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Kotniuk. Non-finite forms of the verb.docx
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4. The gerundial construction as complex prepositional object

to depend on

to object to

to agree to something

to be aware of

to be used to something, etc

somebody's doing something

You can't depend on the trains always arriving on time.-“The trains always arriving on time” is a complex prepositional object expressed by a gerundial construction.

The success of this project relies on everyone making an effort.

They hadn't planned on the whole family coming.

She was aware of a tall dark figure watching her.

5. The gerundial construction as complex attribute


a plan

a risk

a point


opportunity etc

of somebody's doing something


There is

Somebody sees

no (little)





in somebody's doing something

There is a risk of another accident happening in this fog.-“Another accident happening in this fog” is a complex attribute expressed by a gerundial construction.

Any chance of you coming to the party on Saturday?

6. The gerundial construction as complex adverbial modifier

The party was organized without her knowing anything about it. – "Without her knowing anything about it" is a gerundial construction in the function of a complex adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances.

Because of his wife's being there, I said nothing about it.-“Because of his wife's being there” is a gerundial construction in the function of a complex adverbial modifier of reason.

Exercise 14. State the function of the gerundial construction, and the way the nominal element is expressed in the construction:

1. If you don't mind me saying so, I think the curry could be a little hotter next time. 2.Malcolm knows the city well, so there isn't any fear of us getting lost. 3.My sister won't agree to our mother going into a nursing home. 4.There is little chance of her being found alive. 5.Jack passed some remark about doctors being paid too much. 6.You can never depend on his arriving on time. 7.All that was after their leaving the place. 8.It’s no good my talking to him. 9.I don't mind his coming home late but I do mind being woken up by the noise of him crashing around 10.We're depending on him finishing the job by Friday. 11.Wrap small ornaments in paper to prevent them being damaged. 12.You can always rely on him making a fool of himself. 13. She hated the thought of anyone inflicting pain on an animal. 14. From outside the open window came the sound of someone cutting the hedge. 15.There was no hope of his being elected. 16. No one can recollect her leaving. 17. Mum's not all that keen on me having a disco for my party. 18. She hates anyone listening when she's on the phone. 19. He did it without my knowing it. 20. I take back what I said about you being selfish. 21. I can't say I envy her being married to him! 22. What good is it my asking her about this? 23. I appreciate your giving me so much of your time. 24.On my asking for information I was told I must wait. 25. I recall her giving me the key. 26. Excuse my interrupting. 27. He wouldn't hear of my walking home alone. 28. I can't just understand his taking the money. 29.Stephen wondered if he could slip out of the lecture without anyone noticing. 30.Measures are being taken to try and stop elephants being poached for the ivory from their tusks. 31.The town market was busy with traders loudly plying their wares. 32.If parents are encouraged to be involved in school, there is less chance of a them-and-us situation developing. 33.I had no idea of your being here.

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