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Grammar Practice Prepositions

Ex. 1. Choose the most suitable word or phrase in each sentence.

  1. Harry was told that fishing in the lake was against/by/over the law.

  2. Catherine led a secret life for/in/of crime before she was caught.

  3. Having trouble with your phone? Send it at/for/to Fix-a-phone!

  4. I regret to tell you that you are for/in/under arrest.

  5. I only attacked the young man from/in/with self-defence.

  6. David was often at/in/with trouble with the police when he was young.

  7. The robbers' car was hidden below/by/from sight behind the bank.

  8. The kidnappers have been caught, and the child is no longer at/in/on danger.

  9. Tony was caught by a policeman who was off/out/away from duty and cycling to work.

  10. 10.The thieves took the wrong painting by/in/under mistake.

  11. 11.The suspicious manager left the safe unlocked from/on/with purpose.

  12. 12.The robbers met to plan the bank raid from/in/with secret.

The Gerund

Ex. 2. State the form of the Gerund:

having been booked; being punished; having released; having been fingerprinted; being convicted; having been identified; having filed, being imposed; having been prosecuted; having appealed; being accused; having been charged; being arraigned; having been sentenced; having fined; being corrected; having been rehabilitated.

Ех. 3. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. There is a need to develop a concept of state policy for preventing juvenile crimes.

  2. After having been identified the offender was arrested by the police.

  3. The court suspected the evidence of having been obtained unlawfully.

  4. He was charged with not having taken the victim to a hospital after the accident.

  5. Who is responsible for the criminals not having been arrested yet?

  6. In this case the arrest preceded a formal accusation having been made by a police officer who witnessed the offence.

  7. The police accused the driver of being drunk.

  8. Preventing youth crime is perhaps the most important objective of the state.

  9. A person arrested at a crime scene for having committed an offense must be brought before a magistrate within a limited period of time.

  10. The defendant was not informed of the right of being provided with legal counsel at the trial.

  11. Under established rules, some evidence is inadmissible, especially if there is doubt of its being obtained lawfully.

  12. The police suspected him of having been prosecuted before.

  13. One of the aspects of punishment implies that an offender must be afraid of being punished.

  14. The witness insisted on having seen the criminal quite clearly.

  15. Instead of being placed in jail the accused was released on bail.

  16. The man was accused of having violated the traffic rules.

Ex. 4. Rewrite each sentence using the gerund if possible so that it has the same meaning.

They said that John had stolen the money.

They accused John of steeling the money.

  1. Ian said that he hadn't punched anybody.

Ian denied……………

  1. 'OK, Andy, you can go now,' said the detective.

The detective gave Andy

  1. 'James Frogget, you will go to prison for ten years,' said the judge.

The judge sentence

  1. 'I forged the signature,' said Mary.

Mary admitted

  1. Harry stole £30,000 and was arrested.

Harry was arrested

  1. 'We saw the accused break into the car,' said the witnesses.

The witnesses stated………

  1. Graham said that he hadn’t gone to the police station.

Graham refused………

  1. 'It's true,' said Norman, 'I murdered Alan.'

Norman confessed to ………

  1. 'Can you come with me, please,' the detective said to Helen.

The detective asked…………

Ex. 5. Define the “ing-forms” in the following sentences.

  1. Belarus is working effectively with other countries on finding a solution to the environment crisis.

  2. After making the arrest the officer may search the premises for evidence of the guilt of the arrested person.

  3. The preliminary hearing is regarded as a protection of the citizen against detention following an unwarranted arrest.

  4. The problem of obtaining a warrant for arrest is of growing importance.

  5. It must be remembered that just because a person is arrested does not mean that he will be charged with a crime. In fact, very often the police make arrest but have no intentions of making charges.

  6. The key element of arrest is taking a person into custody to control the movements of that person.

  7. Booking is usually accompanied by picture taking and fingerprinting.

  8. Agents of the FBI are mainly concerned with gathering and recording of information in order to present a case for prosecution.

