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36 Найдите в диалогах английские эквиваленты словосочетаний:

Руль; ручной тормоз; «ты не должен был тормозить!»; столкнуть ногу с акселератора; в конце концов; врезаться в дерево; ты готов на все, лишь бы сделать мне наперекор; шлагбаум закрыт; приготовься ехать.


37 Выполните задания:

1) Прочитайте текст.

Problem of Transport

What are cities for – cars or people? Do people without cars not matter at all? In some cities, such as Los Angeles, it is impossible to live without a car. A friend of mine used to live opposite a supermarket (на­против универсама) in Los Angeles. Unfortunately the road was a six-lane (с шестирядным движением) motorway, and there was no way of crossing it. She had to drive two miles to a clover-leaf junction (развилка) where she was able to turn round, drive two miles back and buy her food. By the time she reached her home again, she'd driven eight miles to cross the road!

All large cities have the problem of transport. In some of them people think that the only answer is to forbid (запретить) cars from coming into the centre of the city. But then what will all the people do? There must be better public transport, with more buses and underground trains. Perhaps we will have monorails like they have in Tokyo. In London, Oxford Street, one of the most important and busy roads in the capital is closed to private cars, and a lot of roads have special lanes for buses. This helps traffic to move more freely, and stops traffic jams (пробки).

2) Ответьте на вопросы:

1 Are the cities for people? Aren't they for people? 2 Do people without cars matter in the city? Don't people without cars matter in the city? Is it impossible to live without a car in some cities? Isn't it possible to live without a car in the city? 4 Is to forbid cars from coming into the centre of the city the only answer? Isn't there any other answer? 5 Must there be better public transport? Mustn't there be better public transport? 6 Do all large cities have the problem of transport? Don't all large cities have the problem of transport? 7 Is it exciting to have a car? Isn't it exciting to have a car? 8 Do you want to have a car? Don't you want to have a car?

3) Обсудите проблемы, поставленные в следующих вопросах:

1 Do you think (that) to forbid cars in the city is a good idea? 2 Why is public transport more useful than private in big cities? 3 What do you pre­fer: the bus or the underground? Why? 4 How is the problem of transport solved in London, Oxford Street? 5 In what part of Moscow is it possible to do the same? 6 What is a traffic jam? 7 Where does one need a car more, in town or in the country? Why?

4) Выскажите свою точку зрения «за» или «против» использования автомобилей.


Cars allow people to travel faster.

To travel in cars is more comfor­table.

Good motorways help the econ­omy.

Cars are necessary if you live in the country.

You can stop and see all the beau­tiful places on your way.

Cars save time.


Cars destroy (разрушают) the beauty of the countryside.

People walk less and exercise less.

Cars bring air pollution to our cities.

There are so many cars that they leave no place for people.

Cars don't save time at all in the cities because of traffic jams.

You pass beautiful places without actually seeing them.


Проходя таможенный контроль в аэропорту, Вы встретили девушку из Омска, которая очень нервничала. Она не знала, как заполнить таможенную декларацию. Задайте ей вопросы, чтобы помочь заполнить декларацию. Образец оформления декларации приведен в приложении А.


advertisement (n)

book (v)

buy (v)

come round (v)

close (v)

carry (v)

dimly (adv)

drive (v)

double-decker (n)

easy (a)

fine (n)

full (a)

fare (n)

get on (v)

in order to (prp)

in time (adv)

keep (v)

light (v)

lead (v)

leave (v)

maneuver (v)

modernization (n)

move (v)

main (a)

mean (v)

narrow (a)

number (n)

omnibus (n)

over (prp)

parking (n)

provide (v)

pedestrian (n)

parking meter (n)

rush-hours (n)

speed (n)

renewal (n)

single-decker (n)

staircase (n)

since (prp)

tow (v)

therefore (adv)

tube (n)

warden (n)


(для преподавателей)

A Scotchman was once traveling in a railway compartment, whose only other occupant was an Englishman. He lit a cigarette, leaned back in his seat and was thinking. Suddenly the other began to fumble in his pockets as if in ‘search of something. Not finding what he wanted, he said, «Would you oblige me with a match, sir?»

The Scot took one match out of his box and laid it on the seat besides the Englishman. Still continuing to fumble, the latter said, «Well, that is annoying. I’ve left my cigarettes at home».

«If that is so,» said the Scot, stretching out his hand, «you won’t need the match.» And he put it back into his pocket.

U N I T 4