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Иностранный язык (анг) Пособие по экономике для...doc
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    1. Match the words and their definitions:

1) benefit a) expensive things that we don’t really need

2) discourage b) governments get their money through this

3) harmful c) you ask someone not to do something

4) income gap d) such help is with money

5) taxation e) money that the government gives people who

need help

6) luxuries f) such things are not good for your health

7) financial g) difference between the highest and the

lowest salaries

8) tax h) not public

9) private i) paid work is the source of this

10) income j) money you pay to the government on your


    1. Translate the text using a dictionary (time limit – 30 minutes):

The UK government spends about 500 billion pounds each year. What is this amount of money spent on? The biggest part – about 28 per cent of the total – goes on social security. This is almost twice the amount spent on health care, which accounts for around 16 per cent of all government spending. After health care comes education. Schools, colleges and universities take about 13 per cent of all the money that the government spends. Six per cent of the government’s money is spent on public order and safety, which includes the police force. The same amount of money is spent on defence – in other words, the army, navy and the air force. Transport services such as public buses and trains cost the government about 3 per cent of their total spending. The smallest amount of the money – just 2 per cent – goes on protecting the environment. What about the left 26 per cent? This is a wide range of things, including arts and culture, agriculture and science. Altogether, these account for over a quarter of all government spending. (1034)

    1. Translate the sentences into English:

  1. Правительства получают доходы из разных источников, из которых самый главный – налогообложение.

  2. Через налогообложение правительство достигает различные цели. Оно уменьшает разницу в доходах между богатыми и бедными, не поощряет, чтобы люди потребляли вредные продукты, а также контролирует общий спрос и предложение.

  3. Большинство поступлений от налогов идут на общественные блага, которые включают национальную оборону, освещение улиц, здравоохранение, образование и другие.

  4. Отдельным людям или семьям, нуждающимся в финансовой поддержке, выплачиваются пособия или трансфертные платежи.

  5. Правительства финансируют здравоохранение и образование, потому что выгодно обществу и экономике иметь здоровое и образованное население.

Revision V ( texts 13 – 16 )

1. Give definitions of these words and write all word combinations with them: work, tax, labour, capital. For example: work- to work-worker-working conditions-working hours-workforce, work is what people do to produce material goods.