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16. B) The Future–in–the Past. Будущее в прошедшем

The Future Indefinite in the Past –

The Future Continuous in the Past -

The Future Perfect in the Past -

The Future Perfect Continuous in the Past -

should/would write

should/would be writing

should/would have written

should/would have been writing

He said that he

would learn English.

would be learning English at 5 o'clock (when I came).

would have learnt English by the end of the course.

would have been learning English for two years before he passed it.

17. The Constitution It is/was… that. Усилительная конструкция

It is/was

Для выделения отдельных членов предложения существует в английском языке эта особая конструкция.

В русском языке употребляются лексические средства усиления: только, как раз, именно, только тогда и др.

It was he who told me about it.

It was after the final exams that I thought about my future.

Именно он сказал мне об этом.

Только после выпускных экзаменов я задумался о своем будущем.

18. The Passive Voice. Страдательный залог.

The Passive Voice – to be + Participle II

Indefinite Tenses

Continuous Tenses

Perfect Tenses



was, were +

had been +


Вопр. форма

Am I Is he/she + written Are we/you/they

Was the dictation being written at 2 o’clock yesterday?

Has the dictation been written today?

Отриц. форма

I am He, she, it - is We, you, they- are + not written

The text was not being translated when the bell rang..

The article will not have been translated by 5 o’clock tomorrow.


1) глаголами, оканчивающимися на –ся, -сь

are built

were built



2) глаголом быть и краткой формой причастия страдательного залога

was/were built

will be built

был (и) построен (ы);

будет построен, будут построены

3) неопределенно-личной формой (глагол употреблен в 3-м лице множественного числа действительного залога)

was/were built will be built

построили построят

19. Modal Verbs. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

Can – to be able to




Физическая и умственная способность, возможность выполнить действие.

Перевод: могу, умею

can, cannot (can’t)

I can (can’t) swim.

could, could not (couldn’t)

was/were able to

shall/will be able (to),

shall/will not be able (to)

Must – to have (to)

Долженствование, приказ (совет, предложение). Перевод: должен, нужно, надо (должно быть, вероятно)

must, must not (mustn’t) -Must he do it? -No, he needn’t.

She must be ill.

had (to) did not have (to) Did you have to…

I had to go to the library yesterday.

must (not) (приказ)

shall / will have (to) shall not / will not have (to)

May - to be allowed (to)

Разрешение (предположение). Перевод: можно (возможно, может быть)

may, may (not)

-May I ask you a question?

  • Yes, you may.

It may rain.

might might not

She said it might rain in the evening.


shall / will be allowed (to) shall not/ will not/ be allowed (to)

Should / Ought to

Выражает моральный долг, совет, упрек ( в Past). Перевод: следует.

Present, Future – should help / ought to help You should help your parents.

Past - should have helped (следовало бы помочь)

to have (to)




Необходимость, вызванная какими-то обстоятельствами. Перевод: должен, приходится

have/has to, do not have to, doesn’t have to Do you have to get up early?

had to, did not have to Did you have to go there? – Yes I did.

shall / will have to…

You will have to tell him about it.

to be (to)

Необходимость в соответствии с договоренностью, планом, расписанием.

was (were) to meet We were to meet here.

Need, needn’t

Необходимость или отсутствие необхо-димости выполнить действие. Перевод: нужно, не нужно,

не нужно было

needn’t come

You needn’t go there.

needn’t have come

You needn’t have gone there yesterday.

needn’t come