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Иностранный язык (анг) Пособие по экономике для...doc
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    1. Put in the missing words into the sentences according to the text:

  1. The market where employers buy workers’ service for wages is called the … market.

  2. Increased … is the utility which employers get from their purchase of labour.

  3. All markets, including the labour market, obey the … of supply and demand.

  4. Demand for labour … as a result of increased production, and … if new technology replaces workers.

  5. How much workers produce in a certain time is called … .

    1. Translate the sentences into English:

  1. Рынок труда, как и любой рынок товаров и услуг, подчиняется (obeys) закону спроса и предложения.

  2. Рабочие предлагают свой труд, а работодатели покупают его за зарплату.

  3. Заработная плата это компромисс между тем, что хотят получить рабочие, и тем, что платят фирмы за их труд.

  4. На любом рынке покупатели хотят получить максимальную пользу от своей покупки.

  5. Объем выпуска это сколько продукции или услуг производит компания.

  6. Один из способов увеличить объем это нанять больше сотрудников, другой способ работать дольше.

  7. Спрос на рынке труда это потребность работодателей в труде, а предложение это труд, который предлагают рабочие.

  8. Могут быть изменения в спросе на труд: спрос на труд может увеличиваться или уменьшаться.

  9. Значительное влияние на спрос на труд может оказывать производительность труда.

  10. Сколько продукции рабочий произведет за определенное время это его производительность труда.

  1. Factors of Production

The factors of production are: land, labour and capital. The factors of production are the starting point of all economies. No economy can exist without them. The most basic of the factors is land. Land is not only space to build on or fields to grow crops. Land means everything that nature provides and we can use for production. The land factor includes raw materials like coal, metals, oil and timber. It also includes things like water, fish and salt. Land also means the sea.

The second factor is labour. Raw materials will just stay in the ground unless people dig them out and something with them. Similarly, factory machines will do nothing until people operate them. Labour can mean the physical effort such as lifting, digging and building. This is called manual work. Labour also includes mental work like thinking, writing, communicating and designing. Industries that need many workers working long hours are called labour intensive industries. However, the quality of labour is as important as the quantity. An educated, skilled and fit workforce is more productive than an uneducated, unskilled and unhealthy one. This characteristic of the labour factor is called human capital. Some countries have labour forces, but are poor in human capital because the economy lacks education and health care.

The third factor is capital. Capital includes buildings such as factories for production and warehouses for storage. It also includes the tools and equipment that workers use in the manufacturing process. In heavy industries such as shipbuilding or steel making, capital usually involves big machinery and mechanical equipment. In high-tech industries, on the other hand, capital generally means computers and complex laboratory apparatus.

Land, labour and capital are the three factors of production identified by Adam Smith and the classical economists. However, more recent economists have identified one more factor: entrepreneurship. This means people with great business ideas that set the economy in motion. (1732)

    1. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations: факторы производства, отправной момент, пространство, сырье, лесоматериал, выкапывать, таким же образом, управлять машинами, ручной труд, умственный труд, трудоемкие отрасли, качество, количество, квалифицированная и физически здоровая рабочая сила, человеческий капитал, не хватает, склады для хранения, инструменты и оборудование, производственный процесс, отрасли тяжелой промышленности, высокотехнологичные отрасли, с другой стороны, сложная аппаратура.