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Английский язык.doc
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4 Подберите пары слов, имеющих сходное значение:

А. 1) to take an exam В.1) to obtain

2) to attend a lecture 2) always

3) to receive 3) to look for

4) difficult 4) to come to the lecture

5) to return 5) payment

6) usually 6) to construct

7) to embrace 7) to have an exam

8) fee 8) hard

9) to seek 9) to include

10) to build 10) to come back

Word – building

5 Выполните задания:

а) проанализируйте модели образования слов, прочтите и переведите слова, созданные на их основе.

Модель 1

Основа глагола + -tion, -sion, -ion → существительное

to include – включать inclusion – включение

to continue – продолжать continuation –

to produce – производить production –

to absorb – поглощать absorption –

to consider – рассматривать consideration –

Модель 2

Основа глагола + -er/ -or → существительное со значением лица, производящего действие, или орудие действия.

to generate – генерировать generator – генератор

to distribute – распределять distributor –

to cool – охлаждать cooler –

to operate – оперировать operator –

to consume – потреблять consumer –

б) прочитайте текст и найдите в нем слова, имеющие общий корень со словами перед текстом. Определите, к какой части речи они относятся и каковы их значения. Переведите текст.

to converse – разговаривать to speak – говорить

to pronounce – произносить to hear – слышать

When you speak the sound waves (звуковые волны) travel through the air at the rate of 1200 feet per second. In a normal conversation the hearer really hears only about 50 % of the sounds produced by the speaker. That explains why foreign languages are often easier to speak than to understand. Recording instruments show that no two native speakers of one language pronounce any word or sound of that language alike (одинаково). There is always some difference between your pronunciation and that of another speaker and this enables (давать возможность) us to recognize (узнавать) a person by his pronunciation.

Grammar review

6 Проанализируйте формы глагола to be, приведенные в таблице. Отнесите события, о которых идет речь ниже, сначала к будущему, затем к прошлому, используя Past и Future Indefinite глагола to be и соответствующие обстоятельства времени: yesterday, tomorrow, next week, last month, next year, at 5 o'clock и т. д. (глагол to be в Indefinite Active):




am (I)

was (ед. ч.)

shall be (1-е лицо)

is (he, she, it)


will be

are (we, you, they)

were (мн. ч.)


1 Victor is free in the evening.

2 John is in America.

3 I am very busy.

4 She is at the lecture.

5 The child is 10 years old.

6 This work is interesting.

7 The expedition is in Africa.

8 The new film is long.

9 My mother is at home.

10 The workers are at the factory.

11 The children are at school.

12 The students are at the Institute.

7 Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы, следуя образцу.

Образец: Is Kovalev present at the lesson? – Yes, he is. No, he is not.

1 Is Tverskaya Street long?

2 Was it cold last winter?

3 Are your friend's sisters beautiful?

4 Is it hot today?

5 Is it Sunday today?

6 Is the clock on the wall?

7 Are you twenty years old?

8 Will you be at home in the evening?

9 Are the trees green now?

10 Is your house in the centre of the city?

11 Will your mother be at home at five o'clock?

12 Were you free yesterday?

13 Is his answer good?

14 Will you be in town on Sunday?

15 Is mathematics difficult for you?

16 Are your summer plans interesting?

17 Is your Institute large?