- •Stone age on the territory of Kazakhstan. Divisions into periods, archaeological monuments. Main characteristics.
- •Bronze Age Stone age on the territory of Kazakhstan. Divisions into periods, archaeological monuments. Main characteristics.
- •Saks tribal unity (location, economy, culture, social organization).
- •Huns in the history of Central Asia (location, economy, social organization, political history).
- •Usuns in the history of Kazakhstan (location, economy, social organization, political history).
- •Turks in the history of Eurasia. Turkic and Western Turkic Khanates (politic and social history, economy).
- •Turgeshes and Kharlukhs in the history of Kazakhstan (location, economy, social organization, political history).
- •Oghuz state in the history of Kazakhstan (location, economy, social organization, political history).
- •Karakhanid state (political history, peculiarities of economics and social organization).
- •Kharakhitais state (location, economy, social organization, political history).
- •11) Qimaques in the history of Kazakhstan (location, economy, social organization, political history).
- •Kypshaks in the history of Kazakhstan (location, economy, social organization, political history).
- •Nayman and Kerey Uluses (location, economy, social organization, political history).
- •The Great Silk Way on the territory of Kazakhstan.
- •16) Aqtaban Shubirindi – the Great Retreat. The struggle of a Kazakh people with Zhonghar invasion in XVII-XVIII centuries.
- •17) The development of culture and science in VI – XII centuries (Abu Nasyr al-Farabi, Balasaguni, u. Kazhgari, m. Khodzha Akhmed Yassaui).
- •18) Mongol conquest of Central Asia and Kazakhstan: causes, chronology, stages and consequences. The heroic defense of Otrar.
- •The state of Golden Horde (political history, economy, social organization).
- •20 )The formation of the state of White Horde and Mughulistan (political history, social organization).
- •21) The Mongol conquest of the territory of Kazakhstan and the consequences of the invasion.
- •Abulkhair Khanate (1428-1468) or The State of Nomadic Uzbeks.
- •23. Ethno genesis of a Kazakh people. The origin of the ethno name ‘Kazakh’.
- •The Kazakh Zhuzes: the origin, territory, tribal structure.
- •25. The formation and demise of Kazakh khanate XV-XVI.
- •The first Kazakh Khans and Kazakh Khanate in the xy-XVI centuries.
- •AThe history of assessment of the Small, Middle and Great Hordes with Russia XVIII-XIX cc.
- •28. The history of assessment of the Small and Middle Zhuses with Russia.
- •The history of assessment of the Great Zhuz with Russia.
- •30) The main battles of the Kazakhs struggle with Zhonghar invasion in XVII-XVIII
- •31. The assessment of Kazakhstan into Russian empire: the main stages and their features.
- •The Kazakh revolt of Small Horde under the leadership of Sirim batyr (1783-1797).
- •Kazakhstan within the Russian empire (administrative reforms of 1822, 1824, 1867-68 years and their colonial character).
- •The uprising of the Kazakhs of Small Horde under the leadership of Isatai Taiman uli and Makhambet Otemys uli (1836-1838).
- •The national movement of a Kazakh people for independence under the leadership of Kenesary Khasym uli (1837-1847 years).
- •The February bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1917 in Russian and its influence on Kazakhstan.
- •Kazakhstan during the civil war in 1918-1920 years and establishment of Soviet power.
- •Islamization and the introduction of Shari’a law by the end of the seventeen century.
- •The role and place of “Alash Orda” movement in the history of Kazakhstan. A. Bokeihanov and his role in the history of Kazakhstan.
- •The role of the Great Silk Way on the territory of Kazakhstan and it’s in cultural and economic development of the region.
- •The personality of Tauke Khan and his code Jhety Jharga
- •The epoch of Enlightenment in Kazakhstan. Abai Kunanbaev (1845-1904). – the great figure of Kazakh Enlightenment
- •The impact of Russian revolution of 1905
- •The national-liberating revolt of 1916 year (the causes, peculiarities, main centers)
- •The February bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1917 in Russia and its influence on Kazakhstan
- •Alash Orda’ political party, its program aims and activity
- •The success of 1917 October revolution and the establishment of Soviet government in Kazakhstan
- •Kazakhstan during the Civil war 1918-1920
- •The history of Kazakh “Soviet nationhood” (as an autonous and Soviet Socialist republic).
- •The policy of ‘military communism’ in Kazakhstan (1918-1920).
- •The nep in Kazakhstan (1921-1925) and its nature. The results of nep policy in Kazakhstan.
- •The process of industrialization in Kazakhstan (1920-1934). The results of industrialization policy in Kazakhstan.
- •The Collectivization in Kazakhstan (1928-1940): the means of introduction and its consequences.
- •The policy of Soviet government in the field of culture in 1920-1930ss years.
- •The crimes of totalitarian regime in Kazakhstan: the mass repressions of 1920-1930ss years.
