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Передвижничество как направление в русской живописи возникло в 1870 году по инициативе художника И.Крамского. Передвижники стали выразителями демократических идей в противовес официальной Академии художеств. Своё название движение получило от Товарищества Передвижных Художественных выставок. Передвижники находились под сильным влиянием разночинцев, народников и славянофилов.

Темы для своих картин передвижники черпали из русской природы, русской истории и из жизни простых людей. Отсюда о названия их картин - Сельский крестный ход на Пасхе В.Перова, Утро стрелецкой казни и Боярыня Морозова В.Сурикова, Бурлаки на Волге И.Репина. Пейзажи И.Шишкина можно было увидеть в бесчисленных репродукциях, как в городских квартирах, так и в деревенских избах.

Вскоре после Октябрьской революции, в 1923 году, Передвижничество распалось, и ему на смену пришёл официально признанный «социалистический реализм» советской эпохи.

EXERCISE 21. Translate into Russian (Guinness Book of World Records'90).

The ‘Mona Lisa’ (La Gioconda) by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) in the Louvre, Paris, was assessed for insurance purposes at the highest figure ever at $100 million for exhibition in Washington, DC and NYC from Dec 14, 1962, to March 12, 1963.

The highest price ever paid in a public auction for any painting was $53.9 million for Vincent Van Gogh’s Irises at Sotheby’s NYC on Nov 11, 1987.

Then another record was set when, on the evening of May 9, Sotheby’s staged its “Impressionist Paintings from the Collection of Jaine Ortiz-Patino”... Paul Gauguin’s “Mata Mua” (In Olden Times) was hammered down for $24,000,000, a record for any Gauguin. Renoir’s “Jeune Fille au Chapeau Garni de Fleurs des Champs” realized $13,750,000, Cezanne’s “Pichet et Fruits sur une Table” went for $11,550,000, and Monet’s “Garden House on the Banks of Zaan” changed hands at $11,000,000.

The highest price ever paid for a painting by a female artist is $1,100,000 at Christie’s, NYC on May 17, 1983, for Reading La Figaro by Mary Cassatt (US) (1844-1926).

The world’s largest art gallery is the Winter Palace and the neighboring Hermitage. One has to walk 15 miles to visit each of the 322 galleries, which house nearly 3 million works of art and objects of archeological interest.

EXERCISE 22. Find out the Russian names used for these foreign films.


(ChrScM 28.01 - 03.02.2000)

Moviegoers have a soft spot for Italian cinema, at least judging by the Landmark Theatres Favorite Foreign Language Film Poll, announced last weekend in Palm Springs, Calif. The top three in the survey all were made in that language, plus 13 more in the list of 100. To qualify, movies had to be made by a foreign national in a language other than English. The Top 10 films, with the primary language of each and the year made:

1. Life is Beautiful, Italian, 1997. 2. Cinema Paradise, Italian, 1988. 3. Il Postino (The Postman), Italian, 1994. 4. Like Water for Chocolate, Spanish, 1992. 5. D as Boot (The Boat), German, 1981. 6. Babette’s Feast, Danish, 1987. 7. The Gods Must Be Crazy, Afrikaans, 1981. 8. The Seven Samurai, Japanese, 1954. 9. Shall We Dance? Japanese, 1996. 10. The Bicycle Thief. Italian, 1947. (ChrScM 28.01 -03.02.2000)

EXERCISE 23. Use italicization in the translation of these sentences whenever necessary and in each case explain the reasons for its application or absence.

1. К приходу гостей она приготовила множество закусок, окрошку, бефстроганов и блины. 2. Все эти удивительные вещи сделаны в Гусь Хрустальном. 3. Русские меха - соболь, колонок, каракуль - пользуются традиционной популярностью во всём мире. 4. Судьба затонувшей атомной подводной лодки «Комсомолец» очень волнует общественность. 5. Роман А.Солженицына «Раковый корпус» в советское время так и не был опубликован. 6. Мы бы вам посоветовали поехать с этой целью в Курскую область. 7. Советская номенклатура и в посткоммунистический период продолжает занимать в обществе ведущие позиции. 8. Его любимое чтение - это журналы National Geographic и «Вокруг света». 9. Самый удобный поезд Петербург-Москва - «Красная стрела». 10. Поставленная в Англии опера Чайковского «Евгений Онегин» исполнялась на русском языке. 11. Он собирается привезти во Францию новую постановку балета Стравинского «Жар-птица». 12. Корни Октябрьской революции восходят к «Путешествию из Петербурга в Москву» Радищева, восстанию декабристов и движению народников. 13. Как говорят в таких случаях русские, «Иду на вы». 14. То, что вы цитируете, не «Руслан и Людмила», а «Сказка о зо­лотом петушке». 15. После неудавшейся постановки «Униженных, и оскорблённых», они обратились к роману «Бесы». 16. Полное представление о ситуации в России вы можете получить, прочитав такие разные газеты, как «Известия», «Комсомольская правда» и «Советская Россия».



