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85. The government and prime minister in political system of Kazakhstan (the history, role and functions)

         The prime minister, who serves at the pleasure  of the president chairs the Cabinet of Ministers and serves as Kazakhstan’s head of government. There are three deputy prime minister and 16 ministers in the Cabinet.

         Present Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan KarimK.Massimov (from January, 2007)

         List of ex-Prime Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan

·        Tereshenko Sergey Aleksandrovich( since 16 Ocrober 1991 till 14 October 1994)

·        KozhgeldinAkezhanMagzhanovich (since 14 October 1994 till October 1997)

·        BalgymbayevNurlanUtepovich (since 10 October 1997 till 21 January 1999)

·        TokayevKasymzhomartKemelovuch (since 1999 till 28 January 2002)

·        TasmagambetovImangaliNurgalievich (since 20 January 2002 till 11 June 2003)

·        AkhmetovDaniyalKenzhetayev (since 13 June 2003 till 8 January 2007)

First Deputy Prime Minister UmirzakShukeev (from August 2007)

Vice Prime -Minister Yerbol T. Orynbayev (from January 2007), Head of Prime-Minister office.

Vice Prime Minister Serik N. Akhmetov

Minister of Internal Affairs - Serik N. Baimagambetov

Minister of Health care- ZhanuzakDoskaliyev(since November 2008)

Minister of Industry and Trade- Aset o>Issekeshev

Minister of Foreign Affairs- Marat M.Tazhin

Minister of Culture and Information – MukhtarA.Kul-Mukhammed.

Minister of Defense- AdilbekR.Dzhaksybekov

Minister of Education and Science- Zhanseit K. Tuymebayev

Minister of Enviroment Protection – Nurgali S. Ashimov

Minister of Agriculture- Akylbek K. Kurishbayev

Minister of Transport and Communication – AbelgazyK.Kusainov

Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Population – Gulshara N. Abdykalykova

Minister of Tourism and Sports- Temirkhan M. Dosmukhanbetov

Minister of Finance- BolatB.Zhamishev

Emergency Minister- Vladimdir K. Bozhko

Minister of Economic Affairs and Budget Planning – BakhytSultanov

Minister of Energy and Miniral Resources – SauatMyndybayev

Minister of Justice- Rashid T.Tusupbekov


86. The crimes of totalitarian regime in Kazakhstan: the mass repressions of 1920-1930ss years.

Stalinist repression, mass repressions carried out in the USSR in 1930 - 1950 and is usually associated with the name of Stalin, the de facto head of state in this period. Many researchers, however, consider it necessary to speak also of such mass actions of the Stalinist regime, as cannibalization (the beginning of 1930.) And deportation on grounds of nationality (1930-1940-e).  Political repression in the Soviet Russia began immediately after the October Revolution of 1917. It became victims of repression not only active political opponents of the Bolsheviks, but also people who simply disagreed with their policies. Reprisals were also on social grounds (against former police officers, gendarmes, the tsarist government officials, priests, and former landlords and employers). 

Political repression continued after the Civil War. Even then, as it became known later, a number of cases of political crimes was in fact built on falsified charges ( "Case lyceum students", "Case fokstrotistov, Shakhty case). 

Since the beginning of the forced collectivization of agriculture and rapid industrialization in the late 1920's - early 1930's, as well as strengthening the personal power of Stalin's repressions became widespread. 

Massive political repression - one of the darkest chapters in the history of Kazakhstan. The Soviet government virtually turned the republic into a prison-camp torture chamber, placed on its territory the largest camps - Karlag, Steplag, ALGERIA, as well as other structures of the Gulag - the General Directorate of the camps. Official statistics show that over the years of repression in Kazakhstan camp was deported 5.5 million people, but some people call other numbers. For example, Russia historian Roy Medvedev believes that the victims of repression was much higher - approximately forty million people! 

Scientists of the Institute continues to explore the tragic history of the era. In Kazakhstan, from 1921 to 1954 for political reasons, was convicted of 100000 people, 25000 of them were shot ...  The logical result of the formation of totalitarian power was spinning the repressive machine. Intensified political persecution of members of the Party Alash voicing doubts about the correctness of the policy center. Grossly violated the rights of the republic, were not considered with the national peculiarities and interests of Kazakhs. Policy pressure increased with Goloshchekin. 

Policy in October led to the Small disasters and mass repression 1937-1938. Disagreed with the "change" under various pretexts in the years 1927-29. removed from the republic - Nurmakov, Ryskulov. Removed from their posts Commissar of Education Sadvokasov. By the end of the 20's. suspicion and injection become universal. In 1928 he was deported most of the intellectuals, former members of Alash Horde - Dulatov, Zhumabayev, Aymauytov. At this time, begin the search for enemies, random accidents in the mines due to their intrigues, fabricated criminal cases, conducted purges in the Party organizations. Was a large number of camps - Sazlag, Karlag, Algeria, and many others. 

Repressive machine gathered momentum. Only in Kazakhstan service NKVD was "exposed" 183 organizations, with the total number of "agents" - 3720 people. From 1920-1953 gg. been subjected to political repression, about 110 thousand people. In 1935-1938. about 17% of the Kazakhstan party organization was declared enemies of the people. Stalin's repressive machine cut short the lives of such eminent personalities as: AbduraufFitrat, AbaydullaKhodzhaev, Ashurali, Zahir and others. Was destroyed and the national-liberal intellectuals, among them - H. Dosmukhamedov, M. Tynyshpaev, J. Akpan, M. Zhumabaev, ie Almost all of the Party AlashOrda - 4297 people were arrested. 

The ideological framework of Stalin's repressions (the destruction of "class enemies", the struggle against nationalism and chauvinism, "etc.) are formed during the Civil War. Stalin himself a new approach (the concept of "strengthening the class struggle as the completion of construction of socialism") was formulated at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) in July 1928 

- Stalin, Speech "Industrialization and the grain program" July 9, 1928 at the plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). 

Karlag (Karaganda labor camp) - one of the largest labor camps in 1930 - 1959, subordinate to the GULAG NKVD. 

Akmolinskiy camp wives of traitors of the Motherland (A. L.Zh. IR) - polushutochnoe popular name of 17-second women's camp a special department of the Karaganda labor camp (1938-1953), the largest Soviet women's camp, one of the 3 islands of "The Gulag Archipelago". There and the second national title of the camp offices - "26 point". 

Name associated with the composition of the prisoners, many of whom had been deported in accordance with the operational order of the NKVD number 00486 as ChSIRy - family members of traitors. 

The camp was located in the 26th trudoposelny village (now the village Malinovka, Akmola region of Kazakhstan). 

In 1938 the camp was about 8 thousand of women prisoners, including the 4500 CHSIR. More than 1500 CHSIR located in other offices Karlag. 

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