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Tenses in the Active and Passive Voice (Revision)

Ex. 2. Use the required form of the verb. Discuss the information with you partner.

  1. Ancient Greeks (believe) that laws (make) by the people for the people.

  2. In the 14th century parliamentary legislation (become) more and more general in Britain.

  3. The Tudor period (see) the development of modern procedure, in particular the practice of giving three readings to a bill.

  4. From the Tudor period onwards Parliament (become ) more and more independent and the practice of law making by statutes (increase).

  5. Roman Law (be) one of the greatest systems that ever (exist) and (base) upon customs.

  6. Roman Law (have) a strong influence on the law of most European countries and on the Anglo-Saxon law which (be) the other great law system of the world.

  7. In the 11th century many European countries (begin) to use Roman Law in their courts.

  8. In France Napoleon (codify) the law in 1804.

  9. Napoleonic Code (be) a great achievement, and (influence) the laws of many countries in Europe and South America.

  10. Most legal systems (classify) as common law systems and civil law systems.

  11. Essentially, every country which (colonize) at sometime by Britain (use) Common Law.

  12. Belarusian legal science (work) out by Dr. Francisak Skaryna. His ideas (base) on profound knowledge of world history.

  13. The famous Belarusian jurist of the 16th century Len Sapieha (stand) for legal education of people, and (give) his own money for the publication of the 1588 Statute, the legal document which (appear) to be the real constitution of the state.

  14. The principles that (lay down) in the Napoleon’s Code are still in force today.

  15. Since the 18th century various scientific theories (advance) to explain crime.

The Participle

Ex. 2. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to Participle I and II.

  1. Among the factors leading to crime are weakness in the laws governing market relations and fighting against crime.

  2. A «constitution» meaning in American political language the set of rules, laws, regulations and customs provides the practical norms and standards regulating the work of the government.

  3. The US Constitution consisting of the preamble, seven articles and twenty six amendments was adopted in 1787.

  4. Being made up by the privileged class the U S Constitution of 1787 didn't contain bourgeois-democratic freedoms.

  5. Having been proposed first in 1787 the Constitution faced widespread dissatisfaction because it did not contain guarantees of certain basic freedoms and individual rights.

  6. Having no guaranteed labor, guaranteed income and health care the working man is guaranteed inequality.

  7. Being aimed at preserving the advantageous position of the ruling class the US Constitution of 1787 said nothing about the elementary democratic freedoms when it was first proposed.

  8. The case being heard by the district people's court is of great interest for our students.

  9. Being divided into 11 judicial circuits the USA has a Federal Court of Appeal in each circuit.

  10. Having passed both the Houses the bill became a law.

  11. Being divided into executive, legislative and judicial branches, all power in each state is similar to that of the entire nation.

  12. Having tried this uneasy case the court passed a sentence.

  13. Having arrived at the crime scene among the first, the investigator was able to question all persons present at the scene.

  14. Being elected for a term of 4 years the President is to carry out the programme of the government.

  15. Having been signed by the President the resolution came into force all over the country.

  16. The political platform of the Republican and Democratic parties in the USA being alike, the Democrats and Republicans essentially conduct the similar policy.

  17. Each court of appeal in the circuit consists of between 3 and 15 judges depending upon the amount of work in the circuit, the judge with the largest service, who has reached his 70th birthday, being the chief judge.

  18. Having developed its economy the USA has become a mighty power.

  19. Magna Carta established the principle of limited government in which the power of the monarch or government was limited, not absolute.