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Иностранный язык (анг) Пособие по экономике для...doc
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    1. Say, whether these sentences are true or false:

  1. Most people of the world live in less developed countries.

  2. AIDS is widespread in less developed countries.

  3. Children in less developed countries don’t go to school, because there are no free schools there.

  4. Foreign companies want to invest lots of money in less developed countries.

  5. Many less developed countries borrow money from other countries and then must pay off debts.

  6. The poorest 60 countries spend more money paying interest on debts than they receive aid.

  7. Less developed countries buy capital goods to help their economies grow.

    1. Translate these sentences into English:

  1. Есть несколько способов измерить насколько развита страна.

  2. ООН использует для определения развития страны продолжительность жизни, уровень образованности и подоходный налог населения.

  3. В менее развитых странах много людей умирают от голода и болезней.

  4. Природные бедствия, такие как засуха и наводнения причиняют большой ущерб экономике этих стран.

  5. Холера, СПИД и другие болезни широко распространены в менее развитых странах.

  6. Миллионы людей в этих странах не умеют читать и писать.

  7. Политическая нестабильность делает развитие в этих странах трудным.

  8. Из-за политической коррупции в менее развитых странах иностранные правительства неохотно оказывают помощь, т.к. деньги часто просто исчезают.

  9. Беднейшие страны мира берут кредиты на развитие страны, затем они занимают деньги, т.к.надо отдавать проценты с этих кредитов. Так они попадают в ловушку долгов.

  10. Бедные страны получают денежную помощь от развитых стран. Эти деньги они тратят на импорт промышленных товаров, что не способствует развитию собственной экономики.

  1. Monopolies

In a monopoly, one company has a much larger market share than any other company. In fact, their share is so big that other companies cannot really compete. When there is a monopoly, the normal laws of supply and demand do not always work. Monopolies come in different kinds, but a pure monopoly is when there is only one company in the market providing a particular product or service. How do pure monopolies happen?

Some monopolies occur naturally. This happens when a company manages to create an economy of scale. Economies of scale are possible for companies which need a lot of money to set up but much less money to run. A telephone company is a good example. Telephone companies have to spend millions of pounds laying cables. However, once they have made the network, running the system does not cost so much. Any other company that wants to compete will have to make their own network.

However, the world of business is a jungle, and there are more aggressive ways to create a monopoly. One of these is by making takeovers. This means that a more powerful company buys a smaller one in the same industry. Takeovers happen vertically or horizontally. In a vertical takeover, a company buys companies that supply it with materials or services. For example, a publishing company may buy a printing business. In a horizontal takeover, a company buys its competitors. The competitors then become part of the first company.

There are also monopolies, which are called legal monopolies, but not because other monopolies are illegal. It is called legal because it is created by law. The government may decide that a competitive market is not good for a certain industry. In this case, it can make one company the only legal supplier. Sometimes, it provides the service itself. This is called a state monopoly. The postal service in many countries is an example of a state monopoly.

Generally, monopolies are not good for consumers. This is because in a monopoly, the laws of supply and demand do not work in the same way. A company with a monopoly becomes a price maker. They have much more power to set the price for their product or service. Also, they don’t usually spend money on innovation because they don’t need to. The bottom line is that monopolies mean less choice for consumers. (1907)

    1. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations: рыночная доля, законы спроса и предложения, чистая монополия, экономия на масштабе, прокладывать кабель, создать сеть, управлять системой, поглощение одной компанией другой компании, вертикальное поглощение, горизонтальное поглощение, монополия созданная юридическим путем, конкурентный рынок, государственная монополия, компания устанавливающая цены на рынке, итог.