EXERCISE 1. Translate these extracts into Russian, mark the culinary xenonyms. Compare corresponding xenonyms in English and Russian. Find out which of these xenonyms are registered by dictionaries.


AUSTRIA. Soups are generally substantial particularly when served with dumplings such as leberknodelsuppe (liver dumplings in beef broth). The most popular meats are veal (Wiener Schnitsel) and pork, which is often served roasted. There are various varieties of sausages usually flavored with garlic. Austria Es world famous for its confectionary, cakes, flans and tarts like apfelstrudel and choco­late sachertorte which are often very rich and served with cream.

ITALY. Many popular dishes are based on pasta in a variety of Forms - macaroni, rice (base for risotto) and spaghetti. There are a number of vegetable soups including minestrone and a good choice of antipasti (hors d'oeuvres). Ossobuco (veal knucklebone in a thick sauce) is excellent. Zabaglione (egg yolks, Marsala and sugar) is popular for dessert as too are the weaEth of gelati (ice-cream).

POLAND. Barszcz, a beetroot soup served in large helpings along with sausage, cabbage, potatoes, sour cream and czarny chieb (coarse rye bread) is a favorite. Chlodnik is a cold rich cream soup with crayfish. It is worth trying flaki, a dish of tripe served boiled or fried and bigos, sauercraut with smoked meats- Hare cooked in cream, roast venison and smoked ham or pork loin are regular meat dishes.

FRANCE. One of the main features of French cooking is the use of alcohol, mostly wine, but also brandy and in Normandy, cider or Calvados. In the south you will find numerous versions of the famous bouillabaise (fish stew) and in the southeast cassoulete, a stew of haricot beans and either pork or goose. The Bur­gundy area has produced Bourgoignonne (beef cooked in red wine) and many dishes from the Dordogne area contain truffles. There are nearly 300 different cheeses from the soft ones like Brie and Camembert to the veined Bleu d'Auvegne or Roquefort (made from ewe’s milk).

(Ph. Binham, R. Lampola. J. Murray. Restaurant English. –

Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1982)

EXERCISE 2. Work out a similar entry for Russian cuisine and compare it with the one supplied by the authors of this book (see The Key). Argue your point.

EXERCISE 3. Translate into Russian these extracts from the Guinness Book. Find out which of these culinary xenonyms are registered by dictionaries (I) English; (2) Russian.


(1) “The most lavish menu ever served was for the main banquet at the Imperial Iranian 2500th Anniversary gathering at Persepolis in October 1971. The feast comprised quails’ eggs stuffed with Iranian caviar, a mousse of crayfish tails in Nantua sauce, stuffed rack of roast lamb, a main course of roast peacock stuffed with foie gras, fig rings and raspberry sweet champagne sherbet - land the very best wines.” (2) The largest apple pie was that in a 12×7 m dish, in UK, Aug 19S2. (3) The longest banana split measured 7.32 km in Pennsyivania,USA,30Apr 1988. (4) The largest haggis weighed 303.2 kg and was made using 80 ox stomachs at the Hilton Hotel in Glasgow, 24 May 1993. (5) The longest kebab was one 880.6 m long made in Bradford, UK, 19 June 1994. (6) The largest lasagna was one weighing 3.71 tones in California, 140ct 1993. (7) The largest paella measured 20 m and was made in Spain, 3 March 1992. (8) The largest pizza ever baked was оnе measuring 37.4 m and was made in South Africa, 8 Dec 1990. (9) The largest Yorkshire pudding was one with an area of 42 sq m, made in Yorkshire, 01 Aug 1991 to celebrate Yorkshire Day. (10) The record attendance at a one-day barbecue was 45,158 In Sydney, Australia. 10 Oct 1993.

(The Guinness Book of Records 1996)

EXERCISE 4. Translate the text into English paying spe­cial attention to French-culture xenonyms and the way they are given in English.