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English for Finance.doc
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Unit 9 taxation


  1. Stress the first syllable:

revenue, salary, budgetary, payment, welfare, influence, personal, increase, property, domiciled, capital, mitigate, income, wages, annual, levy, double, resident.

  1. Stress the second syllable:

taxation, compulsory, commodity, expenditure, authority, defence, completion, return, submit, prevent, impose, submit, appeal, assessments, withholding, evasion, avoidance, securities, increase.

  1. Stress the third syllable:

liability, legislation, inequality.

4. Read the text:

What are taxes?

Taxes are the compulsory financial contribution by a person or body of persons towards the expenditure of a public authority. In modern economies taxes are the most important source of government revenues. Taxes on income (i.e. on wages, salaries, profits, dividends, rent and interest) and on capital are known as “direct” taxes. Taxes on commodities or services are known as “indirect’ taxes.

Taxes are considered to have three functions:

  1. fiscal or budgetary, to cover government expenditure, to provide the public authorities with the revenue required for meeting the cost of defence, social services, interest payments on national debt, municipal services, etc;

  2. economic, to give effect to economic policy, to promote stable economic growth, to influence the rate of economic growth of the nation;

  3. social, to increase the economic welfare of the community, to lessen inequalities in the distribution of income and wealth.

Businesses and individuals are subjects to many forms of taxes. The various forms of business organization are not taxed equally. The tax situation is simplest for proprietorships and most partnerships; corporations or companies are treated differently.

In the United States of America nearly all of the federal government’s revenues come from taxes. By far the most important source of tax revenue is the personal income tax. Gross receipts from corporate income taxes yield a far smaller percentage of total federal receipts. Individual states levy their own taxes. As a result, for example, the profits of a corporation are liable to federal and sometimes state corporate income taxes. This often imposes a double tax burden. When the after-tax income is paid out to stock-holders as dividends, it is then taxed again as personal income.

In the United Kingdom there is no single code of tax law, the body of tax legislation being increased by each year’s Finance Act1.

The United Kingdom operates a “schedular” system2, where’by taxable income from different sources is calculated and taxed under the rules of a particular “schedule”.

Tax assessments are normally based on returns by the Board of Inland Revenue (referred to simply as “Inland Revenue”) for completion by the taxpayer. While companies may receive tax return, they normally submit instead a copy of their annual accounts together with a computation of taxable profits.

The United Kingdom does not yet operate a system of self-assessments for tax on income and capital gains, but it is being introduces at the moment.

Under Ukrainian law, all Ukrainian legal entities, whether they have foreign investment or not, are subject to the profit tax law. Foreign entities that have a taxable permanent establishment in Ukraine are also taxed under this law.

Ukrainian taxes provide revenue for two tiers of the budget: national and local. The major taxes paid to the budget are: tax on income, tax on wages, profit tax, excise duty, state duty, value added tax (VAT) and others.

In Ukrainian government tries to create the climate in which business can thrive, to keep the tax burden as low as possible. It also attempts to eliminate tax allowances, which deprive the budget of tax revenues, and to improve tax collection.

Tax returns in Ukrainian legal entities are audited by the tax authorities at the time they are submitted.

If the company or a person assessed believes the assessment is incorrect in any way, an appeal may be lodged against it. The appropriate financial organ is required by law to reply to such an appeal within five days.

When a company resident in one country receives income or gains from source in another, or when shareholders and company are domiciled in different countries it is possible that incomes arising will be taxable in each country, i.e. taxed twice.

A number of countries have problems because of significant taxpayer non-compliance.

Along with cases of illegal evasion of tax obligations there are entirely legal ways of avoidance by which a person may so arrange his affairs as to minimize, or even eliminate, tax liability on his property and income.


1the body of tax legislation being increased by each year’s Finance Act – причому податкове законодавство розширюється за рахунок нових податків, що вводяться щорічно при прийнятті фінансового акту.

2The United Kingdom operates a “scheduler” system…– У Великобританії існує система „шедул”...

Vocabulary list


taxation – оподаткування

compulsory - обов’язковий, примусовий

interest payments – процентні платежі

to give effect (to) - здійснювати, приводити у виконання, втілювати в життя

welfare of the community – добробут суспільства

receipts – сума, надходження

yield – приносити, давати (дохід)

inequality of incomes – нерівність доходів

treat - звертатись, обходитися

levy - обкладати податком

impose - обкладати (податками, мито), накладати

double tax burden - тягар подвійного оподаткування

after-tax income - прибуток після утримання (за відрахуванням) податку

code – кодекс

tax law – податкове законодавство

body of tax legislation – зміст податкового законодавства

where’by – шляхом чого, за допомогою чого

stock-holder - акціонер, утримувач акцій

tax assessments – встановлення податкових ставок

return - податкова декларація

Board of Inland Revenue (“Inland Revenue”) - Податкова служба Великобританії

to issue a return – видавати податкову декларацію

to complete s return – заповнювати податкову декларацію

submit – представляти

annual accounts – річний звіт

computation – розрахунок

taxable profit – прибуток, що обкладається податком

system of self-assessment - система, при якій розмір прибутку, що оподатковується, визначається самим платником

capital gains - прибуток від приросту капіталу

foreign investment – іноземні капіталовкладення

taxable payment establishment – підприємство, що постійно працює і сплачує податки

tier - рівень, ярус

audit - піддаватися аудиторській перевірці

tax authorities – податкові органи

to lodge an appeal - подавати апеляційну скаргу

resident - той, хто постійно проживає в країні

domicile - поселитися на постійне місце проживання

seek (sought) - шукати, прагнути

mitigate - пом’якшувати, зменшувати

double tax treaty - договір про запобігання подвійного оподаткування

arrangements - засоби

prevent - перешкоджати, попереджувати, заважати

evasion of tax obligations - відхилення від податкових обов’язків

avoidance - відхилення

tax liability - обов’язки по виплаті податків


Study the special terms in taxation:

tax on income – податок на прибуток, прибутковий податок

tax on wages – податок на заробітну плату

tax on salary – податок на жалування службовцям

tax on profits – податок на прибуток

tax on dividends – податок на дивіденди

tax on rent – податок на рентні платежі

tax on interest – податок на відсотковий прибуток

tax on capital – податок на капітал

corporate income tax – податок на корпоративний прибуток

tax assessments – встановлення податкових ставок, визначення розміру прибутку, що обкладається податком

system of self-assessment – система, при якій розмір прибутку, що оподатковується, визначається самим платником

value-added tax (VAT) – податок на додану вартість

securities tax – податок на цінні папери

withholding tax – податок із суми дивідендів

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