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Английский язык.doc
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39 Вставьте вместо точек does, is или has.

1 My sister ... very clever. 2 What ... she do? 3 Who ... he? 4 She ... a teacher school. 5 Where ... your sister live? .6 Gret ... a little house in the country. 7 Mary married? 8 ... Sam have any pets? 9 This girl ... called Mary. 10 She ... a lot of friends.

40 Составьте вопросы к данным предложениям, начиная словами, указанны­ми в скобках.

1 The engineer lives in Tomsk. (Who).

2 She lives in Green Street. (Where).

3 Grace usually has supper at nine o'clock. (When).

4 Tim reads many books. (Does).

5 Sally speaks Spanish. (Does).

6 We have English lessons on Tuesdays and Fridays. (Do ... or...).

7 They work on a farm. (Where).

8 I make my bed in the morning. (Do).

9 The children play in the park, not in the square. (Do ... or ...).

10 They do their homework after school. (When).

11 I have a glass of milk for supper. (What).

12 We like watching TV in the evening. (Do).

41 Сделайте данные предложения отрицательными.

1 Bess helps her mother. 2 My friend plays the piano. 3 We listen to music. 4 You make a lot of mistakes. 5 The farmer works in the field. 6 The small boy rides a bike. 7 He looks at the pictures in the book. 8 The work-man paints the house. 9 Richard and Неnrу swim in the river in summer. 10 John goes to school by tram. 11 She gets up at eight o'clock. 12 He has tea for breakfast. 13 She usually has dinner at two o'clock. 14 Mike is my best friend. 15 Peter lives in London.

42 Составьте утвердительные и отрицательные предложения по образцу.

Образец: I didn't go to New York/ I went to Chicago.

1 We ... Jim, we ... Max, (meet).

2 He ... last Tuesday, he ... last Thursday, (leave).

3 We ... Jack, we ... David, (see).

4 They... a Volvo, they ... a Fiat, (buy).

5 You ... the answer, Tom ... the answer, (know).

6 I... my passport, I... my ticket, (lose).

7 We ... the pizza, we ... hot dogs, (have).

8 He ... a letter, he ... a postcard, (write).

9 The film ... at 6.30 p.m., it ... at 7.30 p.m. (begin).

10 My sister ... at the theatre yes­terday, she... at the disco, (be).

43 Составьте вопросы из данных слов. Ответьте на них. Помните о порядке слов в предложении.

1 morning/you/time/get/up/what/in/the/did?

2 dinner/night/have/what/last/you/for/did?

3 did/train/last/you/by/when/travel?

4 do/what/Sunday/you/last/did?

5 did/summer/go/where/last/you?

6 visit/you/art/gallery/an/last/did/when?

7 travel/on/you/How/work/did/to/Monday?

44 Образуйте от глаголов в скобках прошедшее время.

Last weekend we (go) to Edinburgh by train from London. We (stay) at a hotel in Princess Street. It (be) cold and windy when we (arrive) in Scotland, but the hotel (be) warm and comfortable. On Sunday morning, we (get up) at 8 o'clock and (have) a good breakfast. Then we (walk) down Princess Street and (look) at the lovely shops. We (vis­it) the castle in the afternoon and (enjoy) sitting in the gardens. We (not/go out) in the evening, but we (stay) in the hotel and (talk) to some people from America.