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2. State the type of the subordinate clause (subject, predicative and object).

1. The doctor’s advice was that my brother should go to the south immediately. 2. Which of you is the best student, will be shown by the examinations. 3. We have never discovered who did it. 4. Whether he wants to live here is unknown. 5. You may rely upon what he says. 6. I remembered what I had promised to do. 6. He isn’t what he pretends to be. 7. The question is whether he will fulfill his promise or not. 8. That this is true must be clear to you. 9. I am not satisfied with what I have written. 10. Whether a friendly settlement of the dispute between the sellers and the buyers can be arrived at is doubtful. 11. I cannot understand why he did it. 12. I see what you mean.

3. State the type of the subordinate clause.

1. I realized that they had fallen in love. 2. If you are successful, people will forgive you practically everything. 3. Will you be still using a computer when I come back to the office after lunch? 4. This afternoon Martha was late for the lecture because she had had a sleepless night. 5. It was an absolutely freezing day when we arrived in Moscow.6. Although she was extremely surprised she didn’t show any sign of it. 7. Since he had lost the keys, he had to break down the door. 8. As he had no alarm clock, he overslept. 9. The waiter served the food, which had been cooked by the best chef in Paris. 10. The police are looking for the woman, who had kidnapped the child. 11. They ran to the spot where they had hidden the money. 12. Sophia behaves as if the world were at her feet.

4. Choose the conjunction which fits the meaning of the sentence.

1. (As, As though, As soon as) it is getting late, I suggest we break off now. 2. Nobody is to leave (until, unless, since) I say so. 3. She cried out (although, as though, as if) she had been stung by a wasp. 4. Call in and say hello (whenever, however, wherever) you are in town. 5. Stay in your flat (as far as, until, since) somebody sends for you. 6. (Once, Whenever, After) you have driven a Porsche, you will never want to drive any other car. 7. You will never make friends (if, when, unless) you go out and meet people. 8. (As, When, If) you think it is necessary, send him some more money. 9. Please don’t talk (while, whenever, now that) the concert has begun. 10. I do not trust him (as though, even though, although) I do business with him. 11. What were you doing (while, as, after) I was traveling around Europe? 12. What will you do (after, once, now that) the course is nearly over?

5. Translate into English.

1. Я смогу пойти домой только тогда, когда я закончу эту работу. 2. Девушка, которая вы видели вчера, - моя сестра. 3. Я думал, что вы здесь. 4. Человек, о котором мой друг говорил вчера, ждет вас. 5. Я расскажу ему об этом, как только он придет. 6. Нам всегда очень нравится, когда наши друзья навещают нас. 7. Я приеду к тебе в 5 часов, чтобы мы смогли поговорить обо всем. 8. Она выглядела так, как будто случилось что-то серьезное. 9. Я уверен, что мы уже придем к соглашению к тому времени, когда вы вернетесь. 10. Книга, которую меня просила найти твоя сестра, лежит сейчас на столе. 11. Он всегда останавливается там, где ему нравится. 12. Она не придет, потому что она больна. 13. Я приду рано, чтобы поговорить с вами. 14. Я принесу вам журнал, если только не забуду. 15. Дело в том, что он обещал быть здесь вовремя.