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Иностранный язык (анг) Пособие по экономике для...doc
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20.2 Answer the following questions to the text:

  1. What is demand?

  2. How does the law of demand work?

  3. What is price elasticity?

  4. What can influence demand?

20.3 Translate the sentences into English:

  1. Согласно закону о спросе, когда цена на товар растет, спрос на него падает.

  2. Эластичность цены позволяет установить цены на правильном уровне на данном рынке на определенное время.

  3. Другие факторы кроме цены влияют на спрос.

  4. Закон спроса применяется даже к товарам первой необходимости.

  5. На спрос может повлиять климат, доходы людей, мода и другие факторы.

21 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply

When a company makes plans for how much to produce and what prices to set, it needs information. The company needs to predict the level of supply that will be required to meet demand. It needs to set prices that will keep the business running. In the same way, governments need this information for the whole economy. The total level of demand for all products and services is called the aggregate demand. The total supply is called the aggregate supply.

The demand for products and services is how much is wanted. For a company, the demand comes from customers. For a whole economy, things are a little more complicated. Demand in the whole economy comes from the following:

  • from customers, because they buy products and services (consumption)

  • from companies, because they invest money to build factories and buy machines (investment)

  • from the government, because they spend money on services and projects (government spending)

  • from exports, because these are sales to customers in other countries (export)

Although aggregate demand is made up of many things, it behaves in the same way as demand for a single product. For example, demand rises when incomes rise. The same applies to aggregate demand. Similarly, demand falls as prices rise. The same is true for aggregate demand. Real national income is the value of all the services and products produced by the whole economy. It’s calculated in the same way as aggregate demand (consumption, investment, government spending and exports).

Changes in any of the four things which make up aggregate demand will cause a shift in demand. For example, if the government decides to spend a huge amount of money on building new hospitals and schools, this will have an effect on the whole economy. Aggregate demand will increase at all price levels.

What about the aggregate supply? As the company increases its supply to the market, it increases the price. But what about aggregate supply for the whole economy? This is more complex. In the short run, aggregate supply follows the same trend as the supply for a single product. Supply rises as prices rise. However, the long run is different. In the long run, supply is not affected by price. In the long run, production is limited by the factors of production. In other words, what a country can supply depends on the number of factories it has, the number of people working and the availability of raw materials. (2045)

21.1 Find in the text the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations: устанавливать цены, предугадать уровень предложения, удовлетворить спрос, общий уровень спроса, совокупный спрос, совокупное предложение, вся экономика, потребление, капиталовложение, правительственные расходы, спрос на один продукт, реальный национальный доход, изменение в спросе, вскоре, следовать тому же направлению, в конце концов, другими словами, количество заводов, наличие сырья.