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sphere сфера

development развитие

theoretical ordering теоретическое обоснование

validity действительность, законность

consciousness сознание

productive force производительная сила

concept термин

to include включать

reception получение

a sum сумма, количество

the scientific knowledge научные знания

to form in aggregate picture of the world формировать общую

научную картину мира

designation конструирование, формирование

separate branches отдельные отрасли (науки)

purpose цель

description описание

explanation объяснение

prediction предсказание

in a broad sense в широком смысле

reflection отражение


I. Read and translate the text.

II. Look through the vocabulary. Make up a situation or

sentences using the words.

III. Learn the words and be ready to write a dictation.

IV. Translate from English into Russian.

Sphere of human activity, theoretical ordering of objective knowledge, form of public consciousness, the major social institute, the result of the activity, the given moment, scientific knowledge, the direct purposes, the basis of laws, the validity.

V. Translate from Russian into English.

Функция, на протяжении исторического развития, главный социальный институт, деятельность, закон, феномен,, картина мира, новые знания, использовать, также, научное знание, предмет, изучение, открытые наукой, теоретический.

VI. Answer the following questions.

1. What is science?

2. Can you tell the function of science?

3. What does concept “science” include?

4. For what purpose is the term “science” used?

5. Enumerate the direct purposes of the science.

VII. Combine the following sentences.

1. the, to, force, of, and, social, science, the, of, historical, turns, productive, society, major, institute, during, development, a.

2. is, of, scientific, the, “science”, also, for, of, branches, knowledge, a, designation, term, used, separate.

3. purposes, the, an, direct, the, and, explanation, the, a, description, of, science, prediction, the, of, phenomena, the, of, validity, and, processes.

VIII. Retell the text. Structure of a science.

The scientific disciplines forming in the set system of a science as a whole, rather conditionally it is possible to subdivide into 3 big groups -natural, public and the engineering science differing in the subjects and methods. The sharp side between these subsystems is not present - a number of scientific disciplines borrow intermediate position. So, for example, on a joint technical and social studies there is an industrial art, between natural and engineering science - bionics, between natural and social studies - economic geography. Each of the specified subsystems, in turn, forms system in the various ways the coordinated, subject and methodical communications of separate sciences that does a problem of their detailed classification of the extremely complex and completely not decided about one today.

Alongside with the traditional researches spent within the framework of any one branch of a science, problem character of orientation of a modern science has caused wide expansion of the interdisciplinary and complex researches spent by means of several various scientific disciplines which concrete combination is defined by character of a corresponding problem by a life. An example of it is research of problems of the wildlife management, taking place on a crossroads of engineering science, biology, sciences about the Earth, medicine, economy, mathematics, etc. Such problems arising in connection with the decision of large-scale enterprises, and social problems, are typical for a modern science.