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Writing practice

82 Read the form and try to restore the text using the word combinations given below.

20 уears; 10 August, 1999; 2 weeks, Peter Ivanov, student; 3 hours; Russian; 15 Apt., 10 Bld., Tverskaya St., Moscow, Russia.

Registration Form

Name1) _____________________ Age ____________________

Occupation _________________ Nationality _______________

Home address2) ________________________________________

Length of course ______________________________________

Number of hours per day ________________________________

Course starting date ____________________________________

Accommodation required _______________________________

not required _______________________________

Signature ____________________________________________

1)Сначала указывается имя, затем – фамилия (например: Tom Palmer, Boris Petrov). При транслитерации русских имен (т. е. при передаче их буквами английского языка) пользуйтесь приведенным ниже материалом:

Русские буквы Английские буквы

е, ё e, yo (Semyenov)

ж zh (Zhukov)

з z, s (Vosnesenskiy, Kuzmin)

й ei, iy, ai (Chaikovsky)

х kh, h (Khruschov)

ц ts (Tsokov)

ч ch (Chekhov)

ш sh (Shukshin)

щ sch (Khruschov)

ы y (Bykov)


ю iu, yu (Yurkin)

я ia, ya (Yakovlev)

2) Порядок написания элементов адреса следующий: сначала указывается квартира, дом, улица, а затем – город и страна. Здесь возможны сокращения: Apt (apartment), Ave (avenue), Bld (building), Sq (Square), St. (Street).

Например: Victor Sokolov, Apt 56, 27 Suvorova St, Gomel, Republic of Belarus.

83 Your friend wants to go to this language school for a month. He is going to attend classes, which are four hours a day. Help him to fill in the form. You will find the information about him below:

Яковлев Юрий Петрович, 20 лет.

Адрес: Республика Беларусь, г. Гомель, ул. Пушкинская, д. 4, кв. 33.

U N I T 2


Grammar: Времена группы Indefinite Passive. Модальные глаголы can, may, must и их эквиваленты.

Listening: “An American in London” (humor).

Speaking: Oral topic “Our University”.

Pair work: Plans for next week.

Discussion: Which department to choose, day-time or extra-mural.


Text 2A. Canada.

Text 2B. Australia.

Text 2C. New Zealand.

Text 2D. Hawaii.

Text 2E. Alaska.

Writing: Entry Card.


1 Listen to the story two times and think about the title this story could have.

An American in London

  1. Point out which statements are true and which are false.

    1. American said they built in America very quickly.

    2. The conductor refused to answer American’s question.

    3. The American recognized St. Paul’s Cathedral.

    4. The American believed that the building was built several hours ago.

  1. Answer the following questions.

A Where did the American come to?

B What was he interested in?

C Was the American satisfied by conductor’s answers?

D Why did the conductor answer the last question in this way?

  1. Retell the text.

A In the name of conductor.

B In the name of an American.