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Reading and developing speaking skills

Ex. 9. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.

Ex. 10. Compose 3-4 sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.

Ex. 11. Insert the missing letters and translate the following words into Ukrainian:

Fu_fill; ele_trocardiogram; gar_le; med_cine; thro_t; anal_sis; dru_; indi_ate; ap_ly.

Ex. 12. Read the following words:

Pneumonia; listen; teaspoonful; meals; mixture; cough; prescription; tablets; headache; apply; mustard; raspberry; gargle; throat; blood; urine; should; X-ray; vitamins.

Ex. 13. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian:

1. drug; a drug for a headache; to take the drug three times a day; to order the drug; overdosage of the drug.

2. to indicate; to indicate the dose on the label; labels indicate the dose to be taken; indication; the operation was not indicated.

Ex. 14. Read and translate the dialogue:

At the physician's

Doctor: I suppose you have pneumonia.

Patient: What must I do?

D.:Listen to me attentively. Order this drug in the pharmacy. Take it a teaspoonful twice a day before meals. This mixture is for your cough. The dose to be taken is indicated in the prescription. These tablets are for your headache. Take these tablets one every three hours. This preparation is usually well tolerated.

P.: May I stay in my bed?

D.:You have to stay in bed. Apply mustard plasters every day before going to bed. Take warm tea with the raspberry jam. Gargle your throat several times a day. You must make the analyses of blood and urine. Your lungs should be X-rayed. Be­sides you must have an ECG taken.

P.: Well, doctor. I'll fulfil all your prescriptions.

D.:You will feel better soon. You should not smoke at present. Try to sleep more. Don't walk much. Eat food rich in vitamins.

Ex. 15. Read and translate the following sentences:

1. First of all I shall prescribe you some drugs. 2. This mixture is for your cough. 3. I'll put you on a sick-leave. 4.Gargle your throat seve­ral times a day. 5. Apply mustard plasters on your back. 6. Your lungs should be X-rayed. Stay in your bed for some days. 7. These tablets are for a headache. 8. This powder is for a pain in your stomach. 9. These drops are for your heart troubles. 10. Take this drug three times a day before (after) meals.

Ex. 16. Insert the missing words:

1. I'll _ you the treatment. 2. These drops _ _ bad cough. 3. This mixture _ _ a pain in your abdomen. 4. These tablets _ _ a headache.

Ex. 17. Translate the following word-combinations and sentences into English:

A. замовляти ліки; приймати ліки по чайній ложці; після їжі; це ліки від кашлю; ці пігулки від головного болю; ставити гірчичники; полоскати горло; робити аналізи; робити рентген; робити електрокардіограму серця.

В. 1. Ваше серце і легені треба перевірити. 2. Зробіть електрокардіограму. 3. Зробіть аналізи крові й сечі. 4. Підійдіть до хірурга і перевірте суглоби.

Ex. 18. Match the following abbreviations and their meaning:

















General Practitioner



three days



before meals

blood pressure

birth weight

complete blood count

on examination

chest X-ray

general condition

complaints of

three weeks


Ex. 19. Imagine that your patient has pneumonia (bronchitis, virus infection, quinsy). Prescribe him/her proper treatment.

Ex. 20. Reproduce the dialogue "At the Physician's" in pairs.

Ex. 21. Read this short dialogue:

Doctor:Well, Mrs Black. What's brought you along today?

Patient: I've got a bad dose of flu. (1)

D.:How long has it been bothering you?

P.: Two or three days. (2)

Ex. 22. Practice this dialogue. Your partner should play the part of the patient. He/She can select replies from list (1) and (2) below:



terrible constipation

swollen ankles

a pain in my stomach

since Tuesday

a fortnight

for almost a month

Ex. 23. Read the following dialogue:

Doctor:Which part of your head (chest, back) is affected?

Patient:Just here.

D.:Can you describe the pain?

P.: It is a dull sort of ache. (1)

Ex. 24. Practice this dialogue. Your partner should play the part of the patient. He/She can select replies from list below (1):

(1): a feeling of pressure; very sore, like a knife; a burning pain.

Ex. 25. Read and translate the following sentences:

1. The patient is a 26-year-old woman complaining of swelling of the ankles. 2. The patient is a 32-year-old man with headaches, sore throat, and enlarged glands in the neck. 3. The patient is a 42-year-old woman complaining of nausea and episodes of pain in the right part of the chest. 4. Pregnancy test is negative. Chest X-ray is normal. Pulse is normal. The liver is not enlarged. 5. Both ankles, the left elbow and the right wrist are swollen and painful.

Ex. 26. The form below is used to measure mental impairment. Discuss with a partner:

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