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45 Используя текст из предыдущего упражнения и слова get uр; be; travel; stay; go, spend; meet, составьте 7 вопросов к тексту.

1 ... last week? To Edinburgh.

2 ...? By train.

3 ...? Cold and windy.

4 ...?In a hotel.

5 ... ob Saturday morning? At 8 o'clock.

6 ... in the afternoon? At the castle.

7 ... in the evening? Some American guests.

46 Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в нужном времени.

1 She (not/teach) at this school. 2 I (not/know) his family. 3 You often (see) them? 4 He (have) a shower every morning? 5 Agatha Cristie (write) over 75 detective stories. 6 She (start) school last year. 7 She (not/go) to school yesterday. 8 There (be) an interesting film two days ago. 9 Where you (go) for your holidays two years ago? 10 Last week we (be) at the library.

47 Составьте предложения, используя слова из данных коло-нок. Придумайте вопросы к этим предложениям.

When Who What did/do Where

Yesterday my sister was the park

last week my brother were the disco

in summer my friends went the museum

two days ago my parents visited office

last year Jack and Jill worked the library

in 1995 I the country

in September we the seaside

in winter you shopping


48 Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1 I work at an office.

2 They often speak English in class.

3 We write a lot of sentences oa the blackboard.

4 After his English he goes home.

5 He reads English books at home.

6 My friend wrote to me very often last year.

7 Our students read a lot of English books last year.

8 Our chief spoke to us аbout the plan yesterday.

9 Two years ago they lived in Minsk.

10 He worked at the plant in 1999.

11 She studied higher mathematics at the University.

12 It will take you three hours to get there.

13 They will learn two foreign languages at school.

14 I shall finish this work tomorrow.

49 Поставьте общие, альтернативные и разделительные вопро-сы к следую­щим предложениям:

1 Democratic reforms began to take place in many fields of life.

2 Changes in political, economic and social conditions require changes in the system of

3 Exchanges of students will result in better understanding among people.

50 Повторите предлоги времени, места и направления. Затем прочитайте текст, употребляя предлоги по смыслу.

Предлоги времени

IN (с названиями месяцев) – in September/May;

(с названиями времен года) – in summer/autumn;

(с названиями частей дня) – in the morning/evening;

(с обозначением года) – in 1999.

ON (с названиями дней недели, датами) – on Tuesday, on the first day at school.

AT (с обозначениями времени) – at 3 o'clock.

Предлоги места и направления

То – в..., к... .

Into – в (внутрь).

Off – из, от.

On – на (чем-либо).

Under – под.

Of – из.

Out of – из.

From – из, от.

Перед следующими сочетаниями предлоги не употребляются

last this next – week, month, year.

We are students. ... the morning we go .. the institute. Our lectures begin ... 9 o'clock. We have no lectures ... Sunday. We take examina-tions ... January and June. We do not study ... summer. We come ... the classroom and sit down ... the tables. We take our books and notebooks......the bags and put them ... the table. Our pens are ... the table ...

the floor. During the lesson we go ... the blackboard and write sentences ...it. When the lesson are over we go......the classroom and go home. We usually come back ... the Institute .... 3 o'clock ... the afternoon.