  9. Arresting a person is taking him into custody for the purpose of charging him with a specific offense.

  10. If the accused is charged with committing a misdemeanour he may be convicted at the arraignment.

  11. If evidence was obtained by the law enforcement agency without observing the constitutional rights of the accused, the accused may ask the court to prevent the evidence from being used in his trial.

  12. Any criminal investigation starts with a patrol car being sent to the crime scene.

  13. Some tasks relating to the investigation of crimes that detectives are responsible for clearing by arrest may be performed by patrolmen.

Ex. 6 Translate the following sentences paying attention to Gerund Complex.

Model: Dr. Brown's being arrested was unexpected for everybody.

To, что доктора Брауна арестовали, было неожиданным для всех нас.

  1. His being charged with a felony surprised us.

  2. Their filing a complaint to the court was quite unexpected.

  3. Officer Smith's making a search without a warrant was illegal.

  4. My brother's becoming a good investigator resulted from his great experience.

  5. The offender's being arrested at the crime scene came as a result of quick police actions.

  6. Her being prosecuted for a misdemeanour is natural.

  7. His being placed on bail is explained by the nature of his offence.

  8. Laws and men who enforce them reflect social systems, so there is no doubt of law being class law and justice being class justice.

  9. The person's being fined can be regarded as a just punishment.

  10. The policeman's coming late to the crime scene made the investigation difficult.

  11. His pleading not guilty does not mean that he is innocent.

  12. Their presenting proper evidence to the court proved the guilt of the defendant.

  13. The boy’s being accused of petty offenses is not surprising.

  14. These crimes are alike in having the same features.

  15. Everybody was surprised at his being charged with a crime.

  16. The police suspected the man of being an offender.

  17. The officer's being very experienced resulted from his twenty years of police work.

  18. We were surprised at the penalty being so severe.

  19. Everything depends on the charges being filed now.

  20. The prevention aspect of police patrol consists in patrol activities being concentrated in high-crime areas.

  21. An arrest is legal if there is no doubt of a person's committing a crime.

  22. According to the law the magistrate conducting a preliminary hearing is obliged to inform the accused of his having a right to legal counsel.

  23. One of the main duties of the police is to prevent delinquents from becoming criminals.

  24. Law enforcement agencies are responsible for the laws of the state being observed.

  25. The criminal's committing a crime was evident.

  26. The patrol action resulted in some suspects being arrested.

Ex. 7. Choose the required form:

  1. Corruption-related crimes have a (demoralise, demoralising) effect on society, with public service (being attacked, to be attacked) from within.

  2. Alcoholism, drugs and homelessness are known (to be, being) the factors (leading, to lead) to crime.

  3. The most typical and dangerous corruption-related crime are known (to include, including) bribe – taking and bribe-giving, theft, embezzlement, or abuse of power or position.

  4. If the arrest is made as a result of (to observe, observing) a law violation, an investigation is conducted to determine whether or not a crime was committed.

  5. The preliminary hearing is an investigation by a magistrate of the facts and circumstances (surrounding, to surround) a suspect who has been charged with a crime and arrested.

  6. In order (to determine, determining) whether there are sufficient reasons for trial; after (to hear, hearing) the evidence the magistrate may (find, finding) no basis for the charges and dismiss them or present the case to the trial court.

  7. Mobility has given people the opportunity (to commit, committing) crimes far away from home.

  8. A person can cover great distances rapidly, making it very difficult for law enforcement agencies (to operate, operating) effectively.

  9. The court ruled that an officer may lawfully search a person in the course of (to make, making) an arrest. However, the police can only immediately search the suspect and the area (surrounding, to surround) the suspect, not an entire room or house, without a search warrant.

  10. According to law, the police must (bring, bringing) a suspect before a magistrate within the period of time between 48 and 72 hours.

