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Doctor: What do you complain of?

Patient: I have a bad cough and a runny nose.

D: What about your headache?

P: I have a headache.

D: Does your heart trouble you?

P: Yes, it does.

D: Did you take any medicine?

P: No, I did not.

D: Take your temperature, please. What is your temperature?

P: My temperature is 37.8°.

D: Show me your throat. Your tongue is coated and your tonsils are red. Now strip to the waist, please. I'll examine your heart and lungs. Breathe deeply. Don't breathe. There are rales in your lungs. The borders of your heart are dilated and there is a murmur in your heart. Let me measure your blood pressure. It is normal.



Rules of reading














у словах грецького походження




Ex. 1. Read the following words:

Block; chickenpox; sick; neck; thick; lack; attack; ticket; rich; chest; itching; touch; chemist’s shop; headache; stomach; establishment; shoulder; publish; shape.


Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the following material:

Suffix of Noun:

-itis (inflammation)

bronchitis – бронхит

Ex. 3. Read and translate the following words:

Encephalitis, meningitis, poliomyelitis, appendicitis, cholecystitis, viral gastroenteritis, peritonitis, bronchiolitis, dermatitis; arthritis.


Ex. 4. Familiarize yourself with the following grammar material:

Open conditionals

If is used without any special tenses when you want to suggest that something is true. Some people call this the "zero conditional".

If you are ill in Britain, you go to see your general practitioner.

If is also used when we want to suggest that a future situation is likely or possible. In the if-clause the present tense is generally used to talk about the future. Some people call this the "first conditional".

If you need medicine, your general practitioner will write a prescription for you.

If you eat well, you'll probably have a longer and healthier life.

Unless is sometimes used to mean if not.

You will probably have to pay part of the cost of your medicine, unless you belong to one of the groups of people who get their medicine free.

Ex. 5. Translate the following sentences:

1. If a person falls ill, he/she will call in a doctor. 2. When his/her condition isn’t poor, he/she will go to the local polyclinic. 3. If it is necessary, a nurse will come to the patient’s house and give administered injections. 4. If the patient has appendicitis or cholecystitis, he/she will be in the surgical department.

Ex. 6. Match the first half of each sentence on the left with an appropriate ending on the right:

1. If the weather is fine,

2. If you are nervous,

3. If you get hungry,

4. If you want to play well,

wait outside until I arrive.

you have to practice.

take some deep breaths to relax yourself.

there is some cheese in the fridge.

Ex. 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense-forms:

1. I (be) very sad if I (not see) you next week. 2. Unless they (work) harder, they (fail) their exams. 3. If you (need) to have medical tests, your doctor (send) you to a hospital.

Ex. 8. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:

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