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17) The development of culture and science in VI – XII centuries (Abu Nasyr al-Farabi, Balasaguni, u. Kazhgari, m. Khodzha Akhmed Yassaui).

Evidence of the development of medieval culture is good work of the philosopher-scientist encyclopedist, and from Otrar Abu Nasr Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Tarkhan Uzlaga Ibn al-Farabi al-Turki (870-950). He has a philosophy, mathematics, surveying, architecture, music theory, is known for research in the field of ethics. Farabi - scientist, thinker world, he brought together and synthesized in his work achievements of Arab, Persian, Greek, Indian, Turkic culture. He’s works such as «Big Book of Music», «Word on the classification of science», «gems of wisdom» and etc., can give everybody its richest thing. Manuscripts Farabi available in many libraries in the world, and science on his legacy formed in farabievedenie. A prominent representative of Turkic literature X-XIIvv Balasaguni is Yusuf, who was born about 1017 belonged to him, written in 1069-1070 poem «Kutadgu bilig», translated into Russian as «Science to be happy». This book is an encyclopedic work in the native language of Turks, the political treatise of philosophical reflection on philosophical problems of meaning in life, the place and role in human society, nature. The author of essays on language, folklore, ethnography is a Turkic tribes Mahmoud Kashgari (1029-1101gg.), His book « Diwan lugat at-turk» «Dictionary of Turkic dialects» - Turkish encyclopedia written in 1072-1074. It was collected and compiled historical-cultural, ethnographic and linguistic materials. Here are the main genres of Turkic-speaking folklore - songs, literature, traditions, legends, more than 400 proverbs, sayings, and oral expressions. In the Middle Ages lived and worked the head of the Turkic branch of Sufism, a thinker and poet Hodja Ahmet Yasavi (by various sources, he spent 73 years, 85 years, 125 years old, precisely known date of death is 1166). Maintain its work «The book of wisdom», written in Qypchaq dialect of Turkic language. His life and activities associated with the city Yasy (Turkestan). Ahmet Yassavi and his followers managed to unite the religious ideology of Islam with the mass consciousness of the Turkic peoples from their tegrian-shamanists’, Zoroastrian beliefs. Built at the turn of XIV-XV centuries in honor of Ahmet Yassavi mausoleum «Hazret Sultan» in Turkestan is the polomnichestva Muslims.

18) Mongol conquest of Central Asia and Kazakhstan: causes, chronology, stages and consequences. The heroic defense of Otrar.

In 1215 Beijing has been taken, and by 1217 the Mongols conquered all the lands north of the Yellow River. / / In 1206 Temuchin was proclaimed whole mongol Khan and won the title of Genghis Khan. Genghis it means “win”. After China, Genghis Khan was preparing to campaign in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. / / Winning Khorezm. Khorezm at the beginning of the XIII century. was at the top of his power, he united the land itself Khorezm, Maverannakhra, Iran, Khorasan Province, southern Kazakhstan. Alarmed by the news of the victories of the Mongols horezmshah Mohammed sent their ambassadors to Mongolia. Following this, in the Khorezm arrived embassy responded with offers of peace. Followed embassy trade caravan stopped in Otrar, Kayyr Khan Alyp-Derek, as the city governors, merchants suspected of spying and ordered to execute them. Moreover, Muhammad ordered the executions following, which the Mongols could not forgive. Horezmshah divided his army into several parts and garrisons than actually leaving it to defeat. The war in September 1219. began with the siege of Otrar. / / Otrar The siege lasted almost five months. / / Thus, as a result of 1219-1241. Territory of Deshty Kipchak and Maverannakhr joined the empire of Genghis Khan, and were divided between his sons. Zhoshi eldest son, he gave the land Saryarka and further west, to the south - to the Caspian and Aral seas. Second son of Genghis Khan - Shagatayu won Maverannakhra, Zhetysu. Third son Ugedeyu Chingis Khan singled out the Western Mongolia and Tarbagatay. Tulu inherited his father's Ulus - actually Mongolia.

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