленных обществах и связана с разницей между богатыми и бедными.

  4. Причиной бедности страны также может быть недостаток природных ресурсов.

  5. Бедные люди не посылают детей в школу, потому что им нужен любой доход, который их дети могут заработать.

  6. Согласно тексту, страны оказываются в ловушке бедности, потому что у них нет денег для инвестиций.

  7. Когда мы говорим об абсолютной бедности, мы имеем в виду людей, которые живут ниже черты бедности.

  8. Люди с низким доходом тратят все деньги на предметы первой необходимости. Они не могут копить деньги.

    1. Retell the text according to the plan (12-15 sentences)

  1. where poverty exists

  2. striking facts about poverty

  3. causes of poverty

  4. the poverty trap

Revision III ( texts 7 – 9 )

1 Translate these verbs from the texts: to afford, to send, to provide, to increase, to try, to change, to demand, to vary, to fall, to calculate, to rise, to weigh, to supply, to depend, to suggest, to exist, to mean, to measure, to define, to earn, to include, to catch, to save, to train, to retrain, to occur, to happen, to keep, to affect.

2 Answer these questions according to the texts or from your own life experience:

1)What is inflation?

2)Does your country suffer from inflation?

3)Do you or anybody you know suffer from inflation?

4)Who suffers more from inflation: rich people or poor people?

5)Can you give some practical advice how to economize during the period of inflation?

6)Do you know any unemployed people? Why did they become unemployed?

7)If a person becomes unemployed, what do you suggest he/ she should do?

8)Is unemployment a huge problem in your country (city, town, village)?

9)Who do you define as poor people?

10)Compare a poor person from an industrialized country, like the USA, and a poor person from a developing country, like Ethiopia.