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Иностранный язык (анг) Пособие по экономике для...doc
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    1. Put the letters in bold in the correct order to make the right word: Advantages and disadvantages of two economies

Two kinds of cneieosom are the traditional economy and the market economy. The traditional economy exists in tseeciios where there is no trade. In this economy people do not have nomye because they do not need it. The market economy exists in societies where people buy and sell sgodo. In the market economy people need money so they can buy udostrcp.

In the traditional economy people rely on autner. They hunt and grow only the oodf they need. On the other hand, this is an advantage. These people have no reason to fight because they do not wno anything. This means they are peaceful. On the other hand, this is a disadvantage. These people are ropo. Furthermore, they cannot preoctt themselves against natural asidetssr because they have no technology. This means they often die of hunger and edesais.

In the market economy, upyspl and mdedan control what sells. This is an advantage because producers have to provide mtoursces with the quality and prices they want. However, producers need an incentive and this is oftpri. Firstly, producers pecmtoe with each other in order to sell their product and make a profit. Secondly, producers use technology in order to spend less on ubraol. This can be a disadvantage because if people do not work, they do not have money to spend on odosg. Consequently, the producer cannot make a profit.

    1. Translate these sentences using the new words of the text:

    1. Осенью владельцы садов собирают урожай и могут продать его на уличных рынках.

    2. Продавцы картофеля, яблок, моркови, вишни устанавливают цены на свои фрукты и овощи.

    3. Покупатели приходят на уличные рынки, потому что у них есть спрос на товары.

    4. Роль компаний в свободной рыночной экономике это снабжать людей тем, что им нужно.

    5. Конкуренция помогает контролировать цены и качество.

    6. Компании конкурируют друг с другом за долю на рынке.

    7. Если компания производит больше товаров с меньшими усилиями, она получает прибыль.

    8. Современная технология помогает компаниям производить больше товаров за меньшее время и с меньшими усилиями.

    9. Истинно свободная рыночная экономика не существует, но черты такой экономики существуют сегодня во многих обществах.

3 The Planned Economy

In many ways, the planned economy is the direct opposite of the market economy. In the market economy, the forces of supply and demand decide everything: what is produced, how much is produced, the methods of production and the price. In the planned economy, all of this is decided by the government. In every way that the market economy is free, the planned economy is controlled.

Like every economy the planned economy has its strengths and problems. The free market supplies the things that people want. However what people want and what they need are not always the same. Fast food is always in demand but it is not good for our health. In a planned economy, the government can decide to stop fast food restaurants.

A second problem with free markets is that producers always want the highest price. Often the poor can’t afford things. In a planned economy, the government sets prices. They make sure that everyone can afford basic commodities. This is one way that planned economies try to share things equally. Another is to control how much people are paid.

In a planned economy workers’ wages depend on the service they provide to society. If people can live without their service, they are paid less. In the free market someone’s salary mostly depends on the demand for his or her work. If people like what you do, you are paid more.

Before 1900, there were few examples of planned economies. During the 20th century, however, the planned economy became the standard for socialist governments like the USSR and China.

No economic system is perfect. The planned economy has many drawbacks. One of them is problems with supply. It is difficult for governments of planned economies to know exactly how much to produce to meet demand. In a market economy, when the price of a commodity rises, this indicates a rise in demand. Companies then supply more to the market. This warning system doesn’t work in a planned economy because price is controlled by the government. The result is shortages. (1674)

    1. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations: прямая противоположность, силы спроса и предложения, производство, цена, правительство, снабжать, одинаковый, пользуется спросом, позволить себе, устанавливать цены, товары первой необходимости, поделить поровну, зарплата, оклад, недостатки, удовлетворять спрос, предупредительная система, нехватка (дефицит).