  11. Crime has become not only domestic, but also an external threat (coming, to come) mostly from a rise in terrorist and extremist activity, illigal migration and arms trade.

Ex. 8 Translate into English.

  1. Арест должен производиться на основании постановления (ордера).

  2. Тяжкое преступление — это преступление, наказуемое смертной казнью или тюремным заключением.

  3. Менее тяжкое уголовное преступление — это преступление, наказуемое штрафом или тюремным заключением до 1 года.

  4. После предварительного слушания лицу предъявляется официальное обвинение.

  5. На стадии привлечения к суду обвинение может быть отклонено.

  6. Если обвиняемый признает себя виновным, устанавливается дата вынесения приговора.

  7. После судебного разбирательства обвиняемый может обжаловать приговор.

  8. Обвиняемый может быть осужден только судом.

  9. Подозреваемый может быть временно отпущен под залог.

Ex. 9 Use the required form of the verbs in the text, and say whether you agree with the verdict .


Sixteen-year-old Sam Wotson … (convict) yesterday after … (admit) killing his father with a home-made knife.

He … (step) in as his parents … (argue) one night and … (stab) him through the heart.

He … (tell) the police, 'He … (hit) my Mum in the face. When I … (be) younger he … (use) to hit her and I could do nothing.'

But after his arrest the student … (say) of his father, 'He always … (love) me.'

Stafford Crown Court … (tell) that there … (be) a strong bond between father and son, but this broke down as 49-year-old Leonard Watson … (tyranize) his wife for four years after loosing his job.

Sam, … (say) (be) 'quiet, well-spoken and non-violent' by police, is the youngest of six children.

His father … (become) violent towards his 40-year-old wife Sylvia after … (loose) his lorry-driving job because of a drink-driving conviction nearly four years ago.

He … (become) depressed and … (make) several half-hearted suicide attempts but always when someone … (be) close by.

He frequently … (attack) his wife – although several months … (can) go by without him (raise) his fists – and he … (spend) periods in a psychiatric hospital.

Yesterday Sam Wotson, from Walsall, … (put) on probation for three years after he … (plead) guilty to manslaughter.

And the judge … (refer) to his courage in admitting the offence, and … (say) he (take) a perhaps exceptional course'.

Ex. 10 Read the newspaper article and entitle it.

Mild-mannered Thomas Corlett, the houseproud husband who strangled his wife after a row over a tube of mustard, was jailed for three years yesterday after denying murdering his wife.

It took the jury just ten minutes to find the 58-year-old balding civil servant not guilty of murder, but guilty of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.

Corlett, described as a man of 'impeccable character', had gradually taken over the household chores during his 26-year marriage, including cooking and cleaning. After his wife became ill with asthma, their relationship had deteriorated.

Medical witnesses at the trial said Corlett was like a houseproud housewife with a craving for perfection. A pent-up rage built up in him over his wife's untidiness. His wife started going on holidays with a friend, never asking if he wanted to join them and never telling him when she would be back. In 1985 she forgot to send him a birthday card for the first time. Five weeks later the trivial row over the mustard led to her death.

The snapping point came when the couple sat down to a supper of sausages, green beans and mashed potatoes at their home in Middlesex on December 12, 1985.

On the spot on the table where he normally put his newspaper was a tube of German mustard. He moved it. His wife, Erika, 63, picked it up and slammed it down in its original place. During the quarrel Erika stood up and started flailing her arms. Corlett grabbed her by the throat and the couple fell on the floor. Corlett called an ambulance when she fell unconscious but minutes later Mrs. Corlett was dead.

Defence counsel David Farrington handed over a glowing reference from Corlett's boss. The barrister said that Corlett would be extremely unlikely to offend again, and asked for him to be sent home. Judge Gerald Butler accepted that Corlett acted out of character but said that he couldn't take the lenient course being urged upon him.

Text B. Read and translate the text. Get ready to discuss the main points.