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Иностранный язык (анг) Пособие по экономике для...doc
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21.2 Answer the questions to the text:

1) What is called aggregate demand and aggregate supply?

2) What does the demand for a whole country come from?

3) What happens to demand when income rises?

4) What does demand do when prices rise?

5) What does aggregate supply depend on?

21.3 Translate the sentences into English:

1) Совокупный спрос это спрос во всей экономике.

2) Совокупный спрос включает спрос от потребителей, компаний, правительства и потребителей из-за границы.

  1. Стоимость всех продуктов и услуг, произведенных экономикой в целом, составляет реальный национальный продукт.

  2. Тенденция к росту и падению предложения и совокупного предложения на ближайшее время одинакова.

  3. В конечном итоге на рост совокупного предложения не влияет цена, он зависит от факторов производства, имеющихся в наличии в стране.

Revision VI ( texts 17 - 21 )

1 Translate the nouns of the texts: disaster, collapse, policy, income, tax, percentage, rate, effect, demand, value, currency, government, customer, price, supply, necessity, elasticity, fall, rise, taxation, allowance, tool, behaviour, growth, investment, spending, amount, change, goods, productivity, repayment, customer.

2 Finish the sentences according to the contents of the texts:

  1. Macroeconomics looks at … .

  2. Microeconomics looks at … .

  3. Disposable income is … .

  4. With monetary policy a government sets … .

  5. The two components of fiscal policy are … .

  6. Progressive taxation means … .

  7. Monetary policy involves … .

  8. A mortgage is the loan … .

  9. Demand is … .

  10. Demand can be affected by … .

  11. Aggregate demand is total … .

  12. Aggregate demand is made up of four things: … .

3 Insert the words and word combinations into the text: income, products, measure, change, exist, population, wealth, supplies, growth:

A country’s gross domestic product is the total value of all the services and … that the country … over a year. It is a way to … the total … of a country. The Gross Domestic Product, which is often called the GDP, is a very useful measurement for governments. For example, the … in GDP from one year to another is one way to measure the … of the economy. If you divide the GDP by the number of people in the …, you get another useful figure: the GDP per capita, in other words, the income per person. Economists often use this as a measure of a country’s … . If you compare the per capita GDP of different countries, you can understand the inequalities that … around the world. For example, the GDP per capita for Luxembourg in 2005 was almost $ 70,000. In Burundi it was $ 739.

  1. Answer the questions according to the texts and from your own life experience.

  1. What taxes do people pay in your country?

  2. Some times people spend money. Other times they prefer to save their money. Why is this?

  3. At the present time if you had extra 30 000 rubles would you spend them on buying things or would you save them for tomorrow?

  4. Imagine, you want to buy a flat or a house. You don’t have enough money to do so. What is the way out from this situation?