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At the traumatologist’s

Traumatologist:What is wrong with you?

Patient:I have a severe pain in my leg.

T.: Let's me examine your leg. How did the injury occur?

P.: I have fallen down.

T.: How long is it since the injury occurred?

P.: Two days.

T.: Does it hurt when I touch here?

P.: Yes, it does.

T.: Where is the pain more acute, here or there?

P.: Here it is.

T.: Bend your leg.

P.: It is very painful.

T.: Could you stand on your injured leg immediately following injury?

P.: No, I couldn't.

T.: I suppose you have a fracture. Do you agree to be hospitalized?

P.: No, I don't.

T.: You will be treated in the out-patient department. It is necessary to X-ray your leg. I'll put a plaster of Paris. I'll give an injection with antitetanic serum. Do massage your leg, train your toes with a little exercise.

P.: When will you remove a plaster of Paris?

T.: I think it will be in a month. You must not engage in hard physical labour for 3 months.

P.: What medicines must I take?

T.: I'll prescribe you some drugs and vitamins for the improvement of your general health condition.


Fractures, dislocations, sprains, and strains are injuries that occur to the musculoskeletal system. Fractures are breaks or cracks in bones. They are defined as either closed or open. Fracture of a large bone can cause severe shock because bones and soft tissue may bleed heavily. Fractures can be accompanied by internal injuries. A dislocation is an injury in which a bone is displaced from its normal position at a joint. A dislocation may involve damage to the ligaments around the joints. A sprain is the partial or complete tearing of ligaments and other tissues at a joint. Sprains most commonly occur in joints of the ankles and knees. A strain is a stretching and tearing of muscle or tendon fibers. They often occur in the neck or back. Five common signs of musculoskeletal injuries are pain, swelling, deformity, bruising of the skin, and inability to use the affected part normally.




fiber ['faibq] волокно

contractile [kqn'trxktaIl] який стискає, стискувальний; скорочувати(ся)

across[q'krOs]через; по той бік

pectoral muscle ['pektqr(q)l] грудний м’яз

unlike [An'laIk] на відміну від

brachial ['breIkIql] брахіальний, плечовий

smooth [smu:D] гладкий, непосмугований

refer [rI'fq:] мати відношення, стосуватися

comprise [kqm'praIz] складати

locomotion ["lqukq'mquS(q)n] рух

gluteal [glu:'tIql] глютеальний, сідничний

deltoid muscle ['deltOId] дельтоподібний м’яз

expression [Iks'preS(q)n] вираз

posture['pOsCq]статура, постава

triangular [traI'xNgjulq] трикутний

propel [prq'pel] рухати

orientation ["O:rIen'teIS(q)n] спрямування

dilate [daI'leIt] розширяти(ся)

oblique [q'blIk] косий

constrict [kqn'strIkt] скорочувати

pupil ['pjupl] зіниця

longitudinal ['lOnGI'tju:dInl] поздовжній

biceps ['baIseps] біцепс, двоголовий м'яз

force [fO:s] сила, зусилля; нагнітати

abductor [xb'dAktq] відвідний м’яз

extend [Iks'tend] простягати(ся), тягнути(ся)

buttock ['bAtqk] сідниця

cross [krOs] пересікати(ся),


move away [mu:v] відводити

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