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    1. Alash Orda’ political party, its program aims and activity

The executive body of this oblast was to be a provisional peoples' soviet, to be called Alash Orda, which was to consist of 25 members, 10 of whom would be Russian or other non-Kazakh nationalities. This membership would ensure minority rights within the oblast, including cultural autonomy and legal extra­territoriality. The Alash Orda was empowered to form a militia to collect taxes, contract loans, conduct negotiations with neighboring autonomous groups, draft a constitution, and supervise local elections of representatives to attend the constituent assembly.

All assembled agreed that the Kazakh autonomous oblast should be com­posed of the former steppe territory (the oblasts of Uralsk, Turgai, Akmolinsk, and Semipalatinsk), the Kazakh districts of Transcaspia, and the Kazakh-dominated regions of Turkestan—the oblasts of Syr Darya and Semirech'e and Kirgiz regions of the Fergana, Samarkand, and Amu Darya oblasts.

The announcement of the new Kazakh government, to be chaired by Ali Khan Bukeikhanov (from the minority group) was delayed a month, while negotia­tions with the Turkestani autonomists proceeded.

    1. The success of 1917 October revolution and the establishment of Soviet government in Kazakhstan

The period of competition for authority ended in October 24, 1917 in Petrograd, when Bolsheviks routed the ministers of the Provisional Government in the events known as the October Revolution, and placed power in the hands of the soviets, or "workers' councils," which they largely controlled. In the morning of October 25 (7 November), the Congress of the Soviets and Military Revolutionary Committee announced that the Provisional government was deposed.

The transition of full power to the Soviets in Kazakhstan because of - the social and economic constraints, cultural backwardness, the small number of worker class and the complexity of interethnic relations stretched from late 1917 until the spring of 1918.(1 Nov., 1917 in Tashkent, December 1917 - Bukey Horde, January 1918 - Turgay oblast). However, in the large cities it was very forceful process, done by armed action. It took time until the Civil War. Kazakh elite found it difficult to support new Bolshevik regime and chose instead to create the Alash Orda autonomous government. This government, which attempted to govern the steppe from December 1917 through mid-1919, fought with the various White forces (that promised to assist Alash Government to form their militia) to defeat Bolshevik rule.

The leaders of Alash Government were deprived by the Directorate, that was replaced by Siberian Government. Instead of that “Kirgiz Affairs Committee” was formed led by A.Bukheykhabov. That’s why when in March, 1919 the VY Congress of VKP(b) proclaimed the course for the national authonomy of the former Tsarist backyards, it helped Alash leaders and Bolsheviks to form KazRevKom.

    1. Kazakhstan during the Civil war 1918-1920

In late July Cossacks and Alash Orda broke the Bolsheviks from the North Semirechye.  In spring 1919, Kolchak army moved on, cutting off Turkestan. However, this success was temporary. In the rear of the forthcoming White Army, the peasant riots broke out. Already in April the Red Army counter attacked in the South Urals, took the Ufa in June, in August 19 - Kostanai. The situation in western Kazakhstan was more difficult. Despite the onset of the South Army, the Bolsheviks defeated the Cossacks of the Urals. In October 30, after fierce fighting Kolchak army left Petropavlovsk. The main forces began to retreat to the east of Omsk, and part of the troops led by Ataman Dutov - to the south. The White part was all broken and civil war on the territory of Kazakhstan was completed.

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