- •61) The political party “Alash”, its program aims and activity. The creation of government “Alash Orda” (1917-1918).
- •62) The participation of Kazakhstan people in the front battles of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).
- •63) The feats of labour of Kazakhstan people during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).
- •64) The cultivation of the “Virgin Lands” in Kazakhstan in 1950-1960ss years: the projects and results.
- •66) The front feats of Kazakhstan people during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).
- •67) The front and labour heroism of Kazakhstan people during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).
- •68) The epoch of Enlightenment in Kazakhstan. Ibrahim Altynsarin the great teacher of humanity.
- •69) Kazakhstan the new nation in the system of International relatins. (membership in uno)
- •70) The policy of “Reoganizatin/Perestroika” in Kazakhstan (1985-1991): the main stages and their characteristies
- •71. The disintegration of ussr: the causes and consequences. The formation of cis.
- •72. The history of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- •73. The fates of the leaders of AlashOrda government.
- •74) Kazakhstan as the successful experience of multiethnic state.
- •75. The role and functions of the Assembly of Kazakhstan people.
- •76. The foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the present time.
- •77. The history of the ussr disintegration and the Independence of Kazakhstan .
- •79. The state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- •80. The main priorities of the entrance of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 50 most competitive countries of the world.
- •81. Kazakhstan chairmanship in osce in 2010
- •82. The history and role of the parliament (Madjilis) in Kazakhstan
- •83. The history and role of the Supreme Court in Kazakhstan
- •84. The role of president in political system of Kazakhstan
- •85. The government and prime minister in political system of Kazakhstan (the history, role and functions)
- •87. The creation of AlashOrda government. The first experience of nationhood as an autonomous republic.
- •88. The famine of 1932-1933 years in Kazakhstan.
- •90. Main priorities of current Kazakhstan foreign policy.
Bronze Age Stone age on the territory of Kazakhstan. Divisions into periods, archaeological monuments. Main characteristics.
The Bronze Age is the period between VII-V centuries B.C. and the end of the III millennium B.C., characterized by the formation of highly-developed metallurgy, cattle-breeding and agriculture, turning to the production processes a house-keeping, collapsing of tribe communities.
Nowadays there are more than 30 settlements and more than 150 burial mounds there. The archaeological culture of Central Kazakhstan in the Upper Bronze Age is called Begdhazy-Dandybay culture.
As the basic material was an alloy of copper with tin, this period is called by archaeologists as Bronze Age. By bronze was made various tools - hoes, sickles, guns, jewelry. All of these local groups were largely similar, which will allow a new archaeological culture – andronovsk (named for the place where the first excavations of burial grounds near the village of Andronov under Achinsk town in Southern Siberia). Andonov people - is related by birth, anthropological, linguistic warehouse, on the economic and cultural life of the tribes. As evidenced by archaeological data andronovtsy overwhelmingly led sedentary lives. Sign of andronovsk culture is a hand-molding manufacturing kitchenware, which was flat with the complex geometric patterns, specific forms of metal jewelry (earrings made of gold leaf). In the Central Kazakhstan discovered more than 30 settlements and over 150 cemeteries. Examples of first towns of Bronze Age on the territory of Kazakhstan can be a settlement Arkaim (18-16), Kent and other. During the middle Bronze changed house building, the organization of settlements. Bronze Age tribes formed the original layer, through which the culture of early nomads was formed. There were felt nomad tent (kibitki) suited for nomadic. Centers of ancient metallurgy was in Eastern and Central Kazakhstan. «Kaylovanie», the method of flame penetration. There have been significant changes in the organization of public life. Matriarchy turned to patriarchy. The primeval attitude gradually decompose, increasing property differentiation. This is evidenced by the burial of his anthropological andronov warehouse. Andronovtsy worshiped the sky, the sun, the sacred flame, believed in the afterlife, there existed a cult of ancestors, a tradition funeral, a ritual sacrifice. There is a custom ban - taboo. Have been sufficiently developed religious representations. In andronov society to replace the generic collective ownership of property has a separate family. The tribes of the Bronze Age spoke on Indo-Iranian. On the territory of Kazakhstan, jewelry art emerged in the 2 thousand BC Complex system of representations of the afterlife andronovtsev reflect the cult of the dead. An important part of the celebration of spring equinox is the first slot, a right granted to the king. An example is the complex domestic settlement Tasty-Butakov in western Kazakhstan. In eastern Kazakhstan andronovsk’s monuments of culture are found in the valleys of the rivers Irtysh, Kurchum in the Altai and Tarbagatae. In southern Kazakhstan, found concentrations of rock paintings and Tamgaly in Karatau. The middle Bronze monuments were found in Semirechje -cemetery Karakuduk, in the region of Karatau - Tautary cemetery. In the lower reaches of the Syr-Darya in the Aral area attractions are open late Bronze - Tegiskana mausoleum.