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disease болезнь

cancer рак

effort усилие

to improve улучшать

public health здоровье людей

nuclear ядерный

investigation достижение

pressure давление

barrels of oil баррель нефти

destruction вырубка

local authorities местные власти

environmental degradation ухудшение окружающей среды

resource ресурс

to consider предполагать


I. Read and translate the text.

II. Look through the vocabulary and be ready to write the word-dictation.

III. Make up a situation or sentences, using the topical vocabulary.

IV. Translate from English into Russian:

ecologically damaged area, soil erosion, salinizalion, chemical degradation, ecology related deseases, infant mortality, an average life span, geophysical, pressure, indiscriminate, deformity.

V. Translate from English into russian:

неблагополучная в экологическом отношении зона; подвергнуться загрязнению; наносить вред окружающей среде; загрязнение окружающей среды; проблема охраны окружающей среды; эрозия почвы; химическое загрязнение почвы; избыточная концентрация соли в почве; болезни, вызванные загрязнением окружающей среды; детская смертность; средняя продолжительность жизни; экологический кризис.

VI. Answer the following questions:

1. What facts and figures prove that the damage to environment in Russia is a serious problem?

2. Why has the incidence of ecology-related deseases been growing?

3.What adds to the radio-active contamination in Russia?

4. What can be said about the state of forests?

5. What aggravates the impact of the greenhouse effect?

6. Lives of Russians are endangered by the impermissible condition of the environment, aren't they? Prove this by quotations.

VII. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Загрязнение атмосферы продолжает расти повсеместно, сокращаются источники пресной питьевой воды.

2. Никакая другая развитая промышленная держава не отравляла воздух, землю, воду и население так систематически.

3. Примерно 920.000 баррелей нефти, примерно один из каждых десяти, разливается ежедневно.

VIII. Retell the text. Additional texts for reading, translating and rendering.

If You Do Not Litter, Our Town Will Glitter

We produce more and more waste. And the problem of pollution is aggravated by our "throw-away" technology. Bach year only Americans dispose of about 10 million autos, 20 million tons of waste paper, 50 million cans.

We are turning the world into a gigantic dump. Instead of repairing a radio set, for example, it is easier and cheaper to buy a new one and discard the old. It is no longer fashionable to re-use anything. Cities are surrounded by junkyards full of rusting automobiles. Cans and bottles have piled up.

Is there any hope that we can solve the pollution problem? Fortunately, solutions are in sight. Cars are flattened in a giant compressor that reduces a car to the size of a television set in a matter of minutes. Any left-over scrap metal is mixed with concrete and made into exceptionally strong bricks that are used in buildings and bridges.

To eliminate the problem of man-made pollution, to make our earth beautiful again, each of us must take some steps to clean up the environment. The latest idea is an "ecology drive". Students in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, for instance, collected tons of discarded bottles and cans and transported the junk to collection centres.

Everything can be recycled. The salvaged aluminium is used to make new cans, and the glass is melted down to make new bottles.

Answer the following questions:

1. Why do they call our society "consumer-oriented"?

2. What is meant by "throw-away" technology?

3. What attracts people to this kind of technology?

4. What are the dangers of the situation in which the world is turning into a dump?

5. Are there any measures that could stop the pollution?

6. What is "an ecology drive"?

7. What can each of us do to control pollution?